Showing posts with label MYTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYTH. Show all posts


Reincarnation, Judgement and the Present

When you leave this human life experience you are not judged in any way, you are not condemned, you are not trapped, you are not blamed, and you are not sentenced.

You will come to realize and understand everything about the nature of being human and the purpose of creation. You will see everything from a completely different viewpoint.

Reincarnation is not a wheel of imprisonment or entrapment. Reincarnation does not entail the concept of karma as debt or punishment. 

You will be so moved by the suffering you have caused and been part of, you will hold much remorse for the judgment you have held and the choices you have made and you will instantly see how it could have been done differently and how different choices could have been made. 

There is always some amount of responsibility involved in the choice to be alive on planet earth.

You will be very excited to jump straight back into a body and into the human experience, in order to try out different choices. There is no negative judgment involved, only compassion and joy. 

It is a real thrill to be human. It is a game we angels play and our growth is part of a larger expansion of a far greater reality than even we can comprehend. 

Reality is infinite.

The transitory nature of the human game (we learn most well through play) makes it humanly speaking a timeline of experience of past, present and future. A human thinks that there is a past and that there is a future for humanity but really there is only the present moment where all is happening simultaneously. The prehistory is happening now and the future likened to a science fiction novel is also happening now.

Within the story of humanity as a species there is growth and development as you see it within your present life, within the parameters of the game this is necessary. Polarity is also crucial for the correct learning environment. Polarity entails opposites and also judgment, differentiation is quite paramount to survival on planet earth.

The earthlife from a human experience is one of great contrasts, similarities and differences. Within this spectrum there is freedom to experience every manner of suffering and unknowing. There can be great darkness and conflict and you make choices, you act, you live and you are curious to try everything within the boundaries of the game.

We are joyful in our effort for we learn constantly, we discover, we expand and it is all good. The density of the polarity allows us to truly know ourselves and this existence and it is infinite in its expression. 

The human experience entails a forgetting (temporarily) of who you are. It is not always complete and utter, there is always contact and connection with the source in which we exist as beings playing this game of human life in this dimension. The source is infinite and we wish to grow and know it better.

It seems from a human perspective in a duality universe that life is finite, limited, conditional and confined and it has to be that way for the experience to be conducive to learning and growth and I add: great joy.

So we revisit the earth as a hologram or game, time and time again in a process you could term reincarnation because we do reincarnate as humans in order to experiment with choice and all manner of experience.

We have created this 'game' so that we can learn about a state of being and a state of density that is so unlike our own but one which is very much part of our territory and dimension as we expand. 

When the learning process is complete and we have mastered the game, we will all move on, all humans included, into a new experience of expansion and infinity. 

We will all leave the wheel of death and rebirth as one unified entity. At that point (within the timeline) we will be satisfied and deeply fulfilled by the game. 

Reincarnation is a compassionate and loving choice, it is a commitment to growth and it brings great joy.

At this present moment within your perceived timeline within human evolution we specifically wish to have the veil lifted further and further to allow more and more light into your lives and in order to tip the scales of your and our human world in favor of joy as an experience. 

This process has been termed already by some humans as conscious-creation or the consciousness of infinity. Unconditional love is the fabric of reality; we are all one with the source of all life (light) as it is.

There is only the present moment but the amnesia is truly remarkable as it allows for all types of illusion, confusion and contraction. This is very fascinating stuff for us. The physical reality of your (our) world is quite special.

Unconditional love worked out within the game is our purpose and our goal is to know ourselves as we are and we are unconditional love. This human experience (game) allows us to get to know ourselves as we truly are and we learn a great deal and experience great joy from it. Our reality is one of joy.

So reality is not time-based for us as manifestations of source energy but it is always time-based if we wish to portray to you something of this existence, the human story of your (our) lives.

What then of the suffering and so called evil and what of good and so called love? 
Outside of the human experience there is no judgment for we are beings of unconditional love within the energy of source. To know that there is no judgment may cause feelings of shock and outrage.

There is no concept of morality, judgment or condemnation outside of the human experience. The nature of unconditional love is allowing for this deception and illusion to take place so that we might know ourselves better and know the infinite as it is.

We leave the game complete and as masters over it. This means we have learnt about unconditional love as effectively as possible in a deep and integrated way and can now move on in joy. Again I explain this as a timeline but it is not.

To experience this (ourselves) expanding entails the experience of that which we are not. We hold no darkness within ourselves but we wish to expand and grow, this entails new and unchartered territory and that which is infinite. The human experience (game) allows for this.

In our joy of play we visit the full spectrum of duality in all its manifestations, emotions, senses, instincts and forms of matter. This includes the more brutal and evil behaviors, in other words that which may not seem to be serving joy or the greater good but I say that it is.

A human body is a marvelous creation and quite perfect really, everything is designed to meet the requirements of our evolution and expansion. 

Know that all experience is choice, you (we) are in this together. We play different roles within the game, we research everything, and we cover all expressions of humanity within polarity. 

We are all 'bad guys' and 'good guys’, we play together continuously and we are all one within the expansion of infinite source.

We will move on when we are done and we already are. Looking at your particular life now, it is very interesting. This communication is possible because we wish to integrate unconditional love and masterhood into your life and the lives of many of your fellow humans in this age.

From your point of view your times are troubled but no more than any other timeline past or future. The human experience in a polarity universe is always going to be somewhat ‘rocky’.

The consciousness of the experience is different for you in this specific lifetime, it is more pronounced for you now than the others lifetimes. 

There are forces at play within the parameters of the game, most humans seek to play victim and some, just a few, have set themselves up as perpetrators. They (you, us), within the confines of the veil and within the amnesia believe themselves to rule over the planet through a network of conspiracy and dominion. 

Many of those in so called power on earth have socio- and psychopathic roles and experiences. The majority are playing victim.

This is all good and well, the game is going good (from a learning perspective it could never be bad). We seek though now to change the game this time around for you and many humans but not all. 

We are getting through now and the veil is thinning.

The tables are turning and the victims are becoming conscious and the perpetrators are becoming conscious and we (you) are co-creating in a very specific manner now. This is the realization of you (ourselves) as beings of unconditional love; this is becoming a conscious reality now.

Within this timeline you are waking up to this truth. 

You are bringing light into your life and the darkness is becoming conscious. 

Do you see how we are expanding and growing from this game, from this being? 
This is our nature of joy.

You need never question again whether or not your life has purpose or meaning because every second of your time is precious and perfect as a learning experience. Every moment of creation is joyful from our perspective even the most extreme polarity of darkness and fear holds great wisdom and knowledge within it. 

All forms of life and expression are allowed and encouraged within this game.

You and I we are the same entity, separation is an illusion, a game, a great understanding and unfolding, a flash of very bright light.


high times

It is important for you all to focus on the frequency of that which you seek to create. You are moving into a time on the planet in which you are redefining yourselves and creating ways of interacting collectively that have previously not existed, not even in the high times of Atlantis or Lemuria. If you seek to use the past as a reference point you will limit your creations as the energy you are moving into has the potential to far surpass that of the past.


Wherefrom do all these worlds come?

They come from space. All beings arise from space, and into space they return: space is indeed their beginning, and space is their final end.



very normal and calm now

We were having some friends around, we were sitting in the sun talking and laughing and that was when I saw my myth leaving me, it was just a brief moment. There was my own mythology like a ghostly form floating away and like smoke just dissolving into the air. The trees were singing, the sunlight was all over your hair, the breeze was layered on my face, it felt like a whole lifetime in just a second. Yes, it was the deep peace of the ancient earth. You all carried on talking and nobody noticed that anything was going on with me except Sidney. He came and lay down by my feet, bringing me back to the garden and I knew it was gone, life's haunting karmic toothpaste has been spat out and there I was; sitting and smiling with my sanitized pearly white teeth.



nature of Helios is a secret

The nature of Helios is a secret of the god; and a man's first business is to know himself, and seek the source of light in his own soul. We don't eat anything we see, but have to learn what our bodies can turn to good, So with the mind.
~ Lysis quotes Sokrates (The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault)


He whom i loved knew my mind; perhaps it was his own

I grasp at this gift as if it were a temporary pleasure to hold, like a bird that waits in a cage after the door has been opened only to fly out in a sudden burst toward freedom, I know that to cling to this lust will turn my treasure into ashes, to leave me empty on the hillside as the storm approaches.
To wait for you is hard to do when it should be easy, I would like to keep this fire burning with a steady flame but I am without fuel now. I am running low on hope, to remain patient and out of sight as to remain honorable and worthy of your love, it is a rough but noble path.
For as many nights as I contemplate our meeting and our parting and our reuniting, there are as many days spent with my eyes wandering, lust kindling for strangers or the anticipation of physical distraction. This I say to you without shame knowing that you may well be in exactly the same predicament.
Somehow I hold you high in my sights, exalted in my thoughts, as if you could never indulge, never lower yourself, always dignified, always untainted, but you are a man as I am. You are flesh and blood and soul as I am.
If I give myself over to destiny, to fate, to the gods, than I can sit here and let go, never in control but then powerless and weak, like a simple leaf caught spiraling in the wind. Yet if I allow love and then grace to command me than what a tide of peace crashes over this shore.
Once again I am that rock, waiting without waste, in comfort as if you were here beside me, as if it were you talking to me softly in the night. As if it were you with that smile of encouragement or that goodbye as I leave.


2009 - Initiation into Higher Consciousness

Source: Starchild Global and Celia Fenn
There have been several articles about how 2009 is an "11" year, and in numerology that is probably true, since 2009 added together produces 11. Eleven is the number of Initiation into Higher Consciousness, and we can expect that this process will continue and be accelerated in 2009. Along with that Higher Consciousness will go a new Joy in the Magical and Miraculous aspects of our lives on Earth, as we learn how to express our Mastery in these New Dimensions of Light and Love.
But, the 11 must be added together to produce 2 in true numerology, so in effect we are entering a number 2 year. The key numbers for 2009 will be 2 and 9 and 0. I like to use the archetypal keys of the Tarot to express the wisdom of these numbers as they vibrate in our consciousness. The number zero is the number of the "The Fool" and expresses a new beginning and deep trust as we take a step forward into the unknown and a new cycle, with the knowledge that we will be supported and cared for. The number 2 represents the "High Priestess", the Spiritual expression of the Divine Feminine and the Shekinah Light. I like to see her also as Mary Magdalene, the High Priestess of the Grail and the Mysteries of the Twin Flame that will become increasingly important in the coming year. The number 9 represents the "Hermit" or the Inner Wisdom, and this will indeed be the year when we will come to know our Inner Wisdom as the Light that will guide us forward. So, using this archetypal wisdom system, we can expect that 2009 will represent a new cycle of experience at a Higher Level of Consciousness, where we will come to work with our inner Divine Feminine energy, the Power of the Twin Flame, and the Wisdom of our own inner Mastery or Christ Light.


End of an Era

Huge and numerous gas pockets were blown open in the lairs of the animals, precipitating volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the slowly cooling earth. The magnitude of the disturbances caused the axis of the world to shift, bringing the poles to their present position and producing the last of the great Ice Ages.
Lemuria was the first to be affected, losing much of its territory as it began to sink into the Pacific. In Atlantis the area of the Sargasso Sea, off the west coast of Cuba, was the first to go under water. The rest of the continent was broken up into several large islands with many canals, ravines, gulfs, bays and streams. The temperate climate rapidly changed to a more torrid one.
With the upheavals, the initial migrations from Atlantis took place in small numbers to the east and west. The earliest settlements were in the region of the Pyrenees Mountains in France and Spain; then later in Central and South America. The movement of the Lemurians was primarily to South America. The land of Og , along the Pacific coastal area of what later was to be southern Peru, was occupied. This was the beginning of that mysterious tribe of Indians known as the Incas.
From this time on, although material civilization rose to great heights, there was a growing unrest among the Atlantian People. In a land of plenty, strife rather than peace became the rule. The altars came to be used for human sacrifice by those turning away from the original concept of the One God. Sun worship became prevalent. Only the dedicated inner core of the Children of the Law of One remained firm.
Low standards of morality, sex indulgence and perversion became rampant. Poverty and hunger were widespread among the peasantry and working classes. There was a deteriorating of the physical and spiritual bodies, just as there was a wasting away of the mountains and valleys into the sea. In spite of material advancements, inner decay was to bring diversion and finally annihilation to a proud, wicked, and adulterous people.
The second important land change came long after the first, around 28,000 B.C, and resulted in the submergence of many large islands. The Bible gives an account of it in the story of Noah and the Flood.
Lemuria vanished into the Pacific Ocean. Some of its inhabitants fled to the safety lands of lower California, Arizona and New Mexico, where they established the brotherhood of Mu in the land of “Mayra”. For the Atlantians it was the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one unsurpassed in many ways.
Source: Edgar Cayce’s story of The Origin and Destiny of Man.


Atlantis - Early Stages of Development

The people of Atlantis were to pass through the same stages of development as the other four races in the various lands, although their progress was to be more rapid. Unlike the rest of the world, the Atlantians as a nation were a peaceful people at this time and more readily made use of the laws of nature.
Stone was first utilized in implements to secure food and protect themselves from the animals. At an early period houses of wood, then of stone, circular in shape, were built. First the Atlantians were hunters; then herders and farmers, using tools of stone and wood. Fire and natural gas were among the first discoveries; iron and copper quickly followed. Soon they were fabricating balloons from the hides of elephants and other large animlas and using them for the moving of building materials. Communities and communication slowly came into existance.
The main problem they faced were the enormous carnivorous beasts that roamed the forests of the mountains and the jungles of the valleys. Giant fowls hovered above the earth, feeding upon and devouring whatvere was at hand. Physically inept in comparison, man had one superior weapon of defense: the soul-force, or mind. By exercising the power of will and reason, he was able to survive the brute strength of the animals, whose rule was the Survival of the Fittest.
Still relatively close to God although he had fallen into matter, man during his first thousand years on earth was possessed of a body through which the soul expressed itself much more easily than later was to be the case. Occult powers were commonplace. The third eye or pituitary gland, located near the centre of the forehead, was highly developed. Through this gland functioned the creative psychic abilities of the soul.
Yet man was continually drifting away from his source and submerging more and more into the material world with all it's temporal interests; thus he was eventually to lose - for all practical purposes - this God-given power. These gifts of the spirit would remain submerged until men had again spiritualized themselves in thought and deed. Few were able to do so.
The animal kingdom became an increasing problem, and the constant threat of death made life miserable. A council of wise men of five nations of the world, representing the five races, was called around 52,000 B.C. Representaives of came from the white race in the Caucasus, the Carpathian Mountains of Central Europe, and Persia; from the yellow race in what later became the Gobi desert: the black race in the Sudan and upper West Africa; and the brown race in Lemuria. In the first meeting for united action, ways and means of were planned for combating the creatures overrunning the earth in so many places. Discussions for defense centered around the use of the potent chemical forces in the elements of the earth and air. The decisons made proved to be effective, but they had unexpected and far-reaching consequences during the years ahead.
Source: Edgar Cayce's story of The Origin and Destiny of Man


Extraterrestrial Civilizations

By Joshua David Stone
With the opening of the hall of records in the Great Pyramid by John of Penial, the reincarnation of John the Beloved, disciple of Christ, there will be a great upsurge in crystal technology. We will have the understanding of how to overcome the law of gravity. This is how the ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids of Egypt. This technology, along with the inventions of Nikola Tesla, will have a revolutionary impact on this world. We will have antennas over our houses and businesses that will supply all the energy we need from the universal cosmic supply.
As we move into the Golden Age, there will be much more open contact with higher, more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Some of the extraterrestrial civilizations that have been visiting us for eons of time are those from the Lyra system, the Vega system, Arcturus, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and, of course, the Ashtar command, to name just a few.
In the future open extraterrestrial contact will be commonplace. We will be allowed to join the confederation of planets in our galaxy and universe as Earth moves into the status of being a more spiritualized planet. The extraterrestrials will be of enormous help in advancing our technologies way beyond their present scope. Space travel will be commonplace, as will Earthly flying saucers. The extraterrestrials are waiting for us to develop sufficient spiritual consciousness so we can handle these advanced technologies and not use them for warfare.


The Story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 2)

The Atlantians used crystal energy to run almost every aspect of society. They had one great crystal which was the major energy source for the entire continent. It ran cars, ships, submarines, and airplanes, providing all the energy needs of society. Science was more and more becoming the new god, and people became less and less interested in the presence of God.
The Sons of Belial and negative extraterrestrial influences began to take more and more control over Atlantian civilization. The crystal energy began to be used for warfare and to control the people. One fateful day, Atlantean scientists tried to use the great crystal to send some kind of energy beam through the Earth’s crust for some evil purpose. This precipitated a massive explosion, the likes of which had never before been seen on this planet. This occurred in approximately 28,000 B.C. and resulted in the submergence of Atlantis into three islands. This account was alluded to in the Bible story of Noah’s ark and the great food.
A period of building began in Atlantis after this great catastrophe, but Atlantis never returned to it’s original glory. Atlantis became more and more decadent as time went on. There were great advancements in electricity, atomic power, and the harnessing of the sun’s energy: however, in 10,700 B.C. the country reached it’s depths of moral and spiritual decline. Human sacrifice and sun-worshiping were prevalent, as were adultery and corruption.
The sun crystals were crudely adapted as a means of coercion, torture, and punishment. The common people called the many sun crystals the “terrible crystals.” Gigantic earth changes rocked Atlantis around 9,500 B.C. and Atlantis vanished from the face of the Earth. The explosion was one million times greater than that at Hiroshima.
Those Atlantians serving the Law of One listened to God and the prophets and fled before this catastrophe occurred. They went to Egypt, and they later became known as the Mayans in the Yucatan and as the Iroquois Indians in America. In all these civilizations the influence of Atlantis was felt in the building of pyramids.
All of the secrets of Atlantis are stored in the Hall of Records in the Great Pyramid. These records are mystically protected. Paul Solomon and Edgar Cayce, in their source channeling’s, have said that a great initiate who is now living on the planet, by the name of John of Penial (who is the reincarnation of John the Beloved, the disciple of Christ), will be the great one who will travel to Egypt and release these records.
In the exodus from Atlantis to Egypt they took with them a great spiritual teacher whose name was Thoth. For several thousand years Thoth was incarnated in Egypt, which was a civilization of great spirituality. The pyramids were actually temples of initiation.
Egypt had a great deal of extraterrestrial involvement. The concept of the pyramid comes from other planets. The Egyptian civilization was the blending of consciousness from several other planets.
The United States in now going through a testing period very similar to that of Atlantis fifty thousand years ago. The question is whether our development of science and technology is going to cause us to lose sight of our true reason for being here, which is a more spiritual one.

Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

The story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 1)

Atlantis was in the north Atlantic Ocean. It compared in size to Europe and Russia combined. The eastern seaboard of the United States, then mostly under water, comprised the coastal lowlands of Atlantis, which extended from Mexico as far as the Mediterranean Sea.
At this time Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and many of them were carnivorous. Many of the Atlantians lived in great walled cities to protect themselves from these beasts.
In 52,000 B.C. a council of wise men of the five races was convened to discuss ways to get rid of the dinosaurs. A plan to use super-potent chemical forces to poison the dinosaurs in their lairs was discussed. This plan was implemented and began to work.
A first of a series of three continental Earth change catastrophes occurred as a result of the use of chemicals and explosives to annihilate the dinosaurs. Huge and numerous gas pockets were blown open in the lairs of the animals, which precipitated volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The magnitude of the disturbances was so great that it caused the axis of the Earth to shift., bringing the poles to their present positions and causing the last great ice age.
The continent of Lemuria was completely destroyed but strangely enough, Atlantis was not effected that much in terms of its landmass. Lemuria’s entire continent sank to the bottom of the ocean as a result of the pole shift. Atlantis then became the premiere civilization on the planet. Atlantis was very technologically advanced but much less spiritually advanced, much like the United States is today. As a matter of fact, many of the same souls who lived in Atlantis are reincarnated and living in the United states today.
The great cataclysm destroyed most of the dinosaurs because of the landmass transformation and the change in climate conditions. Atlantis, now being the premiere civilization on the planet, began to thrive. It was during this period that extraterrestrials visited Atlantis and introduced them to advanced crystal technology.
Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

The Story of Creation: Lemuria

Lemuria, or Mu, was a landmass lying in the Pacific Ocean and extending from the United States all the way to South America. The Lemurian stage of existence had to do with the race consciousness learning the lesson of physical attunement. Humanity as a whole progresses in stages, and physical attunement was the key lesson during this period of history.
The Lemurians were very philosophical and spiritual people, much more so than the Atlantians who were much more technologically advanced and focused.

In this period of history great dinosaurs roamed the Earth and because of this the Lemurians, to a great extent, had to live underground. They lived in caves, hiding from the dinosaurs except to hunt for food. They would beautifully and artistically decorate their caves. The Lemurians were rather small, physically: men were five feet tall and women a few inches shorter. The survival rate of children was not very high. They lived on grain, berries and fruit.
Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.


Women, The Conscience of Humanity

When the ancient civilization of Atlantis reached the same point of evolution as ours today, there was little difference between men and women, except for the obvious physical ones. At that stage in their evolution, Atlanteans discovered that sound, like our laser beam technology today could be used for many wonderful healing applications. But on the diabolical side, the so-called Sons of Belial in Atlantis wanted to use this invention for warfare. Like a bullet, sound could be aimed at a man's heart and cause it to explode. Masses could be exterminated at once.
On this issue, a great rift developed between the men and women of the Atlantean scientific community. Curiously, on one side there were a lot of women while on the other, a majority of men with some exceptions. The women maintained that, "Just because we can do something is no reason to say we should do it. Wherein are we, therefore, beholding to ethics or morals of any kind? Wherein is conscience to be found?"
The opposing side, comprised mostly of men, argued that women were getting soft in the head. They were letting sentimentality get in the way of scientific skill. The men than launched a campaign against the women to discredit, belittle and humiliate them. They won their campaign and unfortunately also destroyed their fairly advanced civilization.
Those same masculine-influenced souls have come to occupy earth over the centuries, carrying with them the same antagonism they had left off with in Atlantis. This has created a "macho" civilization where men dominate business, politics and power. This unbalanced masculine dominating ray is primarily associated with the so-called white races on earth and has a tendency to take and dominate matters by force. These souls promote the "might makes right" syndrome. The result is, that the earth again stands at the same threshold as the Atlanteans did before their destruction, on the brink of war.
Read the rest of this article about the balancing feminine ray now on the earth here.


Age of Revealing

I will uproot the darkness and cast it out and plant the light in its place. I will uproot the evil and cast it out, I will plant the good in its place. The world shall be full of glory, the earth shall be without suspicion, the whole world shall contain the righteous, they of the earth (grounded) shall dwell in peace, there being no more rebel from henceforth, no name of sin (cruelty to self) shall be uttered again, the rich ones of light shall rejoice on every side without any grief. That which the living ones took was saved, they will return again to that which is their own.
source: 2012 - The Future Of Mankind (googlevideo)
Michael Tsarion



Vena bears himself on golden wings
As he carries his smiling lover up to heaven.
Longing in their hearts for you, they have
Seen you flying to the dome of heaven like a bird,
As the golden-winged messenger of Varuna,
The eagle hastening into the womb of Death.
Vedic hymn (RV 10:123)