Showing posts with label DEPRESSION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEPRESSION. Show all posts


Much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance

There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos.

While chaos is always a creative energy, seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next. To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart.

2020 Lions Gate: Message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

July 19, 2020


Combining therapy with the psychedelic drug psilocybin results in large reductions in anxiety and depression

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic compound found in so-called “magic mushrooms”. A recent meta-analysis published in Psychiatry Research provides tentative support for psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety.


Latest DMT study addresses eerie prevalence of hallucinations of 'interdimensional entities'

Latest DMT study addresses eerie prevalence of hallucinations of 'interdimensional entities' -- Science of the Spirit

Last month researchers released a new study on the hallucinogen DMT (or dimethyltryptamine) that provided fresh survey data on the phenomenon of DMT users experiencing and encountering sentient 'entities' while tripping. Scientists believe the findings could help to better understand near-death experiences and alien-abduction experiences, as well as develop treatments for mood and behavioral disorders.

The study involved surveying over 2,000 DMT users, the majority of whom claimed to have had positive encounters and even emotional exchanges with beings they felt were advanced and benevolent. Most of the users, upon coming down from the drug, felt the beings were real and not manufactured solely by a hallucination.

The survey produced the following additional data: 99% had an emotional response and of those, 58% believed the entity they encountered also had an emotional response and the feeling was overwhelmingly positive, though some reported instances of fear; 81% of respondents felt the 'entities' were real; and two-thirds believed they had received "a message, task, mission, purpose, or insight from the entity encounter experience."


Lion's Mane Mushroom proven to reduce anxiety and depression

Lion's Mane Mushroom proven to reduce anxiety and depression

Lion's mane mushroom is a medicinal food with many benefits that has been used for centuries and has now been shown to be an effective natural depression and anxiety treatment.

A placebo-controlled human clinical study took 30 female patients to investigate the effects of lion's mane on menopause, depression, sleep quality and anxiety.

Of those who finished the study, 14 took a placebo and 12 took lion's mane mushroom extract that was baked into cookies. Two grams of lion's mane mushroom per day were consumed and after four weeks of use, a reduction in depression and anxiety were reported by the lions mane mushroom group.

This study gives rise to the growing belief among scientists that depression and anxiety has less to do with the "serotonin hypothesis" and possibly more to do with the "neurogenic theory of depression and anxiety."

In essence, higher rates of neurogenesis could prove to equal higher rates of happiness.

Lion's mane mushroom is often used as a food and supplement to support brain health, memory, focus, clarity and recall. It does so by helping the brain produce a compound called Nerve Growth Factor, or NGF for short. As a protein, Nerve Growth Factor helps to repair damaged neurons and even create new neurons!


Lion's Mane mushroom: Unparalleled benefits for your brain and nervous system

Lion's Mane mushroom: Unparalleled benefits for your brain:

Lion's Mane is nature's gift to your nervous system! It's the only mushroom possessing not one but TWO potent nerve growth factors, showing potential benefits for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, multiple sclerosis, leg cramps, anxiety and more.

What if there were one natural treatment that could restore brain function, regrow damaged nerves and reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis? There may be! Lion's mane mushroom has been used medicinally in Asia for centuries, but for some reason it's one of the best-kept secrets in the West.

Besides being called "lion's mane," Hericium erinaceus, is known by several other names including bearded tooth mushroom, bearded hedgehog, bearded tooth fungus and others. In Japan, it's known as yamabushitake, which means "mountain priest mushroom." It has a variety of other names, depending on the country.

In Asia, it is said that lion's mane gives you "nerves of steel and the memory of a lion," and from what science is revealing, that's apt prose. Thus far, evidence exists that lion's mane mushroom confers the following health benefits:
Improved cognitive function
Nerve regeneration, remyelination, and increased Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
Improved digestive function and relief from gastritis
Immunosupportive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Anticoagulant; mild ACE inhibitor; improved lipid profile

The science about lion's mane is in its infancy, but evidence already points to unparalleled therapeutic benefits for numerous diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, summarized in the table below, and the list seems to be growing by the day.

Conditions That May Benefit from Lion's Mane Mushroom
Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
Parkinson's disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Muscle cramps and spasms
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Stroke recovery
Seizures and seizure-like post-stroke episodes
Anxiety and Depression
Mother Nature's First "Smart Mushroom"

According to world renown fungi expert Paul Stamets, lion's mane may be the first "smart mushroom," providing support specifically for cognitive function, including memory, attention and creativity. It is reported that Buddhist monks have consumed Lion's mane tea for centuries before meditation in order to enhance their powers of concentration.


Surely it is up to each individual to decide what they find intolerable

At least with this system (voluntary euthanasia), anyone with depression, particularly reactive depression, might be flagged up and helped and counselled rather than taking matters into their own hands and leaving relatives wringing their hands and saying "if only s/he had said something". If, after counselling and/or treatment if possible, the individual still finds their life intolerable, who is anyone else to tell them otherwise?
Of course it’s terribly sad, but assisted dying is essential. Denying a person the right to die on their own terms is unethical. Obviously strict standards and criteria need to be maintained to absolutely eliminate any possibility of coercion and to ensure that the individual is of sound mind, but if those criteria are met, then I’m 100% in favour of this.


Feelings being thoughts mixed up with hormones

There was something very neat about him, a tidy countenance, a clear presence.
None would have guessed that he suffered from physical aches and from mental maladies though these were growing less as he grew older. He liked to think of them as growing pains as insufferable as they were, he had to see them that way.
To experience life without reflection would surely cause some depression at least until that got boring. It was necessary for him to contemplate matters of suffering and to ask questions about the nature of the body and the soul.
What is this biological vehicle that senses pain and pleasure and houses a personality of sorts that also has feelings of deprivation and satisfaction?
There is nothing more tedious than a human that never questions the nature of reality, not that tedious equates to boring rather it just isn't interesting.
Should one always feel some sense of unease, whether it be doubts about sex or anxiety concerning identity?
What after all are feelings other than thoughts mixed up with hormones?
It was these above mentioned states that allowed him his movement.


Philosopher Rudolf Steiner talked of supernatural beings that feed on negative emotions

Philosopher Rudolf Steiner talked of supernatural beings that feed on negative emotions

Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

But there is much more to reality than what we can see, feel, hear, taste and touch. In fact, an accounting of the matter that makes up the universe reveals that some 73% of it is made up of dark energy, and another 23% is made up of dark matter, neither of which can we see, nor understand. Furthermore, the human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us. Include in this the spiritual realms and there is an entire universe of possibilities which exists beyond our five senses.

Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen.

Rudolf Steiner, though, one of the most prolific and gifted scientists, philosophers, and esotericists of his time, devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond.

Regarding anxiety and depression, Steiner spoke of hostile beings in the spiritual world which influence and feed off of human emotion; a concept flatly rejected by most today. Yet this analysis also holds true for shamans and others who access the spiritual dimensions in order to alleviate mental suffering for their patients.


How to boost your Dopamine levels naturally and reduce depression and anxiety

How to boost your Dopamine levels naturally and reduce depression and anxiety 

Dopamine is the brain's master chemical. This single neurotransmitter is responsible for a plethora of mental and physical processes. By learning how to stimulate your own dopamine levels naturally, you can overcome depression, anxiety, apathy, and fear, while boosting feelings of pleasure created by this amazing little neuron.


The Last Shaman - Ayahuasca Journey

James is an all American boy whose promising life is brought to a halt by acute depression. Turning his back on the most progressive western treatments and medicines, James discovers ayahuasca in search of healing in the Peruvian jungle. Over the course of 10 months venturing from Shaman to Shaman, James finds friendship, answers and a kind of redemption hidden deep in the Peruvian amazon. watch the-last-shaman


The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul

The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul -- Science of the Spirit

...Participants walking in urban environments had markedly higher instances of "rumination"—a brooding and self-criticism the researchers correlated with the onset of depression. And, just as parts of the brain associated with rumination lit up on urban walks, they calmed down during nature walks.

Photos of nature will increase your sense of affection and playfulness. A quick trip into the woods, known as "forest bathing" in Japan, reduces cortisol levels and boosts the immune system. Whether rich or poor, students perform better with access to green space. And a simple view of greenery can insulate us from stress and increase our resilience to adversity. Time in nature even boosts, in a very concrete way, our ability to smell, see, and hear.

To walk out of our houses and beyond our city limits is to shuck off the pretense and assumptions that we otherwise live by. This is how we open ourselves to brave new notions or independent attitudes. This is how we come to know our own minds.


The evolutionary purpose of depressive rumination

The evolutionary purpose of depressive rumination -- Science of the Spirit --

[...] Depressed people often have severe, complex problems, and rumination is a common feature. Depressed people often believe that their ruminations give them insight into their problems, but clinicians often view depressive rumination as pathological because it is difficult to disrupt and interferes with the ability to concentrate on other things. Abundant evidence indicates that depressive rumination involves the analysis of episode-related problems. Because analysis is time consuming and requires sustained processing, disruption would interfere with problem-solving.

The paper continues:
The analytical rumination (AR) hypothesis proposes that depression is an adaptation that evolved as a response to complex problems and whose function is to minimize disruption of rumination and sustain analysis of complex problems. It accomplishes this by giving episode-related problems priority access to limited processing resources, by reducing the desire to engage in distracting activities (anhedonia), and by producing psychomotor changes that reduce exposure to distracting stimuli. Because processing resources are limited, the inability to concentrate on other things is a tradeoff that must be made to sustain analysis of the triggering problem [...]

In other words, the inability to feel pleasure or enjoyment during depressive episodes may be the brain ridding itself of distractions to focus on solving the problem causing the depression. This challenges the familiar remedy of going out or having fun as an effective approach, as this theory suggests the whole point of depression is to analyze and solve. The research and their sources can all be found in the publication "The Bright Side of Being Blue: Depression as an Adaptation for Analyzing Complex Problems," which can be read for free here.

Interestingly, this theory supports the idea that self-inquiry, if guided and structured, can effectively combat depressive episodes. This common method is referred to as "The Socratic Method." It is a system of questioning based on the teachings of ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. In this method, a therapist suggests questions for the patient to ask themselves. This series of circumstantial questioning leads the patient on a path of self-analysis, dissecting their perspectives and allowing them to understand their problems and approach the roots of their depression with clarity. Critical thinking as a cure for depression. Who would have thought?

While depression is indeed complicated, and cases should not be generalized or considered the same, these theories, methods, and results do indicate it is possible that proper therapy may be more effective in treating depression than SSRIs and other mood stabilizers. While medication has been effective in treating some, it rarely acts as a long-term solution, hence the common scenario of stacking medications on top of one another to combat each other's side effects. Additionally, these medications don't actually cure anything. They amount to putting a band-aid on a gaping wound that requires stitches. The problem isn't just the bleeding — the problem is the open wound.

Addressing the roots of depression is far more important than putting the symptoms to rest while allowing the demons that create them to continue plaguing people's minds. It simply puts a haze between the person and the influence of the disorder. An effective method of curing depression is also economically wise, especially since America, as a society, spends around $210 billion a year treating depression — and much of that money flies right into the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. However, there is hope on the horizon, as methods like problem-solving therapy and research into psychedelic treatment are becoming more common. Watch out, Big Pharma.


Knowledge protects: Those who read books live longer

Reading books is tied to a longer life, according to a new report.
Knowledge protects: Those who read books live longer 

Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers. "Fiction and poetry are doses, medicines," the author Jeanette Winterson has written. "What they heal is the rupture reality makes on the imagination."


From sadistic bloodsucking to greener pastures

We carry on eliminating the BS, one second at a time, try to raise our consciousness to silently radiate peace to the world, meditate on courage. Polarity integration is like breathing or eating for us or the heart beating for us. 

As far as we create our own reality abraham stuff, how can the future not be bright, shining, fulfilling for us?

Knowledge protects; we accumulate knowledge and it changes us, the knowing changes our vibe, therefore we create based on what we know, it protects us....spiritually but we must put the knowledge into action somehow, being a passive bipolar in a sick world doesn't help or does it? 

As you were saying life is a bit of a dichotomy at all times, full of paradox, like for example the: do we need to fully get rid of the psychopaths or do we need them? a bit of both right?

or we create our own reality but did children really want to be sacrificed, or raped or starved? uno the first six years are the forming years, we are talking about the years in which a child learns its creation programme or mind is formed.

or we must take action, steps, movement, flow, work but really we don't need to know HOW we are going to get what we want, we don't need to be preoccupied with HOW we are going to do anything, our positive, pleasant vibe is enough. 

Work is joy, actions are gifts. 

HOW to deprogramme the mind without suffering? Again, the HOW? Apparently we can learn all of our lessons in bliss and happiness, it doesn't have to be negative.

The understanding I think is in the 'knowledge protects' theory/lifestyle/survival and the 'ignorance endangers' themes too.

Ultimately some of us humans do seek balance on all levels and therefore wholeness, completeness, healing and know that it could be so, some of us feel that the convictions/programming/studies that claim that man is naturally violent and self-seeking and its a nature problem, not a nurture problem are BS, and that man has inherent goodness inside, locked away due to trauma from outside forces. I would almost believe however that there are many different dna/breeds/types/mutations/genetic manipulation and that there are some f***ed up strands all mixed in there, one big juicy mess of polar opposite forces all tangled up.

Anyways being a soul-rebel uno, I speak rather the shamanic language, I look at the soul of a man, I speak to the spirit of man and I pass judgement but with a comforting nod or wink, for truly all is not lost.

Do the masses, fellow human beings all get destroyed? Whose soul lives on? The organic portals or those lacking soul potential or STS polarized do they get stuck or split? Do the 'generally 'good' people with STO potential do they transition to greener pastures?

So every one answer in this life is like a thousand new questions and so in order that we stay tuned into this frequency to be able to experience this physical life we jolly well need our ego or we would just burn, just go insane. Seems some negativity is grounding us or something, like the ego can control us, the me, me, me mode comes forth from survival fight or flight due to impending trauma from living life with the elements, roving beasts, diseases, pain, hunger, war, NWO, PTB etc. Who wants us stuck here on earth and why? 

Yes, life on earth can be paradise, it truly is at times, often pretty ok actually but still, we are like cattle to them, we are their prey, they feed on our negative emotions. We (all) are stuck here on earth like a fly that landed on the planet for a quick taste/sense, then the spider came to suck us dry, and we could have buzzed off quickly to a new system but we got trapped, stuck in a web of lies, hypnotized by the beast, it wants us alive for sadistic bloodsucking, but really, really, we can escape, we have wings, we can fly the solarsystem.

So I realized that I have been stressed, so stressed about my situation, fight or flight that I was not able to see the redemptive light.
The body says STOP! ultimately, the body is the 'enough is enough' shut down system, the body is amazing, such a brilliant, beautiful and compassionate one. The body speaks a language too. It says: I love you, I will endure for you, I love you enough to die for you and I will kill you if you fuck around for too long and don't listen to what I'm telling you.

Don't mind my musings, hope they amuse you.


anger is here, death will come I just did this whole half-drunk depressive rant on the phone to my mum, how I'm drinking now, hoping to slowly kill myself, because I'm so lonely and I don't understand why so many people take an interest in me and like me and yet...

My mum is like; have u thought about seeing a doctor for your depression?


warning! awakening can cause depression!

It's a topsy turvy world we live in and we have been told so many times that becoming aware, waking up, working on ourselves, raising our consciousness and ascending etc will bring great feelings of joy, happiness, contentment and all manner of positive things. They say that we will be manifesting left and right all of the material things we believe we deserve because me made it somehow to the next level or something like that and yes this is maybe true but it's as usual only one half of the spectrum. This is a half-truth.
The other half takes some getting used to; sorry to break it to ya. When we get past the first layering of illusions - most people don't even get that far - that's when we get the duality lessons starting to pop up, then come the lies, so many lies, so many cover-ups, so many deceptions and this is just the first layer of many. It is ugly, so very vile and it's all part of the show my friends. 
If we have the guts to continue than just a little later there will be plenty of pain coming up as the illusions and masks are stripped away one by one and everything we held to be true makes way for the real truth of this dimension and the real plight of every human being on this planet.


the cold of this climate

Through this undertone of deep sorrow
I continue to wish that it was over
This life, because I have never had the time
for romance, soul longing
Desert of rampant gay sex destruction
spread like a cosmos of death
They claim it brings joy but I cry such tears
at the lack I perceive, the cold of this climate
My soul, you know of this cruelty, you know of this desolation,
yet you do nothing, you pitiful creature
It is not great what you have done.
This sort must be extinct, the species that would love and be loved
so simple, somehow innocent, you are naive, you are dumb!
Such wishful fantasy to think
that your fellow men, even know it
You percieve, such fellowship, fools practise
this temporary oblivion.
I am dying, I pray I am dying
This reality just renders me, these dying embers are gutting,
cutting to the inner flesh of me,
such a simple thing; a touch, a smile, simple romance
unknown, companionship,
I cannot be contained here, I am alone
just a tremble of warmth, I see none in this city
I am a sorrow, self pity
no, no, not going out to get
to take, steal, there are none


Emergence from the dark night?

"The dark night is a certain inflowing of God into the soul which cleanses it of its ignorance’s and imperfections, habitual, natural and spiritual..."
26 June 2008
The medication is working: thank you psychiatrist. The therapy is working: thank you psycho-therapist, the divine healing energy is working: thank you guides, gods and angels.
Life is more or less working once again.
I have emerged from the dark of night. While I was in it I was otherwise unaware, literally nothing; no-one. The detoxification from drugs, the predisposition, the former depression and the new anxiety all made the break-down weeks so complicated as to what was happening. Losing all sense of self and reality is a very scary event, terrifying even. This text will be a reminder for later.
Now I am clambering upwards with great optimism, sometimes not daring to believe I am secure again, sometimes doubting if I am really stable. The medication is making me believe. At any rate I needn’t worry whether or not I am fully recovered because I trust. I believe (mirtazapine or not).
22 June 2008
They say you first need to know the darkness in order to know the light, and in order to appreciate the duality and to rise above it into unity you must go through it. Well I am in that darkness now and although I thought before that I had known it, I reckoned that I had been through the worst and defined that darkness, I know now I had only flirted with it and stayed somehow safe all the past while.
Now I am plunged into the abyss of hell residing inside me, this desert of human malice, and every cruel twisted thing within my psyche. My subconscious plays tricks on my conscious, torments it gradually and this is where the battle is being fought out, I say battle in order to illustrate the struggle and I give it some poetic, heroic feel as I must if I would stay sane. It is torture but even greater the reward right? It’s as if I am being shown what I could become, what evil is, what the duality entails.
28 June 2008
I am seeking to define and interpret the recent events in my life from a spiritual perspective and today I came across these extracts describing the so called ‘dark night of the soul’ and I find the similarity with my experience these past weeks rather uncanny:
Expanding and Dissolving the Self: Dark Night and Rebirth
The Dark Night can arise as a stage in a particular spiritual practice or as a result of life circumstances that challenge one's sense of identity, self-image or status. These might include illness, death of a loved one, divorce or separation, loss of job or financial status, mid-life crisis, or an existential crisis triggered by the growing discrepancy between one's inner spiritual needs and the prevailing materialistic emphasis of our society.
"The description of death and rebirth as a "dark night" comes from the writings of the great mystic St. John of the Cross. In an eloquent way, he describes the dark night as a long period of unknowing, loss, and despair that must be traversed by spiritual seekers in order to empty and humble themselves enough to receive divine inspiration... Traditionally the dark night arises only after we have had some initial spiritual opening."
Extracts from The Stormy Search for the Self, by C.Grof and S. Grof:
"During the existential crisis, one feels cut off from the deeper self, higher power, or God -- whatever one depends on beyond personal resources to provide strength and inspiration. The result is a most devastating kind of loneliness, a total and complete existential alienation that penetrates one's entire being ... This deep sense of isolation appears to be available to many human beings, regardless of their history, and is often a central ingredient of spiritual transformation. Irina Tweedy, a Russian woman who studied with a Sufi master in India, wrote in The Chasm of Fire:
"The Great Separation was here ... a peculiar, special feeling of utter loneliness ... it cannot be compared to any feeling of loneliness we all experience sometimes in our lives. All seems dark and lifeless. There is no purpose anywhere or in anything. No God to pray to. No hope. Nothing at all...
"This sense of extreme isolation is reflected in the desolate prayer of Jesus on the cross: "My God, my God. Why hast Thou forsaken me?" People who are lost in this place frequently cite the example of Christ's darkest hour in an attempt to explain the extent of this monumental feeling…"
Extracts from Spiritual Emergency, by C. Grof and S. Grof:
The preceding conflicts and sufferings, with the psychological and physical symptoms which they generated, vanish sometimes with amazing suddenness, thus confirming the fact that they were not due to any physical cause but were the direct outcome of the inner strife. In such cases the spiritual awakening amounts to a real resolution.
"But in other cases, not infrequent, the personality is unable to rightly assimilate the inflow of light and energy. This happens, for instance, when the intellect is not well coordinated and developed; when the nervous system is too sensitive; or when the inrush of spiritual energy is overwhelming in its suddenness and intensity. In extreme cases, the reaction can be so intense as to become pathological, producing a state of depression and even despair, with suicidal impulses. This state bears a close resemblance to psychotic depression -- once called "melancholia" -- characterized by an acute sense of unworthiness, a systematic self-depreciation and self-accusation, which may become so vivid as to produce the delusion that one is in hell, irretrievably damned. There is also an acute and painful sense of intellectual incompetence; a paralysis of the will-power accompanied by indecision and inability to act.
"But in the case of those who have had an inner awakening or a measure of spiritual realization, the disturbances should not be considered as a mere pathological condition, they have different, far deeper causes, as has been indicated by both Plato and St. John of the Cross with similar analogies."