Showing posts with label ABUNDANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABUNDANCE. Show all posts


You can do what you love

Be open to pleasant suprises, for your higher self may bring you what you want in a bigger and better way than you thought possible. Trust that you will receive whatever is perfect for you to have.

Keys to Abundance - Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer


Don’t involve Rasta in your say say

Don’t forget your history;
Know your destiny:
In the abundance of water,
The fool is thirsty.


freedom timelines 2

The physical aspect of the timeline theory is very important and should not be underestimated, in fact in most cases it is essential to be healthy with energy flowing evenly and continuously through the body systems at all times. Blokkages result in frustrated and suppressed emotions and a victim mentality. Taking full responsibility for our experience sets us on the conscious-creator timelines of safety, joy and abundance versus the destructive timelines of percieved lack and deprivation.The body communicates with us constantly; how we are 'feeling' results in our choice of timeline because the vibration of our cells is vital for energetic building, creating, choosing consciously. A deep feeling of peace and contentment is held within the body, the body-temple, and then moves out into our surroundings creating a sanctuary.


create more abundance

You can learn to refine your thoughts and actions to fit what you imagine is most fitting and right for you.


cognitive alchemy

A new perspective has arrived and made a nest for itself in my mind, this is not about right or wrong, good or bad, black or white or dark and light. This perspective has slowly been taking root and is objective in its release of realizations and nurtures self acceptance and self respect; this is a key lesson for me right now. It is all about me seeing the bigger picture and perceiving every minute detail as a unique experience from which I can learn. Experience is everything and it is a gift.
The salvation aspect here is that when life is encountered through this new perspective than emotional attachments and distress as responses to an experience or feelings of not being in control become none-existent or at any rate less. For example when being confronted with some so called “negative aspect”, instead of the usual (negative) emotional response, the emphasis in my mind is on the experience and the lesson involved.
What this perspective is ultimately teaching me is self-acceptance and self-love and those qualities and affirmations have a tremendous grounding effect. Trust also plays a role in this process, if you can truly accept and believe that everything that is happening to you is exactly what you need than you can breathe a deep sigh of relief and away fall the negative responses and emotions.
Relief causes us to turn back into the downstream flow of life and abundance; it is the so called breakeven point on the emotional scale. Through this ability to witness every situation as a valuable experience I can gain wisdom and get to know myself better which in turn allows me to grow, change and learn but also to enjoy life as it comes with it’s duality and confrontations and transmute the negative into something positive.
Read what Gandhi says about experience here.


residing in this sanctuary that we rightly call the mother: earth

The right time to write is now.
I think of the inhuman implants leached onto organs that might sway my mood, turn it this way or that. Then feeling my eyes slowly close and my guides telling me: we will take care of that, we will take care of that, I sit back and relax.
Back to the channel of creative force I turn, creativity is a feminine thing but you must balance it out with the masculine. Save your procrastination for a hot summer’s day and create I say.
Residues of prescription medication and recreational drugs that tampered with my delicate chemistry are leaving. Reality is crisp after the cleansing, I see that the plants nearby are alive, at night they are breathing slowly, their metabolism is light.
Alcohol is absolutely not on the present list and for weed there is no need.
I think of the extraterrestrial ships that encircle the earth, they hover sometimes on the inner plane, I ask the beings to reveal themselves, depending on whether or not I see each thing as a manifestation of God that is. Water I drink is alive.
I am not insane but loose, ready to shake the foundations and send sparks bouncing off the walls, listening to the streets over and over again.
There shall be no more talk of war, or death, no more words of pain or loss, no suffering.
There shall be dancing on holy ground only. All ground is holy.
Through the meridians of the body energy flows free, there is a quickening of blood through this psychical vessel, this temple.
To be alive, to be aware of this gift, to know this pleasure, to realize this abundance, that is my intention.
They say: we will take care of that, we will take care of that.
Sit back and relax.


i need not

Are you the blackbird high in the tree?
I look around at all the abundance
How can it be that I doubt?
Evening falls. I listen to the singing. I rejoice
Is this not what life is about?
Even though I am without a companion
I can share my happiness with you
They may think me mad
As I converse with the angels
Dancing to the music of nature
Comfortable for the hours of silence
When they come with the night


Affirmations for balancing the elemental energies: EARTH

I request that my Earth energy be in balance.
My life is Structured and Ordered and I experience physical Abundance and Joy.
I feel Secure and Safe on Earth, and I trust that what I need will be provided.
I enjoy being in my Body, and I feel Health and Vitality.
I honor and care for my Physical Body with love and nurturing.
I honor my physical environment, and I will live with Simplicity and Grace and Beauty.
Simple things give me pleasure.
I request to regain my Earth balance with the Earth elementals and ask to be re-connected to the Earth that is within me.
I Ask for the aspect of "grounding" in my life, so that I may manifest and create in a grounded way, and that I may enjoy life in a physical body, to the fullest.
through Tammie Stair on Starchild Global


Focus Shift

I have been enjoying experimenting with the new energy and the Law of Attraction, I have been feeling so grateful and at home in my new surroundings. There is an abundance of things around me, I have everything I need, these kinds of thoughts, and the universe is responding. I am aware of how this works now more than ever before. (Relax in the higher vibration)
Last week though: struggles, feeling stuck, disorientation, suddenly back in the old energy. There were some issues (money and addictions) and they floored me in one dismal sweep and it was like once again everything I have ever learned had disappeared.
I know that most of the humans on earth (because we are all linked) are going through a psychological shift that has been quite intense of late. The inner is now being manifested in the outer and you can see that all over the world: the shift. The old structures are collapsing and I was feeling it.
Enter Valley.
Because of my relaxation months and the abundance and balance (and the organic food) I had become a little self absorbed and oblivious, nothing wrong with that, it was after all a Capricorn-good-living-vibe that I had not yet fully experienced and it was good. (Sweet indulgence)
My chakra’s have been over stimulated these past weeks and kind of had an overload. I have been open and speaking, I have shown more of myself in the past few months than I have in years. I have had a lot of acceptance for myself. The chakras have been aligned but had been overrun by the powerful new energy that my body just can’t handle yet and they spun out. I am overwhelmed by the intensity (drama queen). My body is incorporating the new energy but it needs time, it needs devotion.
I am being forced to change, if I want to fully embody the new energy I must change my lifestyle and my focus. The reminders were unpleasant, they were necessary. Although the suffering is unpleasant, it is necessary.
Although I feel stuck (because I can’t have everything at once) I have to trust and open my eyes. Shift my focus. I have to get back into that flow of gratitude for what I have again, gratitude for all these things around me, for all these things within me.
I have everything I need right now. Patience. Trust.


density is dissolving

I move away, every day my vision is clearer for longer periods of time, the matter is shifting, the fog that has been here for many years is slowly lifting and I am becoming lighter.
Density is dissolving.
Breathe and wait, just take deep breaths and wait. All doubts will be cleared. Feel the divine all around you.
The universe speaks to me now.
You can see all things differently. All of your actions serve a purpose. Everyone is a potential guide. Nothing is out of bounds anymore. Honor your existence. Bring forth the abundance and Love.



Frogs live in both water and on land, this gives them links to both of these elements and so results in a link to the lore of fairies and elves. They are also often linked to the moon (she moves the tides after all) and therefore the many Goddesses that are connected to the moon. They are known to be heralds of abundance or fertility and are said to control the weather. They are a totem of change, (egg, tadpole, frog). Frogs are also cold blooded and take on the temperature of the surrounding area, therefore people with this totem are often very sensitive to their surroundings and can rapidly change their moods to fit the circumstances. A frog coming into your life shows it's time to ask yourself if it is time for a change. Are you becoming too bogged down in the day to day mire of your life? Do you need to invest in some new creative energy and make some changes? Are you drowning in emotions at the moment? The frog is calling for some change in the climatic conditions of your life.
The frog clan helps us cleanse our minds, bodies, and souls. If one hops into your life, take inventory. Are there ideas, things, or emotions that you need to release in order to move towards your dreams. Frog is not afraid to dive into the emotional waters and cleanse all that is no longer useful.



Amiten - Art expressed through meditation