Showing posts with label DEATH/DYING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEATH/DYING. Show all posts


This presents a dangerous dilemma for the political elites currently engaged in the biggest group brainwashing exercise in history.

Are our politicians facing their Ceausescu moment?

"NO matter how sophisticated a propaganda campaign, even the most witless eventually wake up when the reality they see bears no resemblance to the fantasy that’s been fed them.

This presents a dangerous dilemma for the political elites currently engaged in the biggest group brainwashing exercise in history. The Big Lie they are forcing upon us can be essentially summarised as follows: Covid-19 presents a mortal threat to everyone regardless of age and health, and the vaccines are both safe and effective.

To cement this Big Lie, governments have utilised behavioural psychologists to terrorise citizens into a submissive Pavlovian condition. This is an act of terrorism if we adhere to the dictionary definition – deliberately inculcating fear to achieve a political ambition."


Themes that may or may not present themselves as a BIG EVENT between now and March 2022 and ongoing - The collective awakening event

In the distance, March 2022 is still hovering as a milestone point in the timeline which opens up directions in which many of us can begin to move forward with our lives. For many of us right now, it feels that we are being held hostage in a strange situation of wait and see, held in void of nothingness, some of us may feel isolated, imprisoned and immobile while many people around us still do not register that we are in an active war that is raging against everything that is human. As it has been mentioned several times, this is the time when we will suffer casualties in this war. People, place and things can come apart at the seams, because they have no idea what is happening, and they are believing the propaganda streams of lies and deceit. If we walk into the line of fire, we can get seriously hurt or be taken out. It does appear that when the time comes for the change and tipping point in the collective it will have basic themes, and those themes are presenting this week as being escalated, so I am sharing this with you now.

Themes that may or may not present themselves as a BIG EVENT between now and March 2022 and ongoing.

• Surreal global events, such as declaring wars with other countries. The nuclear program in UK is called Trident with Poseidon craft and it connects to the red cube system. This will be mostly for show out of desperation if they pull this out, know that there will not be any type of nuclear event.
• Smaller false flag operations, black military intelligence run terrorism for distraction and cover.
• Collapsing of western financial markets and currency.
• Sudden deaths and disappearances of world figures, celebrity types, royals, such as the Queen in UK.
• People we were told were dead, are revealed to have been in witness protection and alive.
• Emergency Broadcast system being directed from military base or space program crew from satellite military systems.
• Temporary shut down of certain online services or internet access.
• Collapse and controlled demolition of controller structures, i.e. hospitals, medical system, airlines, travel industry, shipping supplies, etc.
• This may shut down supply chains in certain areas, such as in US we will not have access to certain goods or products from overseas anymore.
• EMP type of destruction or repurposing of some landmarks, such as the Whitehouse, Washington DC area. This area as a political capital is done.
• Awareness that many more people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than we are being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots. Genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal. 5D benevolent groups were notified of human genocide violations recently, they are deciding what to do about that.
• Secret space program coordinated disclosure of their existence in breakaway civilization, and the technologies they have, exposing the war against nonhuman entities or demonic forces known as aliens.
• Human trafficking harvesting for blood and body parts, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and child adrenochrome farms in underground bases and bunkers and off planet supply.
• Existence of the deep underground tunnels and military bases that acted as cover for nonhuman demonic entities and aliens to prey on humans. Existence of underground cities used by the Luciferian bloodlines and nameless billionaires for hiding depraved satanic elite activities.
• Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it.
• Fall of mainstream media and invasion and/or breakdown of Israel. 

A 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition >> March 2022



I'm Still with You: Love From The Other Side with Sherrie Dillard

These are unprecedented times on so many levels, not the least of which is people choosing to exit their earth life. The number of suicides, overdoses and deaths through wreckless activity has skyrocketed over the past two years according to Sherrie Dillard, a first-class medium who speaks with those who have passed. This isn't even taking COVID deaths into account. I chose to speak with Sherrie so we could begin finding the silver linings of these mass numbers of people transitioning. First and foremost is the understanding that we have far more help than we can even imagine waiting for our acknowledgement from our guides and loved ones on the other side where love is the medium souls are bathed in. Enjoy!  


A pharmacological method of making people love their servitude - The jab as a long-term business model

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.

- Aldous Huxley



A 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition >> March 2022

Again, remember what is happening right now is temporary. The current state of hiding the massive agendas cannot be sustained for the longer term. The truth of the contents of these shots and the larger agendas, the humans being harmed, all of this is going to be known one day. It is going to surface in the divine right timing. Not our timing, but in divine right timing. And in that moment we will know it is time then to come out from our isolation to come out from the self protective mechanisms of defending ourselves, which is required right now. And further when this happens when the whole iceberg comes to the surface and we begin to see it in the masses, this is when we will know it is time to step into a new role.

Each person is unique; it will not be the same for every individual. The messages you get, the awareness that you have, the steps you may need to take in this period of time and again what I'm getting is about a 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition.

Again, I'm thinking, some time feeling at this point, which is subject to change, approximately March 2022 we will be stepping into a new role. A role where your knowledge and your awareness, what you know as you know it in this moment will be greatly valued and needed by many others around you. All you have been holding as a light bearer for all these years, all you have been holding as a truth seeker for all these years, along with the knowledge you have carried throughout the darkness, this knowledge, this light, this truth will surface through you and it will begin to be seen by others around you. Others will know the truth that you protected, the truth that you preserved, the truth that you held for them. Until we reach that moment together, we must support each other as a group to stay the course and to not give up to despair or what the outer propaganda and character assassination campaigns may appear to be.

Know all is not lost. On the contrary we have won this spiritual war, yet the enemy of freedom, the enemy of self sovereign liberation of this planet must reveal itself to everyone. This revelation, seeing who is the enemy of humanity, this has implications on the material plane and on the spiritual plane. Please recognize and know timing is everything when considering the upward momentum required for positive direction forward.

Right now we face the energies of death on this global scale; there is ego death and there is physical death at a global scale. Now, with all of our spiritual might we dig deep into our hearts and souls and we connect with our inner spirit for our love for God, for humanity and Christ, our love for all living creatures on this earth. We must say with authority in our stance here me now: “There is no death”. Our consciousness is eternal and from one dimension to another we transit. Some will transition to another dimension dropping their current physical body and others will not. Yet remember no matter what it looks like they will still be transitioning with us to a higher plane of existence. As we know the planet is ascending.

Nothing can and nothing will stop this from happening.


The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come.

Real science and real scientists/doctors with conscience, courage, and integrity are being censored, canceled, and fired left and right from speaking out about the truth and the very real life-threatening dangers of this experimental treatment [that cannot even be called a vaccine in the true meaning of the word [which they state as well]]. You will not hear about them on the MSM as they are being systemically censored and suppressed.

This “experiment” has already injured and killed hundreds of thousands of people [if not millions] worldwide but these numbers are suppressed, ignored, or falsely associated with other “causes of death/illness”. The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come. It’s a ticking time bomb and the real bioweapon.

The only blind spot these courageous doctors who speak out have is that they do not understand the real intention and goal of these jabs—which is as evil as it gets—and how it relates to the long-planned depopulation/eugenics agenda that was decided upon a long time ago. There is tons of material out there that proves that this is not a “conspiracy theory” anymore but a conspiracy fact based on books, white papers, and documents written by the psychopathic globalists themselves.

Other teachers and guides warn us that the ascension process is no longer available or possible for the vaccinated as the poison and MRNA components block the awakening process and inhibit spiritual awareness and perception of higher dimensions; locking the jabbed into the '3D matrix' indefinitely and severing the memory of the soul-consciousness. This is something that must be taken into consideration as family members, friends and other loved ones may not be with us on our path for much longer and calls for compassion and understanding as we move forward.


The next few months will be the tipping point.

I think I found my answer to WHY they are so desperate to have everyone v@xx3d. They MUST get rid of the "control" group. Go with me here....

1. The longer we have more than 60% UnJabbed, the easier it is to see the effects on the Jabbed. (That's what control groups are for in REAL research.)

2. If 100% v@xx3d can be reached, then the deaths, infertility, and debilitating effects can be blamed on ANYTHING.

3. Infertility will show up within a year to a year and a half. Heart & lung conditions will show up in around 4 years.

4. Pharma has already stopped their control groups, so we have NO data.

5. They have less than a year to achieve their goal of 100%, otherwise the difference in the 2 groups will be painfully evident.

6. This is WHY they are spending BILLIONS of your tax dollars, pressuring, shaming, and threatening you, because their time is short. They didnt expect people to be this resistant.

They are scared & working hard to spin the data, its NOT the UnJabbed that are getting sick.

7. The next few months will be the tipping point.



The most difficult things that happen to you are, on the deepest level, the most compassionate

“The problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else. The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to yourself. Without something pricking you in the side, saying, "Look here! This way!" you are not going to go the right direction. The part of you that designed this loves you so much that it doesn't want you to lose the chance. It will go to extreme measures to wake you up, and it will make you suffer greatly if you don't listen. What else can it do? That is its purpose. 

How much suffering and difficulty it brings you is immaterial in relation to the fulfillment and satisfaction you will have when you actually struggle and see the fruits of the struggle. You can look at your problems as difficulties to be gotten rid of as fast as possible with the least struggle, or you can look at them from the perspective of the part of you that is guiding you to yourself. If you look at them from that more accurate, more finely tuned perspective, the new issues that then arise have a new value. They have nutrition that you need.

The whole process works with the utmost purity, the most complete intelligence and compassion. The most difficult things that happen to you are, on the deepest level, the most compassionate. Ultimately, the struggle with yourself leads to what is called the “Black Death," which is the death of the personality, when you wrestle it to the ground, struggling with it. 

That doesn't mean fighting, punching, kicking, screaming. Struggling and wrestling is the process of understanding. It requires persistence and steadfastness. You wrestle with it until it finally says "I give up." Ultimately, you reach the final understanding of the personality. When you see through to its source, its center-which is the experience called “Black Death"- you will recognize that the heart of this death is pure compassion.”

A.H. Almaas


The Emerging Totalitarian Dystopia: Interview With Professor Mattias Desmet

Few phenomena have had a profound impact on a global level as quickly as the current corona outbreak. In no time, human life has been completely reorganised. I asked Mattias Desmet, Psychotherapist and Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, how this is possible, what the consequences are, and what we can expect in the future.

Almost a year after the start of the corona crisis, how is the mental health of the population?

MD: For the time being, there are few figures that show the evolution of possible indicators such as the intake of antidepressants and anxiolytics or the number of suicides. But it is especially important to place mental well-being in the corona crisis in its historical continuity. Mental health had been declining for decades. There has long been a steady increase in the number of depression and anxiety problems and the number of suicides. And in recent years there has been an enormous growth in absenteeism due to psychological suffering and burnouts. The year before the corona outbreak, you could feel this malaise growing exponentially. This gave the impression that society was heading for a tipping point where a psychological 'reorganization' of the social system was imperative. This is happening with corona. Initially, we noticed people with little knowledge of the virus conjure up terrible fears, and a real social panic reaction became manifested. This happens especially if there is already a strong latent fear in a person or population.

The psychological dimensions of the current corona crisis are seriously underestimated. A crisis acts as a trauma that takes away an individual's historical sense. The trauma is seen as an isolated event in itself, when in fact it is part of a continuous process. For example, we easily overlook the fact that a significant portion of the population was strangely relieved during the initial lockdown, feeling liberated from stress and anxiety. I regularly heard people say: "Yes these measures are heavy-handed, but at least I can relax a bit." Because the grind of daily life stopped, a calm settled over society. The lockdown often freed people from a psychological rut. This created unconscious support for the lockdown. If the population had not already been exhausted by their life, and especially their jobs, there would never have been support for the lockdown. At least not as a response to a pandemic that is not too bad compared to the major pandemics of the past. You noticed something similar when the first lockdown came to an end. You then regularly heard statements such as "We are not going to start living again like we used to, get stuck in traffic again" and so on. People did not want to go back to the pre-corona normal. If we do not take into account the population's dissatisfaction with its existence, we will not understand this crisis and we will not be able to resolve it. By the way, I now have the impression that the new normal has become a rut again, and I would not be surprised if mental health really starts to deteriorate in the near future. Perhaps especially if it turns out that the vaccine does not provide the magical solution that is expected from it.

Desperate cries of young people regularly appear in the media. How seriously do you take them?

MD: Well, you should know that the lockdowns and the associated measures are completely different for young people than for adults. Unlike a middle-aged adult, the time span of a year for a young person means a period in which one undergoes enormous psychological development, much of which takes place in dialogue with peers. Today's young people are living through this period in isolation, and it may well be that it will have negative consequences for the majority of them. But everything is complex where young people are concerned. For example, those who previously experienced acute social anxiety or social isolation may now feel better because they are no longer the misfits. But in general, the youth is undoubtedly the hardest hit by this corona crisis.

What about anxiety in the adults?

MD: In adults there is also fear, but the object of the fear differs. Some are primarily afraid of the virus itself. There are people living in my street who hardly dare to leave their homes. Others fear the economic consequences of the measures. And still others fear the social changes brought about by the corona measures. They fear the emergence of a totalitarian society. Like me (laughs).

Are the mortality and morbidity rates associated with the coronavirus commensurate with the fearful responses?

MD: Well, sickness and suffering are always bad, but the deleterious effects of the government response are disproportionate to the health risk of the virus. Professionally, I am involved in two research projects on corona. As a result, I have been working fairly intensively with the data. Clearly, the virus mortality rate is quite low. The numbers that the media are announcing are based on, let's say, an overly enthusiastic count. Regardless of any pre-existing medical problems, just about every elderly person who died was added to the list of corona deaths. I personally only know one person who was registered as a corona death. He was a terminal cancer patient who died with rather than from corona. Adding these sorts of deaths to corona deaths increases the numbers and increases anxiety in the population.

Several emergency doctors called me during the second wave. Some told me that their ward was absolutely not overrun with corona patients. Others told me that more than half of the patients in the ICU did not have corona or showed such mild symptoms that they would have been sent home to recover, were they diagnosed with influenza. But given the prevailing panic, this turned out to be impossible. Unfortunately, these doctors wished to remain anonymous, so their message did not reach the media and public opinion. Some of them later also told their story to a journalist from the VRT news network, but unfortunately nothing has come of this to date. And I want to mention that there were other doctors who interpreted the apparent facts in a completely different fashion than portrayed in the conventional narrative.

We are struck by the disappearance of the ability to criticise the consensus and the corona measures, even within the academic world where scientific ideals require critical thinking. How do you explain this?

MD: Make no mistake: at university and in the medical world there are many people who are amazed by what is going on. I have quite a few friends in the medical field who don't accept the conventional narrative. They say "open your eyes, can't you see this virus isn't the plague?" But all too often they don't take the step to say this publicly. Moreover, for each critical voice, thirty others do go along with the story, even if this means that they have to abandon their critical scientific standards.

Is this a sign of cowardice?

MD: In some cases it is. In fact you can distinguish three groups everywhere. The first group does not believe the story and says so publicly. The second group does not believe in the story either, but publicly goes along with it anyway, because, given the social pressure, they dare not do otherwise. And the third group really believes in the dominant narrative and has a real fear of the virus. The latter group is certainly also found at the universities.

It is striking how scientific studies, also in this corona crisis, reveal very diverse results. Based on these results, scientists can defend almost diametrically opposed theories as the only truth. How is this possible?

MD: The research on corona is indeed brimming with contradictions. For example, regarding the effectiveness of face masks or hydroxychloroquine, the success of the Swedish approach, or the effectiveness of the PCR test. Even more curiously, the studies contain a huge number of improbable errors that a normally sane person would not be expected to make. This is still the case in terms of establishing the absolute number of infections, while a schoolchild knows that this means nothing as long as the number of infections detected is not compared with the number of tests taken. Obviously, the more tests you carry out, the more likely your infection rate will increase. Is this so difficult? In addition, it should be kept in mind that the PCR test can yield a large number of false positives, because the technique is widely misused for diagnosis. Together, this means that the inaccuracy of the figures distributed daily by the media is so great that some people understandably suspect a conspiracy, albeit apocryphally, in my opinion.

Again, this phenomenon is better placed in an historical perspective, because the problematic quality of scientific research is not a new issue. In 2005 the so-called "replication crisis" erupted in the sciences. Several committees set up to investigate scientific fraud cases found that scientific research is teeming with errors. Often the stated conclusions are of very dubious value. In the wake of the crisis, several papers appeared with titles that leave little to the imagination. In 2005, John Ioannidis, Professor of Medical Statistics at Stanford, published Why most published research findings are false. In 2016, a different research group wrote about the same topic, in Reproducibility: a Tragedy of Errors published in the medical journal Nature. These are just two examples of the very extensive literature describing this problem. I myself am well aware of the shaky scientific foundation of many research results. In addition to my master's degree in clinical psychology, I earned a master's in statistics. My doctorate dealt with measurement problems in the field of psychology.

How was the criticism received within the scientific world?

MD: Initially it led to a shock wave, after which an attempt was made to resolve the crisis by demanding more transparency and objectivity. But I don't think this solved much. Rather, the cause of the problem lies in a specific kind of science that emerged during the Enlightenment. This science is based on an absolute belief in objectivity. According to the adepts of this view, the world is almost totally objectifiable, measurable, predictable and verifiable. But science itself has shown that this idea is untenable. There are limits to objectivity and, depending on the scientific domain, one is highly likely to encounter these limits. Physics and chemistry are still relatively suitable for measuring. But this is much less successful in other research areas such as economics, biomedical science, or psychology, where an investigator is more likely to discover that a researcher's subjectivity has had a direct influence on his or her observations. And it is precisely this subjective core that scientists have sought to eliminate from scientific debate. Paradoxically - but not surprisingly - this nucleus flourishes in its exile, leading to the complete opposite of the hoped-for result. Namely, a radical lack of objectivity and a proliferation of subjectivity. This problem has persisted even after the replication crisis, it was not resolved in spite of the efforts of critics. As a result, now, 15 years later, in the throes of the corona crisis, we continue to face exactly the same problems.

Are current politicians basing the corona measures on incorrectly established scientific principals?

MD: I think so. Here, too, we see a kind of naive belief in objectivity that turns into its opposite: a serious lack of objectivity with masses of errors and carelessness. Moreover, there is a sinister connection between the emergence of this kind of absolutist science and the process of manipulation and totalitarianisation of society. In her book The Origins of Totalitarianism, the German-American political thinker Hannah Arendt brilliantly describes how this process took place in Nazi Germany, among other places. For example, nascent totalitarian regimes typically fall back on a 'scientific' discourse. They show a great preference for figures and statistics, which quickly degenerate into pure propaganda, characterised by a radical "disregard for the facts". For example, Nazism based its ideology on the superiority of the Aryan race. A whole series of so-called scientific data substantiated their theory. Today we know that this theory had no scientific validity, but scientists at the time used the media to defend the regime's positions. Hannah Arendt describes how these scientists proclaimed questionable scientific credentials, and she uses the word "charlatans" to emphasize this. She also describes how the emergence of this kind of science and its industrial applications was accompanied by an inevitable social change. Classes disappeared and normal social ties deteriorated, with much indefinable fear, anxiety, frustration, and lack of meaning. It is under such circumstances that the masses develop very specific psychological qualities. All fears that haunt society become linked to one 'object' - for example, the Jews - so that the masses enter into a kind of energetic struggle with this object. And onto that process of social conditioning of the masses, a completely new political and constitutional organisation subsequently grafts itself: the totalitarian state.

Today, one perceives a similar phenomenon. There is widespread psychological suffering, lack of meaning, and diminished social ties in society. Then a story comes along that points to a fear object, the virus, after which the population strongly links its fear and discomfort to this dreaded object. Meanwhile, there is a constant call in all media to collectively fight the murderous enemy. The scientists who bring the story to the population are rewarded with tremendous social power in return. Their psychological power is so great that, at their suggestion, the whole of society abruptly renounces a host of social customs and reorganises itself in ways that no one at the beginning of 2020 thought possible.

What do you think will happen now?

MD: The current corona policy temporarily restores some social solidarity and meaning to society. Working together against the virus creates a kind of intoxication, resulting in an enormous narrowing of attention, so that other matters, such as the concern for collateral damage, vanish into the background. However, the United Nations and several scientists warned from the outset that the global collateral damage could generate far more deaths than the virus, for instance from hunger and delayed treatment.

Social conditioning of the masses has another curious effect: it causes individuals to psychologically put aside selfish and individual motives. In this way, one can tolerate a Government that takes away some personal pleasures. To give just one example: catering establishments where people worked their entire lives can be closed without much protest. Or also: the population is deprived of performances, festivals and other cultural pleasures. Totalitarian leaders intuitively understand that tormenting the population in a perverse way reinforces the social conditioning even more. I can't fully explain that now, but the process of social conditioning is intrinsically self-destructive. A population affected by this process is capable of enormous atrocities towards others, but also towards itself. It has absolutely no hesitation about sacrificing itself. This explains why, unlike simple dictatorships, a totalitarian state cannot survive. It eventually devours itself completely, as it were. But the process usually takes many human lives.

Do you recognise totalitarian traits in the current crisis and the government response to it?

MD: Definitely. When one steps away from the virus story, one discovers a totalitarian process par excellence. For example, according to Arendt, a pre-totalitarian state cuts through all social ties of the population. Simple dictatorships do that at the political level - they ensure that the opposition cannot unite - but totalitarian states also do this among the population, in the private sphere. Think of the children who - often unintentionally - reported their parents to the government in the totalitarian states of the twentieth century. Totalitarianism is so focused on total control that it automatically creates suspicion among the population, causing people to spy on and denounce each other. People no longer dare to speak out against the majority and are less able to organise themselves due to the restrictions. It is not difficult to recognise such phenomena in today's situation, in addition to many other features of emerging totalitarianism.

What is it that this totalitarian state ultimately wants to achieve?

MD: At first, it doesn't want anything. Its emergence is an automatic process coupled on the one hand with great anxiety on the part of the population and, on the other hand, a naive scientific thinking that considers total knowledge possible. Today there are those who believe that society should no longer be based on political narratives but on scientific facts and figures, thus rolling out the red carpet for rule by technocracy. Their ideal image is what the Dutch philosopher Ad Verbrugge calls "intensive human husbandry". Within a biological-reductionist, virological ideology, continuous biometric monitoring is indicated and people are subjected to continuous preventive medical interventions, such as vaccination campaigns. All this to supposedly optimise public health. And a whole range of medical hygiene measures must be implemented; avoiding touch, wearing face masks, continuously disinfecting hands, vaccination, etc. For the supporters of this ideology, one can never do enough to achieve the ideal of the greatest possible 'health'. A newspaper article appeared in which one could read that the population ought to be made even more afraid. Only then would they stick to the measures recommended by the virologists. In their view, stirring up fear will work to produce good. But when drawing up all these draconian measures, the policymakers forget that people cannot be healthy, either physically or mentally, without sufficient freedom, privacy and the right to self-determination, values that this technocratic totalitarian view totally ignores. Although the Government aspires to enormous health improvement for its society, its actions will ruin the health of society. By the way, this is a basic characteristic of totalitarian thinking according to Hannah Arendt: it ends in the exact opposite of what it originally pursued.

Today, the virus creates the necessary fear on which totalitarianism rests. Will finding a vaccine, and the subsequent vaccination campaign, allay this fear and end this totalitarian flare-up?

MD: A vaccine will not resolve the current impasse. For in truth, this crisis is not a health crisis, it is a profound social and even cultural crisis. By the way, the Government has already announced that the measures will not just disappear after the vaccination. A recent article even stated that it is striking that the countries that are already very advanced with the vaccination campaign - such as Israel and Great Britain - are strangely enough still seriously tightening the measures. Rather, I foresee this scenario: despite all the promising studies, the vaccine will not bring about a solution. And the blindness that social conditioning and totalitarianisation entails will blame those who do not go along with the story and/or refuse to be vaccinated. They will serve as scapegoats. There will be an attempt to try to silence them. And if that succeeds, the dreaded tipping point in the process of totalitarianisation will come: only after it has completely eliminated the opposition will the totalitarian state show its most aggressive form. It then becomes - to use Hannah Arendt's words - a monster eating his own children. In other words, the worst is perhaps yet to come.

What are you thinking about these days?

MD: Totalitarian systems generally all have the same tendencies to methodically isolate and that, in order to guarantee the health of the population, the 'sick' portions of the population will be further isolated and locked up in camps. That idea was actually suggested several times during the corona crisis, but dismissed as "not feasible" due to social resistance. But will that resistance persist if the fear continues to increase? You may suspect me of being overly paranoid, but who would have thought in early 2020 that our society would look like this today? The process of totalitarianisation is based on the hypnotic effect of a story and it can only be broken by another story. Hence, I hope more people will question the supposed danger of the virus and the necessity of current corona measures, and dare to speak publicly about this.

Why is this fear response not occurring with the climate crisis?

MD: The climate crisis may not be suitable as a fear object. It may be too abstract and we cannot associate it with the instant death of a loved one or ourselves. And as an object of fear, it is also less directly related to our medical-biological view of man. Hence, a virus is a privileged object of fear.

What does the current crisis tell us about our relationship with death?

MD: The dominant science perceives the world as a mechanistic interaction of atoms and other elemental particles that collide randomly and produce all kinds of phenomena, including humans. This science makes us desperate and powerless in the face of death. At the same time, life is experienced as a totally meaningless and mechanistic given, but we cling to it as if it is all we have, and we want to eliminate any behaviour that might risk the loss of it. And that is impossible. Paradoxically, radically trying to avoid risks, for example through corona measures, creates the greatest risk of all. Just look at the colossal collateral damage that is being caused.

You perceive the current social evolution as going in a negative direction. How do you see the future?

MD: I am convinced that something beautiful will come out of all this. Materialistic science starts from the idea that the world consists of material particles. Yet precisely this science reveals that matter is a form of consciousness, that there is no certainty, and that the human mind fails to grasp the world. For example, the Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr argued that the elementary particles and atoms behave in a radically irrational and illogical way. According to him, they were better understood by using poetry than by using logic.

We will experience something similar on a political level. In the near future, we will perhaps historically be making the most far-reaching attempt to control everything in a technological, rational way. Ultimately, this system will prove itself to not work and show that we need a completely different society and policy. The new system will rely more on respect for what is ultimately elusive to the human mind and on respect for the art and intuition that were central to the religions.

Are we in a paradigm shift today?

MD: Doubtless. This crisis heralds the end of a cultural historical paradigm. Part of the transition has already been made in the sciences. The geniuses who laid the foundations of modern physics, complex and dynamic systems theory, chaos theory and non-Euclidean geometry already understood that there is not one but many different logics, that there is something intrinsically subjective in everything, and that people live in direct resonance with the world around them and all the complexities of nature. Moreover, Man is a being who is dependent on his fellow man in his energetic existence. The physicists have known this for some time, now for the rest of us! We are now witnessing the latest upsurge of the old culture based on control and logical understanding that will demonstrate at breakneck speed what utter failure it brings and its inability to truly organise a society in a decent and humane way.


Suspense novelist Michael Prescott explores the non-fiction of life after death

Although Michael Prescott is best known as the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of 22 suspense novels, he is also known for his blog dealing primarily with paranormal and life after death subjects. Over the past 20 years he has produced more than 1,600 blog posts with more than 50,000 comments by readers.

The end result is a departure from his fiction writing with his just-released The Far Horizon: Perspectives on Life Beyond Death, published by White Crow Books. He begins the book by examining some of the best evidence coming to us from psychical research and parapsychology over the past 138 years, since the organization of the Society for Psychical Research, then asking why, if it is so good, it is not more widely known and accepted. He offers four models of after-death consciousness, discussing each one in separate chapters. "In all four models, the space-time universe rendered by our subjective perception is the tip of the iceberg, with the other nine-tenths hidden from sight," Prescott explains. "Vast expanses of reality and vast realms of consciousness lie submerged beneath the surface, difficult for us to access. Difficult, but not impossible, as mystics, shamans, mediums, and psychics have attested throughout history."

As anyone who has thoroughly studied the evidence knows, much of it is vague, abstruse, convoluted, and often inconsistent with established religious dogma and doctrine, as well as with mainstream science. A very abstract picture of the afterlife emerges, one requiring much discernment. In effect, so much of it seems beyond human comprehension. Nevertheless, enough of it is discernible that the open-minded investigator can begin to see intelligence and clarity in the abstractness. Prescott (below) masterfully makes sense out of what seems like so much nonsense to many. As he states, it need not be "a baffling anomaly," but it can be seen as "a logical extension of our experience of reality here and now."

I recently put some questions to him by email.

I know you explain this in the book, but can you just briefly summarize how you became interested in the subject of life after death and what keeps you going on it?

The main thing was a kind of early midlife crisis in 1997 when I was 36 years old. Prior to that time, I'd been a complete skeptic with no interest in the paranormal or the afterlife. The only reading I'd done on the subject consisted of books by Martin Gardner and James Randi. I was also influenced by the skeptical opinions of Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan, among others. I probably would've been a good candidate for membership in CSICOP, as it was then called, had I been more interested in the subject. But in '97 I began to question my entire worldview. This was, in part, because of an experience I had when trying to come up with the idea for a novel.

I'd hit a brick wall on the book, was very frustrated and depressed, and had pretty much given up, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I felt an intense urge to sit down at my computer and start typing. I proceeded to type out a ten-page synopsis of an entirely new story that was, in effect, being dictated to me. That synopsis turned into the novel Comes the Dark, the most esoteric and "literary" thing I've written.

This experience deeply intrigued me. It got me interested in the subconscious and the idea that the two hemispheres of the brain operate, to some extent, independently of each other. This, in turn, got me to look into the nature of consciousness, which led me in a somewhat spiritual direction. Probably as a result of this, I began to feel that my outlook on life was cramped and shallow - that I was missing the big picture.

And so I began to take the paranormal little more seriously. I proceeded gradually and cautiously, because at first I felt almost foolish reading about this stuff. I started with Rupert Sheldrake's morphic fields, went on to evidence for ESP, and eventually crossed the Rubicon by looking seriously at life after death. That is something I never thought I would do.

On a percentage basis, with zero being total disbelief and 100 being absolute certainty with regard to consciousness surviving death, where would you put yourself 30 years ago and where are you now?

30 years ago it was zero. These days it's probably about 90%, or maybe 95% on some days.

What will it take to get you to 100%?

It will probably take actually dying! Or at least a near-death experience. There's only so far you can go by reading about a subject or talking with other people, or visiting mediums, or recording dreams, synchronicities, and premonitions, or meditating. I've done all those things, and they're certainly helpful, but they're not quite enough to get me to 100%.

If you had to pick three cases from the annals of psychical research, parapsychology, and consciousness studies, as most convincing, which ones would you choose?

I think the Bobbie Newlove case, involving the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard, is quite compelling. So is the R-101 case involving Eileen Garrett. A more recent case is the Jacqui Poole murder mystery. All three of these cases are covered in my book.

On a more general level, the cross correspondences provide very good evidence of mediumship that goes beyond so-called super-psi, but this is a whole series of cases, not just one. I don't talk about the cross correspondences in The Far Horizon, though, because the subject is too complicated to be quickly summarized.

Do you see a growing interest in this subject matter or has it pretty much flatlined, maybe even going in reverse?

My personal interest has somewhat flatlined, just because I've investigated it for so many years and it's no longer fresh to me. My book is kind of a summing-up. I wouldn't have written until I felt I'd gone pretty much as far as I could go.

For society, I think interest is increasing quite a lot. Unfortunately, there's not that much new research being done. As you know better than almost anyone, the heyday of research into the afterlife was the late 19th century and early 20th century, when there were some very prominent people involved, notably William James. I don't know of anyone today of similar prominence who is willing to stick up for this type of work.

Worse, there is very little funding. The quickest way to short-circuit your career in the sciences is to decide to study the paranormal, especially life after death. Very few people want to commit career suicide. I don't think this will change any time soon because the "scientific-government complex" is implacably hostile to such ideas. And most scientific funding, as well as publication in mainstream peer-reviewed journals and tenure in academic institutions, is controlled by that complex. I'm talking about the US. Perhaps in other countries, there's more open-mindedness. I don't know.

Why so much resistance on a subject that seemingly should be welcomed by the masses?

I don't think the subject is resisted by the masses. When I bring up my interest in the paranormal and the afterlife with regular folks, I often find they've had experiences of their own that they want to share. But they keep these accounts to themselves unless they feel comfortable opening up.

The whole idea, however, is strongly resisted by the elites, who are thoroughly materialistic in their philosophy. Even very creative, intelligent people in the establishment - for instance, Elon Musk - seem boxed in by materialistic thinking. For instance, when Musk talks about the universe as a virtual-reality simulation, he appears to see it as being literally a program run on some extraterrestrial computer. That's a purely materialistic, and rather naïve, interpretation of an idea that can be interpreted in much more spiritual terms.

In my book, I go into the simulation hypothesis as one model of reality, but I make it clear that I'm not talking about a literal computer program. Instead, I'm speaking of an informational matrix that exists in a realm beyond the space-time universe we experience. It's essentially the same thing as Immanuel Kant's noumenal realm, as distinct from the phenomenal realm of direct experience. Or it could be compared to Plato's world of Forms, the true reality that we perceive only as shadows on a wall.

Unfortunately, materialistic tendencies intrude even into afterlife studies. We've seen attempts by people over the years to build a machine that can communicate with the dead. One such device, dubbed Spiricom, was the subject of John Fuller's book The Ghost of 29 Megacycles. While you never know what might work, I don't have a particularly high opinion of such efforts. For me, it's not about building a better mousetrap. We need to learn to adjust our consciousness, not improve our technology.

What is the key message of your book?

The key message is that life after death doesn't have to be compartmentalized in our thinking. We don't have to use one set of concepts or metaphors to understand the universe around us, and then come up with a whole new set of concepts and metaphors to make sense out of the afterlife. We can see both types of existence - our incarnational existence and our postmortem existence - as part of a continuum.

To do this requires grasping one essential fact, namely, that all experience is subjective. While I argue that there is an objective basis for our experience, this doesn't change the fact that experience itself is, by its nature, subjective. You can't have an experience without an object to apprehend and a subject who apprehends it, something to perceive and a mind that perceives. And as far as experience per se is concerned, perception is reality. It is impossible to detach one's perception of the event from the event itself, because the event exists, for us, only in our perception of it.

If we see reality in these terms, then postmortem reality simply involves a shift in focus — we redirect our attention from one level of experience to another. Or we alter our consciousness from one degree of perception to another. It amounts to the same thing.

We need to get away from the idea that, in dying, we are physically traveling to some other physical location that we call the afterlife. It is more like a change in perception - a broadening or widening of perception - which is why mind-expanding drugs can bring about experiences that have a lot in common with NDEs and OBEs.

In other words, it's all about consciousness, and if we see consciousness as existing along a spectrum of frequencies, then dying is no more than dialing up to a higher frequency. Which, of course, is another of the models I explore in The Far Horizon!

Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I. His forthcoming book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is released on January 26, 2021.The Far Horizon: Perspectives on Life Beyond Death by Michael Prescott is published by White Crow Books.


Much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance

There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos.

While chaos is always a creative energy, seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next. To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart.

2020 Lions Gate: Message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

July 19, 2020


Second wave, mass deaths, GREAT AWAKENING!, starseeds and ascension, september/october 2020...

As more of the fifth dimensional codes become available and we are able to anchor and embody the fifth dimensional frequencies, we will all see more and more of that dimension manifest on the earth.

As we wake-up to our multi-dimensional selves, wake up to our ability to move through dimensions and hold different frequencies in our bodies, as we choose from our own consciousness where we will reside, more and more humans will choose to manifest and reside in a higher, more expansive frequency.

It is the starseeds who are anchoring these light-codes of creation, codes of co-creation and freedom within their bodies now and so make them available for the rest of humanity. The starseeds have spent many, many years already on their labour of love working with the density and shifting and clearing the dense third dimensional matrix/control frequency and are now tuning in to the higher expansive codes and anchoring these 'truth' frequencies onto the earth plane.

With the recent crown/corona activations came a huge wave of awakening, the first major wave of our time and it set in motion the 'great awakening' that we are seeing play out in the world today and in our individual lives. An enormous influx of light has caused many people to see for the first time through the illusion of the control system, to see the darkness suddenly, to be aware for the first time that there even existed such a thing. So much darkness and evil, so much pain and suffering, so much manipulation all out in the open. Never before have so many people all over the world been effected on a consciousness level than have these past months and it will continue.

Another way of looking at this is to see the work of the starseeds; for without the codes becoming available and the 'holding the space' and 'clearing a place' none of this could have been possible. Yet all humanity has called forth this time of great awakening for much is at stake; first and foremost our planet, our home is being destroyed at an alarming rate and surely something had to change. We are also nearing the end of a grand cycle, so much happening and lots more to come this year 2020.

I would speak to you now of the next great wave that will crash over the planet in september/october. The next great wave of awakening, the next wave of mass deaths, more than ever there will be many souls exiting this reality, many because they cannot exist in such a high vibration. For as more of the fifth dimension is anchored on the earth, so must a great chunk of third dimension make room and therefore no longer exist, we will move beyond many structures and systems that were once the foundation of the third dimensional control grid/system.

Already the generator has been shut-down; the feeding machine of the AI and the inter-dimensional parasites is no longer working as it once did. We are living in the echo of their manufactured false reality. The anti-life system will go but with it also many humans that choose not to ascend, they will continue to exist in a reality better suited to their consciousness experience. Yes, many, many people will 'die', do not be alarmed for the fifth dimension anchoring will also be expanded as more souls embody those frequencies on the earth and also many newly arrived souls have been born now with full access to their DNA spectrum-codes.

The new codes are of balance and abundance. We can only begin to imagine what life in the future will be like. Many starseeds are now called to envision how this 'new earth' will come into form and how society will evolve in the coming years, this will continue long into the future although time itself will change too as we move more often outside of time and space, as we remember our multi-dimensionality.

Will the second wave involve a new virus? It is likely. Will the new wave involve 5G technology, vaccines, and all the other nasty things we would rather not have happen? It is likely. Will there be earth changes and natural disasters? It is likely. In fact all of these will happen most likely at the same time and with it an election in the USA.

As this second wave washes over us all, it will bring with it the next mass awakening and allow for many more people to 'wake-up'. With every attempt to control and coerce ; more of us will see through the lies and deceit. With every attempt to enslave us further; more will break free. Already so many are crying out for freedom! Also great suffering will turn many people to cry for help, help from fellow humans and also from their spiritual helpers. The frequencies and cosmic rays will drive us ever higher and be ever more intense on our bodies as more of the old must go and more of the new be anchored, new codes of expansion and creation, of healing and meditation. First though the collapse of the current dying control system prison must happen and it will be quite shocking for many. The tower card if there ever was one.

To survive and thrive through the coming months and years one must trust in the great cosmic plan. Through spiritual practice the fifth dimensional space becomes available for all who choose it, those who choose from the heart, live in the heart, those of truth and compassion. It is a place of calm and safety during the coming storm. Now we can access a peace, a great calm inside us; the emerging fifth dimension. Take good care of your body, take good care of your mind and take good care of your heart.

What has taken starseeds many long years to accomplish is now made available for all who wish to activate and receive through their higher centres. The awakening process that took starseeds decades can now be achieved in a matter of years or even months and this acceleration will continue. There is much to look forward to and much to let go of. The transition must happen inside each of us. 
I can't wait for the next wave to come! Look to the fall! The Fall of the Cabal! Look to the stars and look to reunite with our galactic families of light!

Earth Brother - 11-06-2020


Latest DMT study addresses eerie prevalence of hallucinations of 'interdimensional entities'

Latest DMT study addresses eerie prevalence of hallucinations of 'interdimensional entities' -- Science of the Spirit

Last month researchers released a new study on the hallucinogen DMT (or dimethyltryptamine) that provided fresh survey data on the phenomenon of DMT users experiencing and encountering sentient 'entities' while tripping. Scientists believe the findings could help to better understand near-death experiences and alien-abduction experiences, as well as develop treatments for mood and behavioral disorders.

The study involved surveying over 2,000 DMT users, the majority of whom claimed to have had positive encounters and even emotional exchanges with beings they felt were advanced and benevolent. Most of the users, upon coming down from the drug, felt the beings were real and not manufactured solely by a hallucination.

The survey produced the following additional data: 99% had an emotional response and of those, 58% believed the entity they encountered also had an emotional response and the feeling was overwhelmingly positive, though some reported instances of fear; 81% of respondents felt the 'entities' were real; and two-thirds believed they had received "a message, task, mission, purpose, or insight from the entity encounter experience."


Holding The Tension Between Opposites

Reflections and Recommendations by Bernhard Guenther

There is something bigger happening way beyond what we see on a 3D level right now. The mind can't grasp it. There is a great opportunity right here and right now and this is a huge spiritual lesson more than anything else.

This IS an opportunity for alchemical transformation but it is also an internal job for the outside will always reflect the inside. The mud and forces of the unconscious and the underworld are rising up; all that you/I/we have suppressed (fears, wounds, and traumas) is coming to surface, begging to be integrated, healed, and transmuted so we can ascend to a higher state of Being while transforming the world as embodied frequency anchors.

In fact, the supramental consciousness of the Divine is also descending, stirring up the shadow of the collective to be transmuted into Light. This is a long process spanning over lifetimes but there are key "junctures" like what's happening now and each individual's choice determines the outcome. Disillusionment IS part of the process. As the Mother (and Sri Aurobindo) prophesized, we are approaching (or already in) the Dark Night of Civilization. The collective Dark Night of the Soul. A necessary process for the outer reflects the inner, as above, so below. The only way out is in and through.

Again, this is an amazing opportunity for the ones answering the call seeing through the veil of reality and what lays ahead.

This alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities, creativity, and abundance but it must be rooted in integrity and sincerity, and ultimately a spiritual foundation and aspiration embodied and grounded in the body as conscious transducers of the Divine Force. It's not about trying to escape anything. No place in the world is "safe" from what is happening.

One thing that is fascinating to observe on the sidelines (without identifying with any side) whenever I was checking-in recently on social media is the increasing posts of projections towards Trump.

On the one side, you have all the negative shadow projections towards the man, blaming him for everything up to mass murder because of "negligence", desperately trying to "get him out of power". On the other side, you have all the positive shadow projections (what Jung called "golden shadow") towards Trump, hailing him as the savior/lightworker who is going to take down the cabal, desperately trying to "keep him in power".

And it is starting to get extreme. In the view of the one side (mostly people self-identified as "the left"), Trump cannot possibly do anything right and is being demonized. In the view of the other side (mostly people self-identified as "the right" intermixed with New Age Types and Christians too), Trump cannot do possibly wrong to the point of being worshipped.

As Robert Bly wrote in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow": "The issue is not so much that we do project but how long we keep the projections out there. Projection without personal contact is dangerous."

And then both sides (pro/anti-Trump) hate on each other too. What a "loosh" fest, especially on social media, getting trapped in the duality of left/right...and we know who feeds off of all that.

Trump has to carry a LOT of psychic pressure due to these negative/positive projections of the masses. Bly wrote about the danger of that as well when projected on one single person.

Here's something to self-reflect on, even beyond Trump but in your everyday life, especially during these times for there is something much bigger at works on unseen levels:

Are you able to hold the tension between opposites without identifying with either side, without any preferences of outcome, without likes or dislikes, without desire? Are you able to go beyond Hope or Fear, Attraction or Repulsion? Are you able to withdraw all projections (positive and negative) and stay with that friction internally in your body without externalizing - without blame or savior projections - without rationalizing or analyzing?

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the Great Work to transmute Lead into Gold, connecting you to Truth, the Divine within and without which will eventually transmute the world. Shadow work and Inner Alchemy. It's not an easy process as I experience in myself, for a lot of "shit" does and will come up which you can't blame on anything or anyone externally anymore.

This alchemical inner process of not attaching to either side has also nothing to do with being "neutral" or "apathy" as some people seem to mistake it. The former is mostly a disassociative state, trapped in the mind, the latter based on "inverted" negative emotions. It's not an intellectual or philosophical exercise. In fact, the more head-centric you are - the more intellectually driven you are - the harder it will be for you to drop down and into the body and connect with the Truth of your Being.

This process has also nothing to do with non-action or just being passive. Quite the contrary, right conscious action (that is unique to YOU) in alignment with the Divine arises out of this process, less distorted through our ignorance, projections, and conditioning (including wounds and trauma).

But we have a long way to go. This is just a beginning.

None the less, the opportunity is here, right now and it doesn't depend on anything or anyone out there but on YOU.

So, as a suggestion, use the self-isolating time wisely. Don't waste it on relentless media news consumption.

As Gurdjieff said, the moment we're born, we live on borrowed time. You could extend that exercise to meditate/contemplate on Death as well. It will lead you to the cure out of this collective Death/Fear Anxiety (which is what this virus scare triggers, ultimately), holding the tension between the seeming opposites of Birth and Death....and witness what comes up within, the thrid Firce....or the opposition between life and death....or is it an opposite? ;-)

Bernhard Guenther


Theories of consciousness and reincarnation

Theories of consciousness and reincarnation

Theories of consciousness range from the purely scientific - that personal consciousness, as we know it, is a mechanism of unique neural connections molded by genetics and experience - to the spiritual, which argue the existence of a non-corporeal component to life: the soul. Still other thinkers - like Roger Penrose - theorize that consciousness and human creativity may require a new science altogether; that, as Penrose and Hameroff (2014) put it, "consciousness results from discrete physical events; such events have always existed in the universe as non-cognitive, proto-conscious events, these acting as part of precise physical laws not yet fully understood."

For the layperson, however, theories raise more questions than they answer, offering little comfort in confronting the essential human questions of "what makes me me?" and, more poignantly, "what happens to to me when I die?" The latter question is arguably the real question of consciousness, as it comes as a result of recognizing the presence of one's own subjective cognition/individual consciousness and the realization that said consciousness erodes and eventually ceases with the end of physical life... or seems to. It's an existential black mirror; the dark side of Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." Without a cohesive understanding of or agreement on the mechanics and laws of consciousness, that question can't be answered. It cannot even be presumed to have an answer awaiting after death, for if death is the absolute negation of consciousness - if you cease to be when you cease to think - then there is no "finding out" after we die: there's just the vacuum of not-being, a state of statelessness.

In the midst of these theories, however, are those that believe in a kind of recycling of consciousness: that individual selves may be reincarnated in new bodies, sometimes retaining scraps of memory - and even physical features - from the lives they lived before. One of the most prominent proponents of that theory was Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist who worked for five decades at the University of Virginia's School of Medicine, where he founded the Division of Perceptual Studies, which studies "phenomena related to consciousness clearly functioning beyond the confines of the physical body, as well as phenomena that are directly suggestive of post-mortem survival of consciousness." Beginning in 1960, Stevenson traveled the world investigating thousands cases of reincarnation, documenting his findings and eventually writing several books on the subject, including his groundbreaking work Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation and the massive, two-volume Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects. The book documents 200 different cases of children - often from very remote areas of the world - who had memories and birthmarks that corresponded with those of deceased people whose lives they claimed to have lived before. Some, who claimed to have died violently, had birthmarks or physical defects where the deceased had suffered a mortal injury, while others suffered from phobias relating to their past death.