Showing posts with label THE CALM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE CALM. Show all posts


That is also why I am here

To feel the depth of being, the pain, the sorrow.  Understanding what being human is. What the seperation entails. What the resistance means. 

To wander through the underworld. That is also why I am here. 

The experience of sadness and loss, the frustration, the heart is on a journey of understanding. 

To feel all of life, to walk through the world and know every facet is the most precious commodity. The soul finds it's ecstasy in the breakdown, in the falling away. 

There is no greater joy than in deep participation, fulfillment of the returning. I am coming home each day. 

As I walk slowly through the hours, through the seasons; I walk through my seperations. I walk through my fears. I feel the cells of my body teaching me; pain is relieving me, my resistance is reading me, my depression is leaving me. 

Just like tears falling from my eyes, so are the leaves falling from me. My incarnation is close to me in the cold of the night. 

Do you not see the radiance? 

The singing of the redemption is as the silver streams of moonlight. So fair; you have tiny shimmers like crystalline cobwebs in your hair. 

The tones are softly calming, the music of the spheres. Yet once you were in utter darkness, in the midst of terror, in the crying years.


Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 Numerology Music, 432 Hz Tuning Healing Music with Nature Frequencies

Our Christmas present at the end of this challenging year

A significant event happening now; massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, bringing structural changes and ripples of deep cellular transformation to the individual, collective consciousness and entire planetary sphere.

Things are not at all what they seem to be. The outer world is a cartoonish reality of astral shadows playing magic tricks with smoke and mirrors, so that all we can see on the external is an exaggerated caricature of the collective delusions based upon the false reality narrative of criminal psychopaths. This outer reality of the mainstream controlled narrative is now crumbling and in a free fall.

Therefore, the Guardian Host Christos families are on schedule with supporting humanity with the unfolding liberation of the planet in which the timeline of disclosure will be revealed through the increased public awareness of those committing crimes against humanity. If you are not on the front lines then it is your job to stay calm, help others stay calm, and to go deep within to connect directly with your inner guidance and surrender to your highest expression and highest power - give all you are to serve God source.

Disclosure and meaningful access to truthful events in regard to crimes made against humanity will begin to be reported to the masses and will be enforced into accountability.


Not affected by the current shadow

We see that a darkness is upon us. An oppressive force would lay a shadow over us. A collective fear and frustration would be imposed upon us. A shadow lies on the minds of men.

Yet we who have the eyes to see, the lighthearted ones, the visionaries; we observe this new threat but do not percieve it as such. For all is well in our world as we see the cycle, the changes, and we remain calm in our knowing.

From where we stand, the darkness cannot reach us or supersede us. We rise above this reaction and stare it down in complete calm. We know all is well, this is a necessary fire. We are glad to witness these movements for they are markers of the great awakening.


Much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance

There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos.

While chaos is always a creative energy, seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next. To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart.

2020 Lions Gate: Message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

July 19, 2020

Meditative Botanical Tour at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden


Second wave, mass deaths, GREAT AWAKENING!, starseeds and ascension, september/october 2020...

As more of the fifth dimensional codes become available and we are able to anchor and embody the fifth dimensional frequencies, we will all see more and more of that dimension manifest on the earth.

As we wake-up to our multi-dimensional selves, wake up to our ability to move through dimensions and hold different frequencies in our bodies, as we choose from our own consciousness where we will reside, more and more humans will choose to manifest and reside in a higher, more expansive frequency.

It is the starseeds who are anchoring these light-codes of creation, codes of co-creation and freedom within their bodies now and so make them available for the rest of humanity. The starseeds have spent many, many years already on their labour of love working with the density and shifting and clearing the dense third dimensional matrix/control frequency and are now tuning in to the higher expansive codes and anchoring these 'truth' frequencies onto the earth plane.

With the recent crown/corona activations came a huge wave of awakening, the first major wave of our time and it set in motion the 'great awakening' that we are seeing play out in the world today and in our individual lives. An enormous influx of light has caused many people to see for the first time through the illusion of the control system, to see the darkness suddenly, to be aware for the first time that there even existed such a thing. So much darkness and evil, so much pain and suffering, so much manipulation all out in the open. Never before have so many people all over the world been effected on a consciousness level than have these past months and it will continue.

Another way of looking at this is to see the work of the starseeds; for without the codes becoming available and the 'holding the space' and 'clearing a place' none of this could have been possible. Yet all humanity has called forth this time of great awakening for much is at stake; first and foremost our planet, our home is being destroyed at an alarming rate and surely something had to change. We are also nearing the end of a grand cycle, so much happening and lots more to come this year 2020.

I would speak to you now of the next great wave that will crash over the planet in september/october. The next great wave of awakening, the next wave of mass deaths, more than ever there will be many souls exiting this reality, many because they cannot exist in such a high vibration. For as more of the fifth dimension is anchored on the earth, so must a great chunk of third dimension make room and therefore no longer exist, we will move beyond many structures and systems that were once the foundation of the third dimensional control grid/system.

Already the generator has been shut-down; the feeding machine of the AI and the inter-dimensional parasites is no longer working as it once did. We are living in the echo of their manufactured false reality. The anti-life system will go but with it also many humans that choose not to ascend, they will continue to exist in a reality better suited to their consciousness experience. Yes, many, many people will 'die', do not be alarmed for the fifth dimension anchoring will also be expanded as more souls embody those frequencies on the earth and also many newly arrived souls have been born now with full access to their DNA spectrum-codes.

The new codes are of balance and abundance. We can only begin to imagine what life in the future will be like. Many starseeds are now called to envision how this 'new earth' will come into form and how society will evolve in the coming years, this will continue long into the future although time itself will change too as we move more often outside of time and space, as we remember our multi-dimensionality.

Will the second wave involve a new virus? It is likely. Will the new wave involve 5G technology, vaccines, and all the other nasty things we would rather not have happen? It is likely. Will there be earth changes and natural disasters? It is likely. In fact all of these will happen most likely at the same time and with it an election in the USA.

As this second wave washes over us all, it will bring with it the next mass awakening and allow for many more people to 'wake-up'. With every attempt to control and coerce ; more of us will see through the lies and deceit. With every attempt to enslave us further; more will break free. Already so many are crying out for freedom! Also great suffering will turn many people to cry for help, help from fellow humans and also from their spiritual helpers. The frequencies and cosmic rays will drive us ever higher and be ever more intense on our bodies as more of the old must go and more of the new be anchored, new codes of expansion and creation, of healing and meditation. First though the collapse of the current dying control system prison must happen and it will be quite shocking for many. The tower card if there ever was one.

To survive and thrive through the coming months and years one must trust in the great cosmic plan. Through spiritual practice the fifth dimensional space becomes available for all who choose it, those who choose from the heart, live in the heart, those of truth and compassion. It is a place of calm and safety during the coming storm. Now we can access a peace, a great calm inside us; the emerging fifth dimension. Take good care of your body, take good care of your mind and take good care of your heart.

What has taken starseeds many long years to accomplish is now made available for all who wish to activate and receive through their higher centres. The awakening process that took starseeds decades can now be achieved in a matter of years or even months and this acceleration will continue. There is much to look forward to and much to let go of. The transition must happen inside each of us. 
I can't wait for the next wave to come! Look to the fall! The Fall of the Cabal! Look to the stars and look to reunite with our galactic families of light!

Earth Brother - 11-06-2020


Ascension Symptoms March/April 2020

From HighHeartLife:

These latest NEW energies that many Volunteers/Forerunners/Embodiers etc. have been embodying the past few weeks have been different from anything prior which is easy to feel in our physical bodies. The sense of greatly amplified weight or density is a common side effect of embodying a large amount of NEW Light energy etc. For the past weeks my head, skull and face has felt this amplified energy pressure causing head pains, headaches, face numbness, eyes, jaw side effects that far surpass all the many times I’ve experienced more NEW Light being embodied into and through my head. I’ve also been hearing inner ear NEW sound tones I’ve never heard before which shows how much we’re in NEW Phase 2 territory and energies. What we’re feeling are the energies arriving via the first Equinox of Phase 2, 2020. This will continue because there’s A LOT of NEW that has to quickly be embodied by those of us capable of doing so now so that those NEW codes, templates, Light energies etc. are seeded, inserted and anchored into NEW Earth and available for other people willing to evolve now.


- Lymph system swelling pain, detox happening, drink plenty of water
- Electrical nerve pains - nerves swelling - physical anxiety
- Calmness and empowerment during this intense time
- Depth of spiritual practise - deep self-healing with reiki
- Some difficulty navigating the collective fear, pestilence programme, rollercoaster, up and down
- The discrepancy between awakened conscious people and the 'zombies' increasing to never before levels
- CBD is helpful, also herbs that support the immune system, high doses of Vit. C
- Get lots of rest


Find your calm - Facing Extinction

Facing Extinction by Catherine Ingram

Because the subject is so tragic and because it can scare or anger people, this is not an essay I ever wanted to write; it is one I would have wanted to read along the way. But the words on these pages are meant only for those who are ready for them. I offer no hope or solutions for our continuation, only companionship and empathy to you, the reader, who either knows or suspects that there is no hope or solution to be found. What we now need to find is courage.

Facing Extinction

Find your calm. In addition to wisely directing your attention, include also whatever daily activities induce greater calm in your life–walking in nature, a slow meal with loved ones or on your own, reading or listening to music, dancing, swimming–whatever your thing is, give priority to it every day. Your relaxation and calm is not an indulgence but rather a tune up for your mental and physical wellbeing, which leads to a more awake and responsive intelligence. My podcast channel called “In the Deep with Catherine Ingram” (taken directly from the public sessions I lead) regularly encourages ways to foster courage, acceptance, and calm.

Release dark visions of the future, and pace your intake of climate news. Although frightening pictures about what is to come in the future may arise in your imagination, it is best not to entertain them. It is also helpful to pace yourself in reading or watching news of climate chaos. There is a tendency, once climate catastrophe grabs the attention, to keep staring at fresh news of it as though transfixed by a plane crash in real time. Resist being constantly immersed in the increasing data of the chaos. Have a fast from the news as needed, and rest your weary mind. One of my friends periodically unplugs and walks in mountains; another unplugs and works for hours in his garden. They are both keenly aware of unfolding climate realities, with the inevitable sadness that comes with that awareness. Yet both have learned to manage and enjoy the precious time that is left, living by a Navaho ethos: “May you walk in beauty.”

Be of service. Know that whatever is to be in the future, it will feel good to be of service in whatever ways your gifts can be used and on any scale that feels right and true, whether in your personal life of family and friends or in a larger community. There is no need to keep accounts of whether your actions will someday pay off. Being of service feels good for its own sake and gives your life meaning, a sense that you are being well used, like good compost in the field of life.

Be grateful. Longevity was never a guarantee for anyone at any time of history. Whatever time is left to us, we are the lucky ones. We got to experience life, despite the overwhelming odds of that not being the case, as biologist Richard Dawkins often points out. When we think of all the times our ancestors had to thread the needle of survival and live long enough to procreate, every single lifetime, it puts into perspective how precious is this experience we are having. Gratitude for life itself becomes the appropriate response. Direct your awareness many times throughout the day to all the little things for which you are grateful. It is an open secret for inducing a calmer mind.

Give up the fight with evolution. It wins. The story about a human misstep in history, the imaginary point at which we could have taken a different route, is a pointless mental exercise. Our evolution is based on quintillions of earth motions, incremental biological adaptations, survival necessities, and human desires. We are right where we were headed all along.

Despite our having caused so much destruction, it is important to also consider the wide spectrum of possibilities that make up a human life. Yes, on one end of that spectrum is greed, cruelty, and ignorance; on the other end is kindness, compassion, and wisdom. We are imbued with great creativity, brilliant communication, and extraordinary appreciation of and talent for music and other forms of art. We cry in tenderness when we are touched by love, beauty, or loss. We cry in empathy for others’ pain. Some of us even sacrifice our lives for strangers. There is no other known creature whose spectrum of consciousness is as wide and varied as our own.

You likely know well the spectrum of human consciousness within yourself. Perhaps you have had many moments when greed or hatred overtook your mind. But it is likely you have also had many moments when you knew that love was all that ever really mattered. And in your final breaths it is likely to be all that is left of you, a cosmic story whispered only once.

As Leonard said, “It is in love that we are made; in love we disappear."


Lion's Mane mushroom: Unparalleled benefits for your brain and nervous system

Lion's Mane mushroom: Unparalleled benefits for your brain:

Lion's Mane is nature's gift to your nervous system! It's the only mushroom possessing not one but TWO potent nerve growth factors, showing potential benefits for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, multiple sclerosis, leg cramps, anxiety and more.

What if there were one natural treatment that could restore brain function, regrow damaged nerves and reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis? There may be! Lion's mane mushroom has been used medicinally in Asia for centuries, but for some reason it's one of the best-kept secrets in the West.

Besides being called "lion's mane," Hericium erinaceus, is known by several other names including bearded tooth mushroom, bearded hedgehog, bearded tooth fungus and others. In Japan, it's known as yamabushitake, which means "mountain priest mushroom." It has a variety of other names, depending on the country.

In Asia, it is said that lion's mane gives you "nerves of steel and the memory of a lion," and from what science is revealing, that's apt prose. Thus far, evidence exists that lion's mane mushroom confers the following health benefits:
Improved cognitive function
Nerve regeneration, remyelination, and increased Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
Improved digestive function and relief from gastritis
Immunosupportive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Anticoagulant; mild ACE inhibitor; improved lipid profile

The science about lion's mane is in its infancy, but evidence already points to unparalleled therapeutic benefits for numerous diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, summarized in the table below, and the list seems to be growing by the day.

Conditions That May Benefit from Lion's Mane Mushroom
Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
Parkinson's disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Muscle cramps and spasms
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Stroke recovery
Seizures and seizure-like post-stroke episodes
Anxiety and Depression
Mother Nature's First "Smart Mushroom"

According to world renown fungi expert Paul Stamets, lion's mane may be the first "smart mushroom," providing support specifically for cognitive function, including memory, attention and creativity. It is reported that Buddhist monks have consumed Lion's mane tea for centuries before meditation in order to enhance their powers of concentration.


Major events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over controlling the consciousness timelines on this planet.

Our discernment and spiritual maturity is being heavily tested, in that no matter what others do or say, that we remain steadfast on the ascending path that is aligned to our heart and personal truth. We must be able to discern what is in alignment for us personally without judgment and to not care what others may think of our choices to live authentically. As you allow yourself to be who you really are as an embodiment of soul purposed truth, you will allow all others to be exactly who they need to be. At this level of spiritual growth your inner serenity and state of inner peace will upset or baffle many around you. Stay serene anyway. We will need the commitment, courage and strength to stand in our personal soul truth and its purpose, no matter what. Our soul fulfillment is the mirror for other’s soul fulfillment and is the highest contribution of Service to Others that one can make to the world.

Psycho-spiritual Warfare


Until I meet everything with unconditional love, my work is not done.

A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.

Byron Katie

20 Quotes To End All Suffering By Byron Katie

We don't attach to people or to things; we attach to uninvestigated concepts that we believe to be true in the moment.
Byron Katie, Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life