
This is what we've been waiting for

The moment is now. There can be no more delay. The trigger is happening now. This is it. We're here. This is what we've been waiting for. You, collectively, humanity collectively, has crafted this. You have said, "We cannot continue as we are." You have said, "We are over-populating our planet." You have said, "We are causing harm to this planet, our mother. We are harming ourselves, we are at war with ourselves, we are toxic to each other." You have said, "Great transformation is necessary." You have said, "Please, we are tired out, we need something new." And you have said that, "When this thing arrives, this new thing arises, it shouldn't be more war, it shouldn't be more catastrophe."

Coronavirus - Part 1 - The Light Perspective

So, allow me to start by saying, no, this is not a hoax, it's not a scam and, yes, it is serious. It's serious because many people will die. Many people will die, directly from this virus. Many people will die indirectly from various complications. And, depending on how your planetary consciousness deals with this, potentially far more will die from the indirect consequences. And when I talk about indirect consequences, what am I talking about? Social upheaval. When people are fearful human beings, when they fear for their lives, when they fear for their well-being, when they feel that, they, their loved ones, their family members, those they support are at risk, many human beings respond in violent ways. Riots happen when people get hungry. When people get scared they riot, they loot, they burn. Social upheaval is a very real possibility as a consequence of this virus.

Coronavirus - Part 2 - The Darker Perspective  

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