Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts


some random considerations

So apparently the patriarchy is starting to crumble, this is leaving alot of men unsure of where they stand, many are experiencing identity issues, some are desperately clinging on to the old paradigm where men had most of the power, now both men and women will have to reconsider their positions. Some structures are crumbling, those that are not working for the greater good will self-destruct. The nature of duality is finally reaching maximum transparency, lots of dark stuff is out in the open now and more will follow. It can at times be quite overwhelming and confusing when the pressure of change is on.
All this is happening because of an increase in light, there are light frequencies that are lifting the earth and all of it's inhabitants into a higher state of being and quite naturally there must be a falling away of that denser, heavier matter.

triple digit numerology

A quick check in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book, “Serpent of Light, Beyond 2012″ told me the answer. If you are not familiar with this book, in it Drunvalo breaks down the meaning of triple digit numbers in our lives:

111 – energy flow: something is flowing to you: money, water, sex, etc…,
222 – new cycle: something new is beginning, wait on next triple # for guidance,
333 – decisions: a fork in the road where your decisions will lead to a 666 which repeat past lessons or to the 999 which means completion and lesson learned,
444 – mystery school: life lessons, real lessons, study, learning about Reality
555 – unity: highest number Christ Consciousness, when someone has attained unity
666 – can represent pure evil, watch out for physical events and exercise caution
777 – mystery school: practicing all you have learned
888 – completion of a lesson
999 – completion of a cycle of lessons or events, spiritual mastery
000 – meaningless



Illusion of leadership

The divine plan permits the illusion of leadership until the education of consciousness is complete.




An expanded model of the human psyche offers the possibility of deeper understanding and assistance for those who need it.
- Christina Grof


Celestial Speed-Up

Read this excellent article about the Mayan Calendar and the current and coming evolution:
November 8,2009 begins the 6th night of the creation phase of the Galactic Era. All the prophets of the Mayan Calendar are predicting a global calamity of the old economic systems on Earth in this next Gregorian Calendar year 2010. But deep down, we knew this, didn’t we?
Do you think the banking industry, Wall Street or the real estate market are now playing ethically because of their little shake-up? Enormous bail outs, dow jones climbing up and up, unemployment decreasing?
Somewhere inside, our gut instincts must be alerting us to the lies of the media and the disastrous conclusions of 5000 years of unnatural living. I remember mentioning that each era had a few challenges and set-backs. One of ours will be an economic collapse demanding fair & fail proof restructuring, the writing is on the wall.
“This fall is the real beginning of the great changes on Earth" (Barbara Hand Clow).
Maya Soma


Future Events and Fear

A channelled message transcribed by Geraldine Camilleri...
What we would deal with this evening regarding your web-site is the Nature of the Future events on your planet.
Now this is an important time to discuss these happenings. There is upon your planet a lot of information being given out which is totally negative. On the other hand having said that, your scientists have their scientific facts and it looks bleaker and bleaker.
You have your scenarios of your global warming, you have your scenarios of waters rising around your planet, you have your scenarios of an ice-age, you have your scenarios of disease and lack of food and many other negative happenings.
Now, as you look upon these, you automatically feel in your heart-of-hearts disquiet. And yet, we will tell you, that although this is being placed before the masses, In Reality and In Truth – It Will Not Be – It Will Not Occur in the manner it is being given out.
It is being ‘given’ out in a manner by people who have not lived through the changes in your planetary system before. And with all the goodwill in the world, they are not correct in what they are saying. This of course is not to say that there will not be disturbances because that is a natural part of the nature of the planet. But the natural part of your planet is not going to be more than you can bear.
As you Grow-Up into adulthood you pass through those phases of discomfort, let us call it that, and if somebody had to explain to you what you would go through, you wouldn’t do it. Yet you go through your lives and you go through life facing moment by moment, day by day, year by year. And then you look back and say, well, twenty, thirty, forty years ago, this and that and the other happened - had I known I was going to go through that, I would not have wished to.
And yet, you do go through it, yet you do overcome, and yet as we said, this all passes. So do not put too much of your focus into the negative state, into all the gloom and doom. It is not what will happen.
What will happen we would state is a far greater and more exciting scenario than you have thought of. Your Creativity as a species as yet, has hardly been tapped.
You have created basically, through your mental body and you have created in a physical reality, what you call your towns, your cities and your systems.
Yet there is a grander and greater creativity which will come forward for you now.
Read the whole message:
The Envoy


The Armageddon: A Cosmic Filtering Process

Many who hear the word Armageddon conger up pictures of the whole world blowing up in some kind of world conflict and becoming scattered pieces in an asteroid belt. Many born-again Christians believe that they will be lifted off the earth in a great rapture, leaving the sinners to battle it out until earth’s ultimate demise. Others, New Age hopefuls, have already proclaimed the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, even as we wallow in starvation, wars, and materialism. That earth’s problems should be so easily resolved and with such finality could only be the result of a profound misunderstanding of the whole process of human evolution, for as we noted in Chapter One, our journey of millions of years is far from over.
Our view of the Armageddon differs considerably from current thought in that we see it more as a filtering process—separating the tares from the wheat, the light from darkness—in every pore, level, and sector of human society, for the true objective of the Armageddon is a general, comprehensive housecleaning designed to rid the earth plane of all negative influences, those of the Dark Forces, so that the conditions necessary for the flowering of a new golden age, the Age of Aquarius, can prevail.
Read more about the filtering process, the acceleration of time and the current and coming world struggles leading up to 2012 from The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Vol. 1 here.
List of Current Messages from the Great Brotherhood of Light


shift in global culture and consciousness

by Daniel Pinchbeck
My view is that “2012” is useful as a meme if it helps us to catalyze a shift in global culture and consciousness. Rather than fretting about what may or may not happen on that date, we should concentrate on the work that needs to be done now, on an inner as well as outer level. My recent focus has been the outer level, studying social theory and political philosophy. If we were to have an opportunity to transform society, what could that transformation look like in a practical sense? How could it be carried out? I have been reviewing the ideas of thinkers like Macchiavelli, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Jefferson, Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt, seeking insight into the nature of politics and power.
How do we bring awareness gained through shamanic practice or yogic discipline back into the gritty realities of political struggle and the fight against global inequity of wealth and resources? It seems there is still a lot of denial among Western mystics and “New Agers,” as well as elitism and spiritual materialism. Whether someone does a flawless series of asanas, drinks ayahuasca with 20 different shamans or visits hidden monasteries in Bhutan has no value as a sign of spiritual attainment. How they live day by day, what they do with the psychic energy and time available to them and how their work helps to liberate others is what matters.
I see this tendency to ignore the social and political struggle in the works of wildly popular writers such as Eckhart Tolle, who has repackaged Vedanta for the masses. In Tolle’s recent book, A New Earth, he writes: “We are coming to the end not only of mythologies but also of ideologies and belief systems.” According to Tolle, the creation of the “new earth” needs no change in social practices as long as you make “the present moment… the focal point of your life.” Tolle exhorts his audience to “enjoy what you are doing already, instead of waiting for some change so that you can start enjoying what you do.” Whether you are an artist, teacher, Fox News executive or currency speculator doesn’t matter: “The new earth arises as more and more people discover that their main purpose in life is to bring the light of consciousness into this world and so use whatever they do as a vehicle for consciousness.” For Tolle, the effort to change our society’s inequitable and unsustainable practices has no particular value compared to the paradise of presence.
The popularity of this message is unsurprising. Some political thinkers argue that the adoption of Eastern thought in the West has given people a way to accept capitalism, and “Empire,” by finding detachment from it. For the critic Slavoj Zizek, Western Buddhism and Hinduism “enables you to fully participate in the frantic pace of the capitalist game, while sustaining the perception that you are not really in it, that you are well aware how worthless this spectacle really is — what really matters to you is the peace of the inner self to which you know you can always withdraw…” Zizek goes so far as to propose, “the onslaught of New Age ‘Asiatic’ thought… is establishing itself as the hegemonic ideology of global capitalism.”
The shift of “2012” could mean that Eastern mysticism, the earth-based shamanism of tribal people and the West’s pursuit of philosophical and scientific knowledge about the world come together to create a new form of consciousness. I suspect the West still has to realize its spiritual destiny — its dharma — in the transformation of matter and the creation of a truly equitable and sustainable world. As the design scientist Buckminster Fuller wrote, “No human chromosomes say make the world work for everybody — only mind can tell you that.” We may not need “ideology” any more, as Tolle says, but we still need good ideas about how we reinvent our society and its institutions to become ethically transparent and sustainable. Rather than escaping from society’s problems by embracing pure presence, we can use the awareness gained from spiritual practice to become more effective agents of social change.
Source: Common Ground

Earth Awareness

Far from government imposing restrictions on all actions that adversely affect the natural balance, everything possible is done to encourage these activities in the name of economic progress. No effort whatsoever is made to reduce levels of consumption to mitigate the effects of our actions. Nor, beyond inducements to recycle, are individuals expected to take responsibility for the reasonable governace of their own lives. In these circumstances how much credibility is there to the state's claim to the right of ordering our existance?
Source: Earth First Manifesto - Matt Clowes


relax in the higher vibration

At this stage in humanity we are still very much connected and living through the mind and we definitely still need it but we are approaching a time in which we will start to connect more and more through the heart and seek to re-connect with the earth and with the cosmos.

There will be a new way of communicating and expressing our love and gratitude because this is the only way we will save the planet and ourselves. It is the next step, we have come this far.

We will get to this place soon because we want to learn, we want to grow and we want to experience more. We can be in that place now anywhere.

Once we start living through the heart, we become more accepting and more "at home", we strengthen our connection with ‘source’ and we attract more, we experience more but we are content with what we have and this is a higher vibration.

End duality. Enter unity.


Extraterrestrial Civilizations

By Joshua David Stone
With the opening of the hall of records in the Great Pyramid by John of Penial, the reincarnation of John the Beloved, disciple of Christ, there will be a great upsurge in crystal technology. We will have the understanding of how to overcome the law of gravity. This is how the ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids of Egypt. This technology, along with the inventions of Nikola Tesla, will have a revolutionary impact on this world. We will have antennas over our houses and businesses that will supply all the energy we need from the universal cosmic supply.
As we move into the Golden Age, there will be much more open contact with higher, more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Some of the extraterrestrial civilizations that have been visiting us for eons of time are those from the Lyra system, the Vega system, Arcturus, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and, of course, the Ashtar command, to name just a few.
In the future open extraterrestrial contact will be commonplace. We will be allowed to join the confederation of planets in our galaxy and universe as Earth moves into the status of being a more spiritualized planet. The extraterrestrials will be of enormous help in advancing our technologies way beyond their present scope. Space travel will be commonplace, as will Earthly flying saucers. The extraterrestrials are waiting for us to develop sufficient spiritual consciousness so we can handle these advanced technologies and not use them for warfare.


If not the mind then what?

Read this post first: Stress and the Mind
So we have this situation and I think it’s all registering on you, isn’t it? So, now, it’s pretty evident that we are all going to be going completely out of our minds. It’s gonna happen. So we might as well go ahead and look at what’s out there, outside of your mind. What’s out there is your intuition. What is outside of your own mind is your Intuition. Your own personal knowing. Your own personal power. Intuition—your own knowing without having to rely on any outside information or evidence whatsoever—was given a death sentence by the Catholics during the Inquisition. They murdered over 4 Million women for having intuition. [There was a news story, where the Pope was asking for forgiveness for what the Catholic Church had done during the Inquisition.] Should we go ahead and forgive them? I think so. Those 4 million women, anybody, anybody who professed to know something without first producing the actual physical evidence on how they came to know it, was declared a witch and they were burned and dragged and stabbed. They were persecuted. As a result, intuition went out of style. We just put it on the shelf. The Catholics knew what they were doing because this is your personal power, it’s your own power, and you know the law of supply and demand. If everyone’s got power then what’s mine worth. If nobody’s got power and I’ve got it, mine’s worth a whole lot more. And that’s what they were doing to everybody. And that caught on and has been brought forward to the situation we’re in right now. And thank you Pope for asking for forgiveness; it’s about time.
You know we pay athletes a lot of money, don’t we? To play silly games, don’t we? It’s almost ludicrous, almost crazy, millions of dollars a year to go out and play a game. Are we nuts? Maybe not. Because you see these athletes when they’re out there under very stressful conditions; playing for a national championship, with all kinds of money and your next year’s career on the line and all kinds of endorsements and all that; under tremendous stress. Instead of going into the fight or flight syndrome, which would have them kicked off the court or off the team, instead of doing that, these guys routinely go into the zone and they make the spectacular play. Under tremendous stress, with everything happening all at once, they just go step back, see and know everything about the moment. Have you read any of those interviews with the quarterbacks or hockey players who see the play in slow motion? Have you heard about that? That’s how they stay in the game, by being in the zone, riding their intuition. There is no time to think about it; if you think about it, you’ve lost.
Being in the zone, being in their intuition is why we pay them the money, because they are doing something that we know is vitally important, something that we admire. We admire it; that’s why we pay for it. Those clothes that you’re wearing, I bet that at some time or another you bought them. And the reason you paid anything for them is because you admired that apparel. And the more you admire something, the more it is worth to you, and the more you will pay. And that’s really the basis of all exchange; is how much it is admired. You can even admire how much you hate something, or how much distaste you have for it, or how ugly something is, can’t you? Ugh, that’s ugly. It’s an amount of admiration. In fact, it’s what beings exchange. Beings exchange admiration rather than money or thoughts or communication. They really exchange admiration between one another. If you want to know where the economy is moving to, it’s moving away from money, isn’t it? It’s moving into the exchange of admiration, rather than physical goods.
But this intuition, being in the zone is very, very important. And, since we are all going to be going out of our minds…oh, you’ll still have one. It’s sort of like you still have bodies; we’re using those as a vehicle. You’ll still have a mind, you can still add 2 and 2 and that kind of thing. But when it comes down to dealing with changes, and the amount of rapid change that is coming, this is the only thing that will work (Intuition). We will not have time to think it through, you will only have time to take the action. And when you’re thinking, when you’re using the mind, what’s also in there is all the fears, doubts, worry. Big clue, how do you know it’s your intuition and not your mind? Your intuition is always, no matter the circumstance—and you guys that were in the accidents, remember—when you are engaged in your intuition, there is no fear. There was a calm certainty a knowing of what to do. There was no time to worry about whether you were doing this right or wrong; it was direct action. Your intuition no matter what or how dire the circumstances, your intuition will always be calm and knowing. Your mind, on the other hand, will throw in the kitchen sink. I’ve talked to some people who have shared experiences about these accidents and whatnot, they made it through the experience and other passengers or companions didn’t survive the situation. And these people knew exactly why the passengers didn’t survive and they did. It was because they personally stayed right there in the moment. While the other passenger was going... “Oh, no, I’m denying this is happening at all.” They were in their mind; the survivor was in their intuition. That’s how important this is.
Source: Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North

Stress and the Mind

The mind is a tool that’s suppose to do its job: seeing the similarities and differences so that you can make decisions concerning your survival. Now when the mind—which is a self-preserving mechanism—when the mind understands that it can’t do its job, or its not adequately able to make good decisions about your future, it’s got a built in, evolved in, safety over-ride system. And it goes in stages. The first stage of that safety over-ride is called stress. When your mind is not sure of what’s coming, it sends your body a signal. This is your walk-away response. You’re supposed to get up and walk away. Animals have this down really good. A dog will smell something weird and will just get up and leave. Us on the other hand, we have had parents and teachers and now employers who would not have us just get up and walk away, right. So, we have adapted to stress; as a matter of fact, stress is a character evaluation on you. How much stress can you handle?? That’s right, because if you could handle more stress, you’d go further up the corporate ladder. That’s really what the glass ceiling is on each person; how much stress can you handle? [I was just going to say that most disability companies no longer accept stress as a reason for being away from work. You cannot get that coverage anymore, as of 2 years ago.] Right. Meanwhile, doctors, the AMA, proclaims that 80% of everything that goes wrong with your body begins with stress. Stress is such an epidemic proportion that all the benefits that used to be afforded to workers for stress have been cut off. Everybody’s got stress; it’s a pandemic.
If you make a telephone call, you’re hooked up to computers that are making something like 4-5 billion decisions per second. Your mind is doing 24. Consciousness is moving at at least 5 billion decisions per second.
Do you understand that consciousness is as fast as you can realize, so now we’re talking about nano-seconds which is one hundredth thousandth of a second. Wow. Consciousness has just sped away from your mind. It used to be, when this territory was settled the people who settled it built everything in their house from the foundation, to the floor, to the windows, to the bunk beds, to the chairs, to the tables. Everything they built with their own hands didn’t they? Except maybe the pump and the skillet; everything else, they built it. They even had a certain amount of knowing about how to do it; they knew how to do it. Go ahead, go home and build a light bulb. That kind of thing is a source for stress. When your computer goes down, there’s a whole lot that the mind doesn’t know about, and it generates this stress. Like I said it’s a pandemic everywhere.
Fight or Flight
Okay so you’re supposed to handle the stress; you’re suppose to adapt to stress and the stress builds and as we’ve just seen that this acceleration continues to accelerate. So what’s next, if you don’t handle the stress, then you go into this. The mind goes into the fight or flight. Now here, all logic is suspended. There is no similarity or difference any more. It’s just a drop of adrenaline in your system and the body is supposed to either run away or fight its way out to preserve your way of survival. That’s the mechanism. This though, this fight or flight, this is desk-rage, this is road-rage, this is Columbine High School, this is terrorism and all wars. That’s what this is. And that is on a massive increase, isn’t it?
Going Unconscious
So what happens if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away? For instance, if you go in and punch the boss in the nose or your teacher, you’re going to end up in jail or at least out of a job. Right. So if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away, what’s left? There’s one last ditch effort on the part of the mind to survive this: unconsciousness. If you can’t run away or fight your way out, what are you supposed to do if a bear attacks you? You’re supposed to play dead. Maybe he’ll only eat your arm. You’ve seen other animals use that technique, haven’t you? They get caught and they just turn over on their back with their belly up and they play dead. It is a survival tactic. It also happens to be the mother of all addictions and the father of all suicides. Basically this is the denial of experience. All addictions are a person’s chosen method to remain unconscious. And it doesn’t matter if it’s alcohol or drugs or work or gambling or shopping or sitcoms. All addictions are a chosen method to stay unconscious. And how many people do you know, yourself excluded, who are stuck in that sort of thing? A whole bunch of people, huh? You’re starting to get the impact of what this acceleration means. 400 years ago, people had lots of time to sit and ponder things, before they changed. And 400 years ago, you had lots of 24ths of a second to work it out. Now it’s not that way and it’s going to get faster and faster on everybody you know, including yourself. This is a serious situation; this is why the world looks like it’s going to pieces, because it is. The mind was not built for speed. It was evolved when things were going a lot slower. Trying to keep your mind up to speed is sort of like taking your donkey for a run behind the family station wagon at 75 miles per hour. It’s just not pretty. But that’s what’s happening to everyone and it’s going to get even more dramatic in the future. If it's not the mind then what?
Source: Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North


often we feel stuck

Mankind and Mother Earth are on the eve of an enormous revolution. The age of Aquarius is commencing, the age of Pisces has passed. Ancient cultures like the Maya, Inca and Indian have predicted this step in time as a transition from the third – via the fourth – to the fifth dimension. By the expansion of our consciousness we will view reality in an entirely different way in years to come, after which a revolution will occur in 2012.
Often we feel stuck and unhappy. Influences like the past, work and relationships slow down our development, which cause emotional and spiritual barriers. More and more often we think about our existence on earth: why are we here, where are we going?
Many speak of Unconditional love, of unconditional Being. This is a beautiful intention. However, for us humans - with accompanying programmes - it seems almost impossible to share in Unconditional love. Yet this is the energy our soul is longing for. To experience and share this love we should first develop unconditional love towards ourselves. After all, we often have so much self criticism. The energy of Unconditionality will help us in the process of getting closer to ourselves and develop unconditional love for ourselves.


Age of Revealing

I will uproot the darkness and cast it out and plant the light in its place. I will uproot the evil and cast it out, I will plant the good in its place. The world shall be full of glory, the earth shall be without suspicion, the whole world shall contain the righteous, they of the earth (grounded) shall dwell in peace, there being no more rebel from henceforth, no name of sin (cruelty to self) shall be uttered again, the rich ones of light shall rejoice on every side without any grief. That which the living ones took was saved, they will return again to that which is their own.
source: 2012 - The Future Of Mankind (googlevideo)
Michael Tsarion

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto is "exalted" in the sign of Aquarius and is therefore closely associated with:
The spirit of rebellion
Since the discovery of Pluto, this "spirit" has been conspicuous in the world. In thought and action...
but the kind of rebellion born from reaction will not avail true change. It is a mere temporary personal or social alteration.

the break down

The nature of Pluto is similar to that of the Hindu God Shiva...Pluto usually begins by breaking down a structure, then it creates a new one in its place. The entire cycle of death, destruction and renovation is accompanied by tremendous powers, for Pluto is not a mild or even very subtle planetary influence. It brings decay at one level or another...
Pluto also rules the death and regeneration of self, as old aspects of your life pass away...Pluto does not represent death in a literal sense, instead it refers to a metaphysical death, something that ceases to be.
Robert Hand

the coming of pluto

Pluto, the planet of destruction (deconstruction) and radical change will be crossing galactic centre and channeling that energy from the central sun, in early 2007. It takes approximately 250 years for Pluto to complete one circuit of the zodiac (12 signs). The effects of this energy on planet earth have already been felt in recent years.
Pluto is presently approximately 24 degrees of Sagittarius. When it moves into Capricorn, the sign of order and government etc it augers in cataclysmic upheavals and exposure of all corruption, in order to restore harmony and a higher way of being. Individual lives will also dramatically transform. Pluto comes to check psychic immunity and brings a deep cleansing cycle. It is natures psychic surgeon.
Pluto has a strong connection to psychology and was discovered in 1930, the search however began around 1900, exactly in the time that Sigmund Freud began publishing his works.
Pluto will continue to influence and strengthen the current transitions and awakenings on our planet in the coming years.


The Consciousness Revolution

One day you’re tooling along, working your normal job, living your normal life, and everything seems OK. But something happens that triggers a sudden expansion of your awareness, and for that brief moment of perfect clarity, you know what it’s like to be fully awake. You’re struck by the terrifying realization that your life has gotten way off course, and that you’re really meant to be doing something entirely different. You notice the various problems of the world, and you get the strong impression that you’re supposed to do something about these problems personally. But as you look around, you can’t help but notice that no one else sees what you see, at least not with the same degree of responsibility, so you don’t know what else to do except go back to sleep and hope everything will be OK. And maybe you do manage to go back to sleep for a while, but it’s really too late because you no longer find fulfillment in your old life no matter how hard you try. The whole experience may even lead to post-awakening depression. Unfortunately, you don’t yet know how to find fulfillment in your new level of consciousness. So you do your best to quietly cooperate with the status quo while being stuck with the awareness that something is definitely not right. The more you resist your new level of awareness, the more it haunts you.
Read more of this amazing article on the Steve Pavlina blog.