
Adhesiveness 1856

There is that in me . . . I do not know what it is . . . but I know it is in me.
It is without name . . . it is a word unsaid.
It is not in any dictionary . . .
(Walt Whitman, Song of myself)


  1. From another infj-- I understand...

  2. When I read this I think of the source. I know its there but I can't fully understand or explain it. That is, unless I'm on shrooms haha.

  3. It's good to know there are fellow INFJ's that understand and know of that unsaid freaky 'thing', that crosses the border of the paranormal and then back into the cold reality.
    We need this though, it is a definite part of the personality and a source of inspiration.
    It's just so frustrating that I still can't yet define 'it' properly.

    MM, it's undefinable. It's true, shrooms can bring in the understanding and the acceptance.
    Which reminds me I should stock up on the shrooms seeing as they are soon to become illegal here.

    It's been so long ago since I tripped, i'm waiting for the summer...
