
This franken shot is offered as the only solution to their orchestrated bio-weapon through the ongoing mainstream propaganda PR stunt that is hell bent on terrorizing people, so that they are willing to give up their personal freedom for the illusion of physical safety.

There will not be a return to the status quo of pre-2020, whether we like it or not. Every individual will be forced to adapt to the massive cultural transitions ahead, both at consciousness levels and for most of us it will also necessitate changes in physical lifestyle. Humanity will be exposed to very unpleasant and painful information that will educate and inform us on how it is possible, that a large majority of the population are allowing radical tyrannical agendas run by a smaller group of pathological psychopaths to carry out real time global human genocide in our midst. Sadly and tragically, many of us will potentially suffer the loss of some people we know, friends or family members as they develop severe autoimmune illness, spiritual disconnection and injuries as the result of the shots over time.

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