
The story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 1)

Atlantis was in the north Atlantic Ocean. It compared in size to Europe and Russia combined. The eastern seaboard of the United States, then mostly under water, comprised the coastal lowlands of Atlantis, which extended from Mexico as far as the Mediterranean Sea.
At this time Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and many of them were carnivorous. Many of the Atlantians lived in great walled cities to protect themselves from these beasts.
In 52,000 B.C. a council of wise men of the five races was convened to discuss ways to get rid of the dinosaurs. A plan to use super-potent chemical forces to poison the dinosaurs in their lairs was discussed. This plan was implemented and began to work.
A first of a series of three continental Earth change catastrophes occurred as a result of the use of chemicals and explosives to annihilate the dinosaurs. Huge and numerous gas pockets were blown open in the lairs of the animals, which precipitated volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The magnitude of the disturbances was so great that it caused the axis of the Earth to shift., bringing the poles to their present positions and causing the last great ice age.
The continent of Lemuria was completely destroyed but strangely enough, Atlantis was not effected that much in terms of its landmass. Lemuria’s entire continent sank to the bottom of the ocean as a result of the pole shift. Atlantis then became the premiere civilization on the planet. Atlantis was very technologically advanced but much less spiritually advanced, much like the United States is today. As a matter of fact, many of the same souls who lived in Atlantis are reincarnated and living in the United states today.
The great cataclysm destroyed most of the dinosaurs because of the landmass transformation and the change in climate conditions. Atlantis, now being the premiere civilization on the planet, began to thrive. It was during this period that extraterrestrials visited Atlantis and introduced them to advanced crystal technology.
Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

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