
If we remove ourselves from the world, we are pretending that we can follow our own individual enlightenment and let the rest of the world go to hell, so to speak. ~Satish Kumar


  1. Anonymous4:34 pm

    That's a great quote. I guess we all really need others...unfortunately...haha. I can't count the numbers of times I've tried to find peace and enlightenment in myself and solitude, only to come up wanting.

  2. I like this quote... certain people are so into reaching personal enlightment they don't seem care about others not even having the luxury to take a few hours per day for reading and meditating. They are suffering and working their asses off.

  3. What a great link; never heard of this amazing person before.

  4. It's interesting how this quote can be approached from different angles and give different perspectives.
    I actually thought instantly about religion (particularly in this case: christian dogma) and the way some people get so carried away with their own personal salvation that they cancel out the original values and the rest of this human race in the process.

    Satish Kumar is indeed an inspiring man!
