Showing posts with label ASCENSION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASCENSION. Show all posts


The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come.

Real science and real scientists/doctors with conscience, courage, and integrity are being censored, canceled, and fired left and right from speaking out about the truth and the very real life-threatening dangers of this experimental treatment [that cannot even be called a vaccine in the true meaning of the word [which they state as well]]. You will not hear about them on the MSM as they are being systemically censored and suppressed.

This “experiment” has already injured and killed hundreds of thousands of people [if not millions] worldwide but these numbers are suppressed, ignored, or falsely associated with other “causes of death/illness”. The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come. It’s a ticking time bomb and the real bioweapon.

The only blind spot these courageous doctors who speak out have is that they do not understand the real intention and goal of these jabs—which is as evil as it gets—and how it relates to the long-planned depopulation/eugenics agenda that was decided upon a long time ago. There is tons of material out there that proves that this is not a “conspiracy theory” anymore but a conspiracy fact based on books, white papers, and documents written by the psychopathic globalists themselves.

Other teachers and guides warn us that the ascension process is no longer available or possible for the vaccinated as the poison and MRNA components block the awakening process and inhibit spiritual awareness and perception of higher dimensions; locking the jabbed into the '3D matrix' indefinitely and severing the memory of the soul-consciousness. This is something that must be taken into consideration as family members, friends and other loved ones may not be with us on our path for much longer and calls for compassion and understanding as we move forward.


You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

“As you claim yourself and build a bridge in this fleeting moment of opportunity, it is important to understand that evil cannot be eradicated. What you call evil has a purpose, and sometimes the same tools can be utilized to access either light or dark energies. We have referred to the dark side of living as Family of Dark.

We ask you to recognize that darkness is greatest before the dawn, and that the darkness holds many keys….Whenever you go somewhere new, you are bound to meet an unknown. The presumptions you apply to the unknown territory determine what you will experience. You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

Wayshowers are repatterning many realities now. They live quietly, and you may never hear their names, yet they are pioneering new avenues of frequency where the dark conspiracy stories of planetary, solar, and galactic control can be understood. This is no mystery to those of you who have spotted the clues over the years, the synchronicities that have shown you a bigger picture of existence, where everything is much more connected. Yet you have been encouraged to believe that nothing is connected. To understand the restructuring of Earth’s frequency, you must first learn about the controllers of Earth.

Some of you will eventually ask, “How could things have become so corrupt?” Well, how could they? That is for you to answer. Your challenge is to go from the lowest of frequencies to the highest, and exploring the dark misuse of power will take you there.

When we talk about power and darkness, do not feel that you have to run away from this realization to have light. You must learn about the power of darkness in order to understand the wounds and waywardness in the souls of these beings, who are desperately seeking something that was never given to them by their parents or by anyone else. Because of this lack the practice stays in their bloodline.

What is missing? You already know: It is love.

The wayward ones on your planet, whether murderers, rapists, pedophiles, or mass manipulators, are all devoid of love and do not know it. And so your task of healing the planet will grow greater as the dark secrets of the world’s ruling families and their dark occult practices are discovered.

When darkness crosses your path, you cannot run from it….When you run from the dark you give it more power, allowing it to perpetuate itself….We ask you to rethink and reevaluate your lives as you are called to regenerate yourselves. You shall change, you will change, you must change, because it is the season of change. When the storms become dark, find your courage and face your fears.

You cannot reach the light without knowing the dark, and the dark comes now in massive amounts asking to be healed.

The form of love we speak of has not been practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years. Genetically you are dealing with the cleansing of a long long line of humanity, generation upon generation of wounds….It is a challenging time in which you live, a challenge to examine how degenerate humankind’s frequencies have become as a whole.

The task ahead is to not underestimate the job, but to truly look at the darkness and see the work that has been cut out for you: to regenerate yourselves and your planet by finding what is really important, what you are going to value. Shocking changes will create a destabilization of civilization, and this is all meant to be.

Some of you want to experience the time of light as if you were driving from one picnic to another. That is not the case. The issue of accountability must be addressed on your planet; not to blame people but to teach them that at this time each person must be his or her own leader. The truth is that no one is going to lead you.”

– Barbara Marciniak, Family of Light


Trying to find balance within the expansions and contractions of this rebirthing process as it is transpiring in the midst of a hidden war over consciousness, is stretching many of us to the outer limits at this time.

As the ascension and disclosure experiences are becoming more amplified, we are slowly starting to recover The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization, which reveals highly refined periods of living in harmony with natural laws, to promote beautiful and healing environments supportive of consciousness expansion and unity intelligence. This is a momentous time for human liberation. Yet, it is also a time of awakening into greater realizations of betrayal that may be prevalent in many situations as they are being revealed to us. Trying to find balance within the expansions and contractions of this rebirthing process as it is transpiring in the midst of a hidden war over consciousness, is stretching many of us to the outer limits at this time.

The intensity of this stage of the bifurcation brings many more cracks to see through the façade of the mainstream deceptions, as the propagandists are desperate to blare the foghorns of fear throughout the masses to keep them marching towards the desired goals of mass genocide carried out by the nonhuman Controllers. Indeed, there are areas that pose higher risk and are even dangerous as descending hubs, and we must be careful to pay attention to where our inner spirit is guiding us.

Although it can be tough out there navigating in the control matrix and its propagation of blatant lies and deceptions, very important breakthroughs are occurring in the field which hold many incredibly positive revelations about our past, as keys to remembering The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization. All over the world more hidden truths are revealing on a range of topics that are slowly coming into view through concerned groups that are growing larger by the day, which are public citizen investigators sharing their research findings. It is the concerned public citizen with powers of critical thinking and investigative inquiry that desire to find the truth, that begin to ask the right questions of the control narrative we’ve been told. As a result of these groups investigative efforts and sharing their research online with others this generates a big ripple effect for disclosure, this starts to uncover inconsistencies, obvious cover stories, wrong and mismatched dates of supposed events in our history. The spirit of truth seeking lays the groundwork for revealing the many lies and deceptions that the human race has been told by the supposed authorities put in charge of telling us about our history, timelines, wars, public figures, presidents, inventors, artists and so forth, which begins to bring clarity to the many tall tales told about the origins of ancient civilizations on the Earth, and how this supposedly led humanity into the current culture.


We will be required to witness the painful truths hidden behind genocidal agendas and the many revelations of disclosure events

Observing the bifurcation load out stage on the physical plane in the context of current global events can be very difficult emotionally, especially for those unaware that we will be required to witness the painful truths hidden behind genocidal agendas and the many revelations of disclosure events. Thus, for lightworkers and Starseeds this is an event to prepare for and work your spiritual tools. It is important to keep an open mind, learn how to become more flexible and adaptable to spontaneous changes of perception, and to stay calm, peaceful and in the observer consciousness. This is a momentous time for human liberation, pray and meditate, awakening into greater realizations of the possibilities of emotional betrayal that may be prevalent in many situations as they are being revealed to us. This is the time for radical self-care and knowing your physical and emotional limits, while supporting our loved ones and friends as best we can. Especially as they are rudely shaken awake and startled by the ongoing revelations of the disclosure information surfacing in the mainstream.

Love and GSF for All,


Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet

Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness.

Regardless of any individual’s belief system or personal choice on whether or not to participate with the planetary ascension, every living being existing on the planet will undergo some form of transformation that results in a consciousness shift and ascension event. The individuals that refuse to elevate themselves beyond negative ego and awaken their heart center and inner spirit in order to practice the Universal Law of One principles of unity, unconditional love, peace, and compassion will leave the planet. Although every human being will experience some level of the planetary ascension event in their consciousness body, not everyone will make the choice to remain on the matter plane and ascend with the Earth. Thus, they will be returning back to the spiritual world or Guardian hosted interdimensional transit station for an appropriate reeducation beyond mind control with a briefing to understand our inherent connection to divinity and the spiritual nature of reality. This is known as the load out stage through the Trinity Gates during the bifurcation of time and this form of mass consciousness transiting for souls has already begun and will continue ongoing.


They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness

The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix. The Indigos are here to fulfill this planet's Ascension cycle by holding the higher frequency and light codes required to support the planetary grids into activation of higher DNA coding.

Indigos have a larger group purpose as a task force for the Sirian Council (6D Gatekeepers) and Guardian races to be the Agents of Transformation as well as having a unique special skill set for individual soul purpose. They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness leading into the Mother principle to restore energetic balance.

Indigo Types


The Long Range Matrix Agenda and What We Can Do About It

By Bernhard Guenther, March 4, 2021

Despite, or perhaps because of, all the censorship by the MSM and Big Tech of anyone who dares to have a different opinion about the COVID vaccine, lockdowns, masks, election fraud, etc, more and more people are starting to “wake up” and see through the lies of official [cancel] culture and formulate opinions that go beyond the “narrative”. Many people, in their search for truth, were “red-pilled” over the past year, as they kept seeing how things stopped making sense, and began asking WHY and what the deeper long-term agenda of the cabal is—beyond the obvious global loss of basic human rights and overwhelming Orwellian control measures and medical tyranny.

There are various levels to look at what the long-range matrix agenda could be. Here are some possible scenarios in a nutshell [and it certainly is not the whole picture]. Based on connecting the dots over the past 25 years, my own insights, and a lot of what I’ve written about over the years being confirmed, I see two major trajectories unfolding from a 3D and 4D Matrix perspective which I have already explored in more depth in older articles and videos. We are moving towards the “end game” at an accelerated rate.


March 2021 - 3rd Wave of Awakening - Improvements & Success

As March arrives we will start to see improvements in our perspective, there will be a return of hope and relief. The start of the year was rough and depressing for many. We were asked to let go of the old world, we were grieving for a way of life that was no longer sustainable, a life we were invested in. The harder we tried to cling to our beliefs and attachments to the dying paradigm of control, the more suffering ensued. That suffering was conscious and that awareness has made it possible for us to let go. We spent some time processing all that had happened in 2020 and now as March rolls in, we will start to see some results of our hard work. It was much clearing for the collective, clearing the shadow, the miasma from our reality that felt so dark these past months.

Hope will return as we see how much work we have done on ourselves and with it a feeling of achievement. The great awakening is still in full-swing and will continue for some time as the masses now are moving into the ascension. The veil is thinning, the truth is everywhere and can no longer be ignored. Everyone will have moments of realisation of truth about something in their lives. Governments and elites of this world are desperate but they have overplayed their hand and their corruption and greed is obvious now. The people of earth are demanding their freedom and as the spring comes, as the light returns, we will start to unite and resist even more. The 3rd wave of virus will initiate a massive pushback against the restrictions and matrix control system. The pandemic narrative will start to fail and lose credibility.

Those of us working in the disclosure community, the lightworkers and starseeds will see huge improvements in our lives as we move further into the healing energies of the 5th dimension. Ancient healing gifts and abilities will increase as will our joy and inner peace. It will be a time for celebration. As the 3rd wave of awakening sweeps in there will be new codes available for download. Very expansive codes of manifestation and realisation incoming! Warriors of light unite! More and more humans are now moving onto the freedom timelines! There will be blessings big and small for all in March 2021! 


Ascension symptoms December 2020 into 2021

After two eclipses and now the buildup towards the jupiter saturn conjunction on the solstice, planetary energies have been intense like never before! Ascension energies pulsing in from the galactic centre, the cosmic rays now pouring into our reality put tremendous pressure on our physical bodies as we try to accomodate these very high frequencies. We are becoming multidimensional as these energies upgrade our dna. Here is a summary of the current and coming ascension symptoms that you could be experiencing during this second wave of awakening. This is not medical advice.

- Amplified aches and pains.
- Nervous system feels overstimulated, frayed nerves. 
- Insomnia
- Lymph drainage/detox
- Skin breakouts/rashes
- Dehydration/dry eyes
- Tongue/throat burning
- Heart pain/chest pain/stabbing pains
- Light flashes/blurred vision
- Ear itchiness/clearing blokkages
- Pelvic pain
- Digestion problems
- Muscle aches/cramps/headaches
- Feeling like you are being fried alive/powerful energy currents in the body
- Weird feeling in the body of being stretched or turned inside out
- Numbness
- Sadness
- Letting go/weight being lifted
- Joy for the future/realisation of the awakening

How we support these transitions:

- Drink water/herbal tea/flush toxins
- Rest/sleep/spiritual practise
- Magnesium/essential fatty acids/black seed supplements/cbd oil
- Stay calm as much as possible/trust the shifts

Following comments on HighHeartLife from Denise:

Wow have the incoming energies been extremely intense all day and night today, Tuesday December 15, 2020!!! Experienced a few hours today that were really rough physically. A LOT of all day HighHeart expansion from embodying more of these incoming energies that cause upper chest, heart area pounding, thumps and bumps and some related pains and pressures in surrounding areas front and back. Greater HighHeart expansions and embodying always makes me feel extremely weak physically and incapable of doing much of anything but be still and quiet while it’s happening. Severe bloating today too, head stuff, need to sleep/nap when the heart and body embodying stuff becomes too much. Same old stuff really but at much higher levels and lasting longer than usual now. This is December 2020!

Today, Wednesday December 16th continues with these very intense incoming NEW energies, some via the Sun, while others from the GC. The body aches, head pains, constant ear tones, severe belly and diaphragm bloat, emotions from having to disconnect and move on from loved ones etc., and entire body swelling (like water retention) continues with every cell and its water/fluids being further altered from embodying more Light plasma energies and more. I’m all for the ascension blankie and fuzzy slippers as I still feel pretty abused today and yet it’s less severe than it was yesterday! More to come too.


Our Christmas present at the end of this challenging year

A significant event happening now; massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, bringing structural changes and ripples of deep cellular transformation to the individual, collective consciousness and entire planetary sphere.

Things are not at all what they seem to be. The outer world is a cartoonish reality of astral shadows playing magic tricks with smoke and mirrors, so that all we can see on the external is an exaggerated caricature of the collective delusions based upon the false reality narrative of criminal psychopaths. This outer reality of the mainstream controlled narrative is now crumbling and in a free fall.

Therefore, the Guardian Host Christos families are on schedule with supporting humanity with the unfolding liberation of the planet in which the timeline of disclosure will be revealed through the increased public awareness of those committing crimes against humanity. If you are not on the front lines then it is your job to stay calm, help others stay calm, and to go deep within to connect directly with your inner guidance and surrender to your highest expression and highest power - give all you are to serve God source.

Disclosure and meaningful access to truthful events in regard to crimes made against humanity will begin to be reported to the masses and will be enforced into accountability.


Matrix System Collapse - New Earth Rising - 2021

News of the future, the paradigm shift and the 'New Earth' has been going around for decades now. However this past year we have really felt and experienced first hand what all that mythology has been about; we could really believe the hype, see it all unfolding before our eyes. 

As more and more people continue to awaken, there is more and more disclosure available and the shift in consciousness gains momentum. 

2021 will be even more futuristic in every now moment as no-time also begins to be more of a reality. We are moving outside of time and space as we embody our multi-dimensionality. In fact there won't be much of the old to hang on to as the dense structures and systems are collapsing. 

Those who put their trust in these old systems and institutions will be left empty handed, at a loss, depleted. 

The old causes fear, anxiety and pain beacause it is no longer sustainable and can no longer support us as we expand. In fact our reality must now be based on righteousness and truth, harmony and trust. 

2021 will offer a series of events and experiences that will allow us to learn and practise letting go of the old that is crumbling away and opening up to the new that is rapidly birthing. 

The new means rememberance, we are light-being, we are conscious creators. The new is safe, the new is in us, the new is a community.


The Golden Bridge : Full Moon to 11/11

The period of 11 days after the October Blue Moon/Full Moon will be a Bridge between the old and the new. Those of you who are “conscious” and “awakened” will seek to cross this bridge with Inner Peace and Tranquility. Stay Calm and Stay Balanced.

The Bridge opens with the Full Moon on October 31st. This is the time known as “Halloween” or “All Saints Eve”, or Samhain in the Celtic Festival cycle. It is also the time of the Dias de Los Muertos” in the Hispanic culture. It is a time when the veils between the dimensions are very thin, and there is a celebration of our ancestors and those within the Spirit Realms. This is aligned with a very powerful Blue Moon/Full Moon; the Blue Moon being the second Full Moon in October.

This is the opening of the Golden Multi-dimensional Bridge - and it is a powerful time for Ancestral and deep DNA healing and cleansing of old beliefs and “programs”. Beloveds, just “Let Go” and release all past fears and stories that are encoded in your Ancestral DNA. Allow yourself to feel close to the Angelic Families and call on them to assist in your healing and balancing as you prepare to manifest the New Earth. The Full Moon energy will magnify energies as they come up, so it is so important to remain within your Sacred Heart Temple of Love and to not allow yourself to be triggered into anger and division.

There will be many opportunities to fall into anger and enmity as emotions run high around the elections in the USA. We ask that you do not get drawn into the energy of division and conflict and duality, for this will ensure that you are pulled down into the old and crumbling third-dimensional reality. Rather, focus on making your way across the Golden Bridge of Light towards the 11/11 Portal. The Angelic and Galactic families will support you, and the Antares Council of Light will be sending Light Codes of supportive energy as Earth passes into the energy zone of the Antares system.

The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process. And the final Power energy of this Portal will be the energy of the Great Mother/Divine Feminine or Shekinah, whose loving presence will be available as Divine Love and Compassion for All.

These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire. But, we ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep your inner eye focussed on the Golden Bridge of Light and move gracefully through the 11/11 Wisdom Portal.

The more intense the chaos, the more intense the Flowering and Birthing of the New as the Bennu Bird/`Phoenix begins to manifest its new form and shape.

We wish you Grace and Love in these powerful Times.
Remember always that you never alone and that you are Loved and Supported.
You need only ask and the Angels are with you!


Shocking Changes - The Tower - Everyone has to walk the path of spiritual ascension and do their own emotional work

This period of time is extremely difficult for many people on the earth that are enduring stages of the Dark Night of the Soul, whether consciously on the spiritual path or not. Recently, the larger collective consciousness themes are around the power struggles and deep conflicts that exist in the structure of falsity and delusions, when electrified by the lightning flash that cracks through the darkness and confusion to illuminate the contents in front of us so that we can see or gain deeper truth. When we are struck by lightning, this can be a terror based or painful event in our lives that activates intense energy pouring up and into the body, and this creates an inner conjunction with the energy blockages in the body which surfaces great discomfort, anxiety, pain or fear. Most of the time when we experience an event in our lives in which lightning strikes occur, it is uncovering not only false structures, but buried parts of the unconscious mind and cellular memories that are embedded in our bodies. Meeting the negative energy or blockages when this inner conjunction is made acts as the spiritual catalyst for great changes and potential transformation, it forces the surface or hidden fears located in the pain body to be brought out into the thoughts, emotions, behaviors or in the impulses of the person.

When the person has no spiritual context, and if they are not strong enough to discipline their mind to gain control over outward impulses, they may find themselves acting out destructive archetypes and narratives of pain, fear and dramas with the people around them that trigger these inner memory buttons. Some of these emotional triggers can be from other lifetimes and those experiences, as well as unhealed emotional conflicts in the current lifetime that have been carried over because the negative emotional theme was left unresolved in other lifetimes or identities. It is important to understand that we can compassionately witness these impulses and negative narratives as they surface to us, but we do not have to choose to play them out in our body. In fact, it can be very traumatic if a person just allows themselves to be a slave to their impulses and play these narratives out unconsciously, which is re-engaging automatic memories from the collective consciousness that can be recycled into our life experiences, over and over again. The more we repeat the same trauma pattern over and over, it registers imprints in our nervous system, brain and consciousness, making it harder to stop the destructive cycles of pain body triggers and ego wounds.

These pain body triggers and ego wounds can be further manipulated by negative entities, such as Fallen Angelics, which predictably will find wounds to jump onto and magnify the pain so the person is nearly a marionette puppet being pulled by attachment strings.

To stop the manipulation of painful and destructive emotional patterns, we have to stop acting them out, we must gain control over our impulses and make a strong decision to choose states of inner peace over succumbing to states of inner violence. Sometimes this means time out, take a break, turn off the mind and shift the body into passive and relaxed states, such as through meditation, and finding inner stillness. Inner violence is the contents of the collective unconscious mind and pain body, while inner peace is the state of the spiritual self or super-consciousness. To create a bridge between the unconscious contents recorded in the pain body, and link them with the highest spiritual self, not only will we be the recipient of lightning strikes from the heavens above, we will be placed in a position where we must choose peace and love, in order to remain inner connected.

Shocking Changes


Not affected by the current shadow

We see that a darkness is upon us. An oppressive force would lay a shadow over us. A collective fear and frustration would be imposed upon us. A shadow lies on the minds of men.

Yet we who have the eyes to see, the lighthearted ones, the visionaries; we observe this new threat but do not percieve it as such. For all is well in our world as we see the cycle, the changes, and we remain calm in our knowing.

From where we stand, the darkness cannot reach us or supersede us. We rise above this reaction and stare it down in complete calm. We know all is well, this is a necessary fire. We are glad to witness these movements for they are markers of the great awakening.