
Personal inner shift from what your Volunteer life and energetic Work and Mission was...

The more we individually I mean, become energetically self-sovereign, the less need each of us has for etheric guides, physical ascension teachers/writers, religious middlemen, multi-D ETs, new age gurus and all the rest of it/them. WE each individually (that is SO important) become ONE in ourselves. We become our “guides”, our “teachers”, our spiritual assistants and so on and all of it/that is internally within each of us. This is at the top of the entire Ascension Process — getting humans out of separation consciousness and reality from everything and back into direct ONENESS within themselves. Talk about a huge shift!

Old everything was external, NEW everything is internal and the First Everythingers Embodying have been living this and increasingly discovering this is fact. Reaching a certain level within the Embodiment Process means one increasingly finds that they individually are now responsible for their own daily energy supply, their own energetic sovereignty, and increasingly their own personal reality. When that level is reached you quickly understand why Angelics and very advanced ETs and other highly evolved Others never waste energies on silly crap of any sort for any reason. When it’s your own personal divine Source life-force food and fuel that you are entirely responsible for and with, you don’t get stupid with it, you don’t get wasteful with it, you don’t get careless with it and you don’t give it away to anyone for any reason. This is another aspect of becoming increasingly individually sovereign energetically. Think of this as adult spirituality on an energetic level.

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