
Atlantis and Lemuria

by Celia Fenn
And so, in the beginning, as it were, there was this one great continent that was called "Mu" or the mother. And, the beings who first lived on the planet lived in the Oceans, they were the Ancient Ones, the Ancestors, and these are the family of those that you call Cetaceans and that live in your Oceans even today.
But, now, as human life emerged and was created on the land grids, there became a need for different kinds of experience and different kinds of being. And so, within the land mass itself arose a stirring for "separation". Not as a bad thing, there was no moral judgment as there is now, only a need to explore and adventure within the self through this process of separation.
And, so the first continents arose, and that which was One, became Many. And it was good.
And, different forms of life were seeded, and different kinds of experience and understanding. And it was good.
There were many cycles of change and alteration as the Earth's land masses drifted apart and away and swirled and formed into new expressions of experience.
And among these was the creation of two great civilizations, known as Lemuria, in rememberance of the original mother, Mu, and Atlantis. Now Atlantis was a very energetic and active place, there was much experimentation and exploring and a busy spiritual life. And it was good.
And Lemuria, that place lived on the original pattern of the old mother, and life there was very feminine and very soft and very loving. And it was good.
You might say that Atlantis expressed the masculine energy and Lemuria the feminine energy. And it was good.
But then, as human life advanced and worked more and more in co-operation with the Oceanic cetaceans and Celestial intelligences, it was decided that, at the time of renewal and rebirth, the Elohim creators would incarnate into the human and cetacean races, and together with humans, they would create the necessary grids and structures that would renew and rebirth the planet. There was great excitement at the great challenge, for it was the first time that this had been attempted, and so they did not know what to expect.
And so it was, that they were not completely ready. They were not strong enough within their own souls and hearts, and at a crucial moment their intention faltered and the new grid split and fractured. And the result was great on the material planes. The Earth's magnetic poles fluctuated wildly and the Earth herself convulsed and her land masses tore apart and moved rapidly.
And so, the modern world was born into this trauma. So, the great continent called Atlantis disappeared beneath the snow and ice, and became the Southern land of Antarctica. The great land of Lemuria, now known as Gondwana, fractured and split and so were created India, Australia, South America, and some of the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii.
And, after the Earth returned to "normal", there was great trauma in the Collective Psyche around the idea of "separation" and "split", and a great need for healing. And so it was, that the wise and ancient keepers of the planet decided that they would allow a whole cycle of time in which those who lived on the planet might heal their trauma by coming to experience the healing grace of Unconditional Love.
This could only be done over time, as the trauma had been great. It required many thousands of years and many teachers of Light and Love, to bring the Earth Collective Consciousness to a point where it could once again accept the great Love that underlies all things.
So it is, dearest one, that this is where you find yourselves right now. You are messengers and teachers who will awaken in the Collective Psyche the memories of what once was, and what will be again.
© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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