
Post Eclipse Season July 2020 Ascension Symptoms

- Physical exhaustion; body feels heavy, weakness, extreme fatigue.
- Letting go of huge chunks of trauma, transmutation of shadow aspects.
- Feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness.
- In your face 3D lower consciousness, conflict.
- Losing faith and hope, feeling disapointment.
- Needing to sleep more.
- Aches, arms and legs and feet numbness.
- Surrender, retreat, feels like defeat.
- Dry mouth, dry eyes.
- Nausea, acid reflux
- Sensitivity to sound (even more than usual)
- Feeling like there is no support from the higher realms.
- Waiting for the next wave.

and yet....what will come of this....

- Clearing for the collective
- Polarity integration.
- Coming to terms with what just happened these last months/years/life.
- Fully anchoring higher awareness.
- Letting go of outdated patterns and thoughts.
- Releasing ancient beliefs and dogma's that no longer work.
- Very deep internal shifts.
- Upgrade of everything 3D including unaware humans.
- Next chapter.
- New level.
- Fresh inspiration and connectivity.
- Solid foundation on which to build a new life (new earth)
- Taking full responsibility, independence.
- Better energy management.

how to deal...

- Let go.
- Take one day at a time.
- Avoid crowds, people.
- Self care.
- Take extra vitamins, minerals, CBD.
- Foot baths, comfort showers.
- Sleep.
- Know this too shall pass.

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