
often we feel stuck

Mankind and Mother Earth are on the eve of an enormous revolution. The age of Aquarius is commencing, the age of Pisces has passed. Ancient cultures like the Maya, Inca and Indian have predicted this step in time as a transition from the third – via the fourth – to the fifth dimension. By the expansion of our consciousness we will view reality in an entirely different way in years to come, after which a revolution will occur in 2012.
Often we feel stuck and unhappy. Influences like the past, work and relationships slow down our development, which cause emotional and spiritual barriers. More and more often we think about our existence on earth: why are we here, where are we going?
Many speak of Unconditional love, of unconditional Being. This is a beautiful intention. However, for us humans - with accompanying programmes - it seems almost impossible to share in Unconditional love. Yet this is the energy our soul is longing for. To experience and share this love we should first develop unconditional love towards ourselves. After all, we often have so much self criticism. The energy of Unconditionality will help us in the process of getting closer to ourselves and develop unconditional love for ourselves.


  1. Love for ourselves...so true. The ulimate goal is shedding our "self"
