Showing posts with label STARSEED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STARSEED. Show all posts


We must awaken to recognize that we exist in a mind-controlled reality in which every single human has been oppressed, traumatized and derailed from expressing their true spiritual blueprint, as the Controllers attempt to prevent mass awakening and spiritual ascension on the earth.

To strengthen spiritually and develop our best qualities, we must accept that life is filled with constant challenges that offer us lessons to grow, and that we cannot fear change or the unknown. We can take these challenges in life and consider them opportunities to develop our self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy in developing skills, so that we can fully actualize our highest spiritual expression. All events in our life have purpose to help us grow and evolve to actualize our spiritual blueprint, and we must remember that nothing is wasted, all is supplied for us to take the opportunity to master ourselves, lead our lives, and actualize our purpose.


Starseeds and Lightworkers Activations and Energies in Motion

Starseeds and Lightworkers are uniquely activated at various stages of their lifetime, and the messages of this show discusses some of those big energy periods. The Pluto-Uranus squares from 2012 to 2015 and the Uranus-Saturn squares of 2021 are requiring new growth and life directions, as we are allowing room for the new energies within each of us to rise up and express themselves in this reality. More to share in this episode. 


They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness

The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix. The Indigos are here to fulfill this planet's Ascension cycle by holding the higher frequency and light codes required to support the planetary grids into activation of higher DNA coding.

Indigos have a larger group purpose as a task force for the Sirian Council (6D Gatekeepers) and Guardian races to be the Agents of Transformation as well as having a unique special skill set for individual soul purpose. They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness leading into the Mother principle to restore energetic balance.

Indigo Types


March 2021 - 3rd Wave of Awakening - Improvements & Success

As March arrives we will start to see improvements in our perspective, there will be a return of hope and relief. The start of the year was rough and depressing for many. We were asked to let go of the old world, we were grieving for a way of life that was no longer sustainable, a life we were invested in. The harder we tried to cling to our beliefs and attachments to the dying paradigm of control, the more suffering ensued. That suffering was conscious and that awareness has made it possible for us to let go. We spent some time processing all that had happened in 2020 and now as March rolls in, we will start to see some results of our hard work. It was much clearing for the collective, clearing the shadow, the miasma from our reality that felt so dark these past months.

Hope will return as we see how much work we have done on ourselves and with it a feeling of achievement. The great awakening is still in full-swing and will continue for some time as the masses now are moving into the ascension. The veil is thinning, the truth is everywhere and can no longer be ignored. Everyone will have moments of realisation of truth about something in their lives. Governments and elites of this world are desperate but they have overplayed their hand and their corruption and greed is obvious now. The people of earth are demanding their freedom and as the spring comes, as the light returns, we will start to unite and resist even more. The 3rd wave of virus will initiate a massive pushback against the restrictions and matrix control system. The pandemic narrative will start to fail and lose credibility.

Those of us working in the disclosure community, the lightworkers and starseeds will see huge improvements in our lives as we move further into the healing energies of the 5th dimension. Ancient healing gifts and abilities will increase as will our joy and inner peace. It will be a time for celebration. As the 3rd wave of awakening sweeps in there will be new codes available for download. Very expansive codes of manifestation and realisation incoming! Warriors of light unite! More and more humans are now moving onto the freedom timelines! There will be blessings big and small for all in March 2021! 


Not affected by the current shadow

We see that a darkness is upon us. An oppressive force would lay a shadow over us. A collective fear and frustration would be imposed upon us. A shadow lies on the minds of men.

Yet we who have the eyes to see, the lighthearted ones, the visionaries; we observe this new threat but do not percieve it as such. For all is well in our world as we see the cycle, the changes, and we remain calm in our knowing.

From where we stand, the darkness cannot reach us or supersede us. We rise above this reaction and stare it down in complete calm. We know all is well, this is a necessary fire. We are glad to witness these movements for they are markers of the great awakening.


First Half, Second Half Of 2020

Physical Earth is in this massive Light field, frequency, space, level and more now. Because of this everything and everyone on Earth is now—in Phase 2 of the evolutionary Ascension Shift Process—having to let go of everything that has been, what was of the old lower frequency insane patriarchal Earth like it or not. The NEW is finally being entirely physicalized throughout 2020, which is why it looks, sounds and feels like most everything and many more people are about to have colossal meltdowns. Humanity is in that difficult zone where the old negative familiar is physically disintegrating simultaneously to very high NEW manifesting constantly. It’s simply a tumultuous time and shift zone we’re in this year and next. If you’re normally fond of demolition and getting rid of old stuff that doesn’t work, fit or isn’t appropriate anymore, then you’re probably enjoying the old lower everything being obliterated and disappeared because you know the NEW is finally replacing it all physically.

Phase 2 of the Ascension Process is when a certain energy frequency and level is reached and the Ascension Process becomes fully physical in the physical dimension and global humanity partakes of it or physically leaves. This is no longer just the Volunteers doing all the unseen energy Work etherically while humanity goes along not aware that anything out of the ordinary has even been happening. Phase 2 abruptly involved all of humanity in the Ascension Process, in compressed evolution on the physical level. There isn’t one big “Shift”, there are many smaller shifts and 2020 has numerous shifts happening every few days, weeks and months.

Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process the Volunteers energetically Worked both internally and externally within themselves as they continuously embodied more and more higher and higher frequency Light energies while simultaneously transmuting enough old patriarchal density filth across Earth over thousands of years and more. Like the drawing shows, Phase 1 was about the Volunteers incrementally but continuously increasing the Light and frequency in ourselves and our physical bodies and seeding, anchoring it all into Earth—what’s becoming NEW Earth—for ourselves and mass humanity to evolve or ascend to in the near future.

Phase 2 of the Ascension Process started on January 1, 2020 and was energetically muscled into physical manifestation levels by the powerful, reality-changing Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction that was exact on January 12, 2020. The Saturn Pluto conjunction is still in effect energetically and will be all of 2020 and 2021. There were innumerable other energy events and energy stair-steps that the Volunteers had to live, embody and energetically seed into Earth throughout Phase 1, but it was the January 2020 Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction that caused and continues to cause physical Earth reality to shift out of the old lower frequencies and into the NEW higher ones. Once this was physicalized for Earth, the Volunteers and mass humanity, there is nowhere else to go but into Phase 2 of the Ascension Process because Earth and humanity has energetically shifted from the Phase 1 stage, level and energies of the evolutionary ascension to the NEW higher stage, level and energies of it with the start of 2020. To help with this monumental shift from Phase 1 to Phase 2 levels, frequencies and energies, this energetic ascension transfer SHIFT of January 2020 had to happen to make everyone consciously aware that things had changed dramatically and will continue to for the rest of our lives and beyond.

The old everything of lower frequency Earth is currently being pushed out of existence because it’s time to shift into the NEW higher frequency and Light range in the physical. We’re not in the old lower past patriarchal Earth world reality anymore, nor are we entirely in the NEW that’s in this process of becoming NEW Earth for NEW Humanity either. An incredibly important transfer was finally reached energetically and physically in January 2020. That transfer was that everything had finally reached a high enough energetic frequency overall that it Shifted the Earth and humanity from the Phase 1 frequency up into the higher NEW Phase 2 frequency. In other words everything and everyone—not just the Volunteers—is now within this much higher Light energy, NEW codes and frequency range and must shift into it all. That means tremendous releasing and constant change is happening and will continue every minute of this year and next. And it won’t all be neat, clean, gentle or calm, but it will be okay. This is Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn doing precisely what they do to altogether corrupt man-made dead-ended physical reality systems and structures — they permanently remove them physically. Like I said, if you like large scale demolition, throwing out the trash, and Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn doing what they do so very well during the Ascension Process doesn’t scare the poo outta you, then most likely you find all this exciting and fulfilling. I mean, remember what it took us Volunteers going through in Phase 1 to get everything to this point and level! To other people however Phase 2 looks and feels like the “end times”, which it is — it’s the end times of what has been.

We’re no longer trying to get out of the old lower energies and frequency range, we’re now IN the NEW higher energies, frequencies and range and must physically shift and adapt to them. Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process the Volunteers were on the other side of this, constantly energetically pushing, pulling, dragging, lifting, hauling, transmuting, clearing and embodying until we’d embodied, seeded and energetically anchored enough Light, higher frequencies, NEW codes, NEW grids etc. to have the entire collective transfer shift be capable of happen in the physical. It has with the start of Phase 2 which is why everything in 2020 is as crazy as it’s been. It’ll get worse for a while as the last dredges of the global patriarchy and matching consciousness and external reality dies-off, some of it/them fighting to the bitter end to never change but change everything will regardless.

Read the article here: First Half, Second Half Of 2020


In Praise of Praise

by Aliza, who wrote this the other day for us, the day of the lunar eclipse:

That this could be a Full Moon of self-loathing and I want to encourage you not to fall into the pit and you're gonna want to fall into the pit and never get out, just stay there because that's where you belong, in the pit, in the wilderness, in hell. All the voices in your head: it'll never get any better it'll never get any better it'll never get any better and it is what it is.

And yet (here comes the counterpoint) the divine (define it how you wish, if you wish, sometimes I see a giraffe) never doesn't know who you are and in this take some solace even while you smash it against the wall, screaming to no one there: thanks for nothing. You're in the pit, in the wilderness, in hell, you've set up a bed there and a microwave and you've stocked the fridge with the snacks of self-loathing and you are not alone. Oh great. Just what you wanted, a witness.

I woke up this morning with my own pain feeling like a sacrifice and then remembering what I do, what I'm supposed to do here, in this life, in this moment, which is talk to you, and I thought of my clients of the past week and the past month and the past year and how scared they are and how angry they are and how in love they are and how we have ONE MORE eclipse of this cycle, the last of the summer and the last of Cancer (home) and Capricorn (work). We don't know where we belong, we don't know what to do, and we're never not homeless.

The advice. I got some.

My advice for today (and tomorrow and this month and these days) is praise. Praise the dead you miss and praise death. Praise the sickness you have and the cure you don't. Praise your face no matter how wrong. Praise how scared you are and how sad you are and how helpless you feel and are. We are.

I don't know what else to tell you. Full Moons are hard, eclipses are hard. I just wanted to say hello. This full moon is wrapped up in Chiron and Mars and Jupiter and Pluto and if you get through the next 24 hours intact, you win. Another day.

So that's my advice for the eclipse: praise the wall. Praise the ceiling. Praise the books you buy and never read. Praise the paint chip and the rotting fruit and the unpaid bills and the paid bills. Praise your ears which hear the upset noise of daily life and your eyes which cry until they burn for no reason. Praise your body in its horrifying betrayal and praise the confusion of our leaders and praise your family who destroyed you and your lover who didn't love you, not even a little, and they never could, and praise every scar, every sticking your neck out, every hope. Praise the failure you can't forget. We are so human.

One card. I drew one card. The Star.


Post Eclipse Season July 2020 Ascension Symptoms

- Physical exhaustion; body feels heavy, weakness, extreme fatigue.
- Letting go of huge chunks of trauma, transmutation of shadow aspects.
- Feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness.
- In your face 3D lower consciousness, conflict.
- Losing faith and hope, feeling disapointment.
- Needing to sleep more.
- Aches, arms and legs and feet numbness.
- Surrender, retreat, feels like defeat.
- Dry mouth, dry eyes.
- Nausea, acid reflux
- Sensitivity to sound (even more than usual)
- Feeling like there is no support from the higher realms.
- Waiting for the next wave.

and yet....what will come of this....

- Clearing for the collective
- Polarity integration.
- Coming to terms with what just happened these last months/years/life.
- Fully anchoring higher awareness.
- Letting go of outdated patterns and thoughts.
- Releasing ancient beliefs and dogma's that no longer work.
- Very deep internal shifts.
- Upgrade of everything 3D including unaware humans.
- Next chapter.
- New level.
- Fresh inspiration and connectivity.
- Solid foundation on which to build a new life (new earth)
- Taking full responsibility, independence.
- Better energy management.

how to deal...

- Let go.
- Take one day at a time.
- Avoid crowds, people.
- Self care.
- Take extra vitamins, minerals, CBD.
- Foot baths, comfort showers.
- Sleep.
- Know this too shall pass.


Incoming ET Galactic Codes

Over the weeks it’s become increasingly obvious that the Volunteers — those who volunteered to drop a lot of Light to be able to incarnate into a physical body on physical Earth to directly assist with the current Universal Ascension Process — Starseeds, Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Embodiers, Transmuters, Gridworkers, Pathpavers, Wayshowers are incrementally embodying NEW ET Galactic codes, some specific ones etherically hand-delivered by certain ETs.

Volunteers have been having their Pineal and Pituitary glands repeatedly evolved, expanded, upgraded, turned more complex and crystalline etc. since they each began the Ascension Process, but this is Phase 2 level different and you can feel that difference in your head, eyes, awareness, consciousness, HighHeart and abilities. Do not fear this as it’s part of the current embodiment of some more of these NEW Galactic codes. Just like all else in the Ascension and Embodiment Processes this too will take some linear time for us to safely embody them all. From here on out however, expect the weird factor to amplify and in ways also NEW to you, even if you’re a Starseed. It’s been busy there and it’s been busy here and this will continue all year as the Volunteers continue embodying these many NEW, different, higher frequency and much more complex ET Galactic codes.

While the Volunteers continue embodying these NEW ET Galactic codes this year, those at lower levels of consciousness and focus continue to look to the external old world, people, groups and governments etc. to finally reveal all their long-hidden secrets about ETs, UFO and whatnot. We’ve embodying NEW ET Galactic codes and those people continue playing around in the external expecting that the corrupt will suddenly come clean and share all publicly. What’s happening is that the Volunteers are embodying this first, just as they do with all the NEW energies, Light, frequencies and NEW codes etc., to make them available for mass humanity to quickly evolve, step into when it’s time for them to do so. It’s not going to happen externally — it’s going to happen internally.

From today until the June 20, 2020 Solstice and same-day eclipse, I suggest you sleep as much as your body and CNS now needs, give yourself and your body all the care, respect and room they need to embody so much NEW and so much higher frequency Galactic codes. This too is exciting but we and our bodies need to take this step-by-step to safely embody it all physically. We may be having more time anomalies during this period, more mild to moderate moments of disorientation, more head and eye Pineal and Pituitary glands pressures and visions and who knows what all! Our HighHearts are intimately connected to these NEW ET Galactic codes and brain glands upgrades so expect anything in that location, space and level now through the June 2020 Solstice. I suspect the July 4, 2020 (big hint there!) eclipse will be more whole body, more all-encompassing for the Volunteers, and more all-encompassing at lower levels for mass humanity.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020.


Second wave, mass deaths, GREAT AWAKENING!, starseeds and ascension, september/october 2020...

As more of the fifth dimensional codes become available and we are able to anchor and embody the fifth dimensional frequencies, we will all see more and more of that dimension manifest on the earth.

As we wake-up to our multi-dimensional selves, wake up to our ability to move through dimensions and hold different frequencies in our bodies, as we choose from our own consciousness where we will reside, more and more humans will choose to manifest and reside in a higher, more expansive frequency.

It is the starseeds who are anchoring these light-codes of creation, codes of co-creation and freedom within their bodies now and so make them available for the rest of humanity. The starseeds have spent many, many years already on their labour of love working with the density and shifting and clearing the dense third dimensional matrix/control frequency and are now tuning in to the higher expansive codes and anchoring these 'truth' frequencies onto the earth plane.

With the recent crown/corona activations came a huge wave of awakening, the first major wave of our time and it set in motion the 'great awakening' that we are seeing play out in the world today and in our individual lives. An enormous influx of light has caused many people to see for the first time through the illusion of the control system, to see the darkness suddenly, to be aware for the first time that there even existed such a thing. So much darkness and evil, so much pain and suffering, so much manipulation all out in the open. Never before have so many people all over the world been effected on a consciousness level than have these past months and it will continue.

Another way of looking at this is to see the work of the starseeds; for without the codes becoming available and the 'holding the space' and 'clearing a place' none of this could have been possible. Yet all humanity has called forth this time of great awakening for much is at stake; first and foremost our planet, our home is being destroyed at an alarming rate and surely something had to change. We are also nearing the end of a grand cycle, so much happening and lots more to come this year 2020.

I would speak to you now of the next great wave that will crash over the planet in september/october. The next great wave of awakening, the next wave of mass deaths, more than ever there will be many souls exiting this reality, many because they cannot exist in such a high vibration. For as more of the fifth dimension is anchored on the earth, so must a great chunk of third dimension make room and therefore no longer exist, we will move beyond many structures and systems that were once the foundation of the third dimensional control grid/system.

Already the generator has been shut-down; the feeding machine of the AI and the inter-dimensional parasites is no longer working as it once did. We are living in the echo of their manufactured false reality. The anti-life system will go but with it also many humans that choose not to ascend, they will continue to exist in a reality better suited to their consciousness experience. Yes, many, many people will 'die', do not be alarmed for the fifth dimension anchoring will also be expanded as more souls embody those frequencies on the earth and also many newly arrived souls have been born now with full access to their DNA spectrum-codes.

The new codes are of balance and abundance. We can only begin to imagine what life in the future will be like. Many starseeds are now called to envision how this 'new earth' will come into form and how society will evolve in the coming years, this will continue long into the future although time itself will change too as we move more often outside of time and space, as we remember our multi-dimensionality.

Will the second wave involve a new virus? It is likely. Will the new wave involve 5G technology, vaccines, and all the other nasty things we would rather not have happen? It is likely. Will there be earth changes and natural disasters? It is likely. In fact all of these will happen most likely at the same time and with it an election in the USA.

As this second wave washes over us all, it will bring with it the next mass awakening and allow for many more people to 'wake-up'. With every attempt to control and coerce ; more of us will see through the lies and deceit. With every attempt to enslave us further; more will break free. Already so many are crying out for freedom! Also great suffering will turn many people to cry for help, help from fellow humans and also from their spiritual helpers. The frequencies and cosmic rays will drive us ever higher and be ever more intense on our bodies as more of the old must go and more of the new be anchored, new codes of expansion and creation, of healing and meditation. First though the collapse of the current dying control system prison must happen and it will be quite shocking for many. The tower card if there ever was one.

To survive and thrive through the coming months and years one must trust in the great cosmic plan. Through spiritual practice the fifth dimensional space becomes available for all who choose it, those who choose from the heart, live in the heart, those of truth and compassion. It is a place of calm and safety during the coming storm. Now we can access a peace, a great calm inside us; the emerging fifth dimension. Take good care of your body, take good care of your mind and take good care of your heart.

What has taken starseeds many long years to accomplish is now made available for all who wish to activate and receive through their higher centres. The awakening process that took starseeds decades can now be achieved in a matter of years or even months and this acceleration will continue. There is much to look forward to and much to let go of. The transition must happen inside each of us. 
I can't wait for the next wave to come! Look to the fall! The Fall of the Cabal! Look to the stars and look to reunite with our galactic families of light!

Earth Brother - 11-06-2020

A tremendous storm coming; anti-life systems will be destroyed


So regardless of Wanderers being “higher evolved” or old souls, they’re on the same playing field as everyone else on 3D earth and must do the work to access their knowledge

Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simple challenges.

What seems natural is to think that a warrior who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can certainly face petty tyrants with impunity. But that’s not necessarily so. What destroyed the superb warriors of ancient times was to rely on that assumption. Nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to withstand the pressure of the unknowable.

Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan’s teaching of the “warrior”


When we start to open up this, I want to say open Pandora's box, to go down the rabbit hole with the negative alien agenda it can be very difficult for people, to attempt to really integrate and understand that information and indeed it takes time

Q. "I am inspired by your transparent information and you are one of the only spiritual leaders that speaks on satanic ritual abuse of children. Unfortunately, I have witnessed the unspeakable evil things done to them and it makes me so upset that I question how could God allow it. It makes me question if God won’t help them, how would he help me? It makes me resist God at some level and fear to trust."

A. This is a very good question and I think that it starts in the beginning of our journey. It takes some time to understand our own relationship with God and to feel that and experience that directly. I know that this is a very common question that many people on planet Earth ask themselves and others. Many atheists will say “if there was a God this situation wouldn’t be happening”. That is why in ES I'm always talking about the importance of understanding our true hidden history and the fact that we are in a war over consciousness. This planet is essentially a prison planet. There are many basic assumptions about the history of humanity that are unknown to the general public, which make it a lot easier to think that we've just been abandoned here on this planet, and there is no benevolent or loving force that is here to help in such dire matters.

Once we understand the larger context, the Guardian context of understanding the quality of consciousness that we have access to on the earth, what we can embody and experience in our consciousness, is made available through an architecture, it is through a manifestation blueprint. We are essentially existing in a fallen system with damaged manifestation blueprints. The damage that has been incurred is not only in the time space matrixes and within the blended reality with AI systems, but is also compounded with understanding that this reality has been invaded by nonhuman forces. Those that have exploited the weaknesses of this architectural damage, as well as exploit the immature level of human consciousness that is existing at this point in the timeline. Because if we understand where we are as a species on planet earth, the consciousness here is very young and undeveloped. Essentially, there are extradimensional bullies that are very proficient at warfare with extremely advanced technological weaponry that is being used as a form of mind control, as a form of subjugation of the consciousness that exists here.

By intentionally erasing the identities here on this planet, we've all been mind-wiped, we've been given a false history and we've been given a false identity. Then one can see the set up here more accurately, it is quite dire in terms of how challenging it is for all of us, as human beings. Without our handbook, without having access to that information of where we actually come from and how there has been a small group, a domineering group that decided to take planet Earth for its own purposes, we are blinded. Whether it was for the farming, for gaining resources, for energy management, for stealing the consciousness energy here, that's essentially what we’re dealing with now. We have been enduring this in the last 26,000 year cycle after the Luciferian Rebellion, undergoing a very dark age.

The dark eon was upon us for 26,000 years, we have come to the end of that cycle and now we are traversing in the in between zone. We’re existing in the space of no-time. We haven't quite started the new eon, we are in a transition phase where we are undergoing the ascension cycle, but simultaneously, we are also in a war over this planet. This is something that has been described as the war over timelines because the timelines are directly related to the operation of the planetary architecture. He or she who controls the architecture also controls time. When we talk about AI and superimposed overlays of alien implants and various levels of the corruption that have occurred in the planet itself, many of us that have been listening to the ES material or our body of work for a time, understood that our planetary logos was invaded. Essentially, the brain and head of this planet was taken over and it was turned into an AI machine that could be controlled by those off planet and those that exist in the in between spaces. To create essentially a farm down here and that is what we are evolving out of right now.

We talk about the spiritual freedom and liberation of this planet, the liberation of consciousness, this is what we’re living through right now. Many of us that were indigo or starseeded came from other galaxies, came from other planetary systems, came from other universes entirely. We answered the clarion call and we came here to help and experience the end of the dark aeon. We’re working in that field of reference supporting the ascension cycle, and not only are we working for the Ascension cycle, we’re doing recon, we are taking inventory. Because the issue is someone is accountable to the architecture, these forces will be held accountable to what has happened here to enslave consciousness. It's also relative to our lifespan being very short, we have 70 odd years down here in this particular body, in which also was a genetic modification made by the invaders to limit our life span. By the time we are old enough to get some maturity and awareness, the body has to drop, and what has been happening down here is then starting the ongoing recycling of the reincarnation process.

Read more here.


Ascension Symptoms March/April 2020

From HighHeartLife:

These latest NEW energies that many Volunteers/Forerunners/Embodiers etc. have been embodying the past few weeks have been different from anything prior which is easy to feel in our physical bodies. The sense of greatly amplified weight or density is a common side effect of embodying a large amount of NEW Light energy etc. For the past weeks my head, skull and face has felt this amplified energy pressure causing head pains, headaches, face numbness, eyes, jaw side effects that far surpass all the many times I’ve experienced more NEW Light being embodied into and through my head. I’ve also been hearing inner ear NEW sound tones I’ve never heard before which shows how much we’re in NEW Phase 2 territory and energies. What we’re feeling are the energies arriving via the first Equinox of Phase 2, 2020. This will continue because there’s A LOT of NEW that has to quickly be embodied by those of us capable of doing so now so that those NEW codes, templates, Light energies etc. are seeded, inserted and anchored into NEW Earth and available for other people willing to evolve now.


- Lymph system swelling pain, detox happening, drink plenty of water
- Electrical nerve pains - nerves swelling - physical anxiety
- Calmness and empowerment during this intense time
- Depth of spiritual practise - deep self-healing with reiki
- Some difficulty navigating the collective fear, pestilence programme, rollercoaster, up and down
- The discrepancy between awakened conscious people and the 'zombies' increasing to never before levels
- CBD is helpful, also herbs that support the immune system, high doses of Vit. C
- Get lots of rest