
The Story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 2)

The Atlantians used crystal energy to run almost every aspect of society. They had one great crystal which was the major energy source for the entire continent. It ran cars, ships, submarines, and airplanes, providing all the energy needs of society. Science was more and more becoming the new god, and people became less and less interested in the presence of God.
The Sons of Belial and negative extraterrestrial influences began to take more and more control over Atlantian civilization. The crystal energy began to be used for warfare and to control the people. One fateful day, Atlantean scientists tried to use the great crystal to send some kind of energy beam through the Earth’s crust for some evil purpose. This precipitated a massive explosion, the likes of which had never before been seen on this planet. This occurred in approximately 28,000 B.C. and resulted in the submergence of Atlantis into three islands. This account was alluded to in the Bible story of Noah’s ark and the great food.
A period of building began in Atlantis after this great catastrophe, but Atlantis never returned to it’s original glory. Atlantis became more and more decadent as time went on. There were great advancements in electricity, atomic power, and the harnessing of the sun’s energy: however, in 10,700 B.C. the country reached it’s depths of moral and spiritual decline. Human sacrifice and sun-worshiping were prevalent, as were adultery and corruption.
The sun crystals were crudely adapted as a means of coercion, torture, and punishment. The common people called the many sun crystals the “terrible crystals.” Gigantic earth changes rocked Atlantis around 9,500 B.C. and Atlantis vanished from the face of the Earth. The explosion was one million times greater than that at Hiroshima.
Those Atlantians serving the Law of One listened to God and the prophets and fled before this catastrophe occurred. They went to Egypt, and they later became known as the Mayans in the Yucatan and as the Iroquois Indians in America. In all these civilizations the influence of Atlantis was felt in the building of pyramids.
All of the secrets of Atlantis are stored in the Hall of Records in the Great Pyramid. These records are mystically protected. Paul Solomon and Edgar Cayce, in their source channeling’s, have said that a great initiate who is now living on the planet, by the name of John of Penial (who is the reincarnation of John the Beloved, the disciple of Christ), will be the great one who will travel to Egypt and release these records.
In the exodus from Atlantis to Egypt they took with them a great spiritual teacher whose name was Thoth. For several thousand years Thoth was incarnated in Egypt, which was a civilization of great spirituality. The pyramids were actually temples of initiation.
Egypt had a great deal of extraterrestrial involvement. The concept of the pyramid comes from other planets. The Egyptian civilization was the blending of consciousness from several other planets.
The United States in now going through a testing period very similar to that of Atlantis fifty thousand years ago. The question is whether our development of science and technology is going to cause us to lose sight of our true reason for being here, which is a more spiritual one.

Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

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