

The prana is a vital physical force, that exists universally, which underlies all physical actions of the body. It causes the circulation of the blood, movement of cells, and all motions which life of the body depends. It is a force sent forth from the nervous system by an effort of the will to direct healing.
Prana also is known by different names such as ch’I in Chinese medicine and ki in Japanese medicine; the Japanese call healing by touch "giving seiki."
The individual receives prana from the food eaten, water drank, and air breathed. All force or energy received comes from one primal source, and everyone can increase their supply and give it as a "gift" to others through healing. By the act of living each receives this gift and therefore can freely share it with others.
The amount of prana which everyone possesses can be increased through visualization. For example, when one takes a deep breath one can visualize the prana, or vital force, coming into his body, circulating through it, and penetrating every part of it. One can visualize this prana, the love of the Lady and the Lord, building up in himself or herself.
Correct breathing establishes an equilibrium between positive and negative currents. It calms the nervous system, regulates and slows heart activity, reduces blood pressure, and stimulates digestion.
Source: themystica.com

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