Showing posts with label ATLANTIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATLANTIS. Show all posts


Atlantis - Early Stages of Development

The people of Atlantis were to pass through the same stages of development as the other four races in the various lands, although their progress was to be more rapid. Unlike the rest of the world, the Atlantians as a nation were a peaceful people at this time and more readily made use of the laws of nature.
Stone was first utilized in implements to secure food and protect themselves from the animals. At an early period houses of wood, then of stone, circular in shape, were built. First the Atlantians were hunters; then herders and farmers, using tools of stone and wood. Fire and natural gas were among the first discoveries; iron and copper quickly followed. Soon they were fabricating balloons from the hides of elephants and other large animlas and using them for the moving of building materials. Communities and communication slowly came into existance.
The main problem they faced were the enormous carnivorous beasts that roamed the forests of the mountains and the jungles of the valleys. Giant fowls hovered above the earth, feeding upon and devouring whatvere was at hand. Physically inept in comparison, man had one superior weapon of defense: the soul-force, or mind. By exercising the power of will and reason, he was able to survive the brute strength of the animals, whose rule was the Survival of the Fittest.
Still relatively close to God although he had fallen into matter, man during his first thousand years on earth was possessed of a body through which the soul expressed itself much more easily than later was to be the case. Occult powers were commonplace. The third eye or pituitary gland, located near the centre of the forehead, was highly developed. Through this gland functioned the creative psychic abilities of the soul.
Yet man was continually drifting away from his source and submerging more and more into the material world with all it's temporal interests; thus he was eventually to lose - for all practical purposes - this God-given power. These gifts of the spirit would remain submerged until men had again spiritualized themselves in thought and deed. Few were able to do so.
The animal kingdom became an increasing problem, and the constant threat of death made life miserable. A council of wise men of five nations of the world, representing the five races, was called around 52,000 B.C. Representaives of came from the white race in the Caucasus, the Carpathian Mountains of Central Europe, and Persia; from the yellow race in what later became the Gobi desert: the black race in the Sudan and upper West Africa; and the brown race in Lemuria. In the first meeting for united action, ways and means of were planned for combating the creatures overrunning the earth in so many places. Discussions for defense centered around the use of the potent chemical forces in the elements of the earth and air. The decisons made proved to be effective, but they had unexpected and far-reaching consequences during the years ahead.
Source: Edgar Cayce's story of The Origin and Destiny of Man


The Story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 2)

The Atlantians used crystal energy to run almost every aspect of society. They had one great crystal which was the major energy source for the entire continent. It ran cars, ships, submarines, and airplanes, providing all the energy needs of society. Science was more and more becoming the new god, and people became less and less interested in the presence of God.
The Sons of Belial and negative extraterrestrial influences began to take more and more control over Atlantian civilization. The crystal energy began to be used for warfare and to control the people. One fateful day, Atlantean scientists tried to use the great crystal to send some kind of energy beam through the Earth’s crust for some evil purpose. This precipitated a massive explosion, the likes of which had never before been seen on this planet. This occurred in approximately 28,000 B.C. and resulted in the submergence of Atlantis into three islands. This account was alluded to in the Bible story of Noah’s ark and the great food.
A period of building began in Atlantis after this great catastrophe, but Atlantis never returned to it’s original glory. Atlantis became more and more decadent as time went on. There were great advancements in electricity, atomic power, and the harnessing of the sun’s energy: however, in 10,700 B.C. the country reached it’s depths of moral and spiritual decline. Human sacrifice and sun-worshiping were prevalent, as were adultery and corruption.
The sun crystals were crudely adapted as a means of coercion, torture, and punishment. The common people called the many sun crystals the “terrible crystals.” Gigantic earth changes rocked Atlantis around 9,500 B.C. and Atlantis vanished from the face of the Earth. The explosion was one million times greater than that at Hiroshima.
Those Atlantians serving the Law of One listened to God and the prophets and fled before this catastrophe occurred. They went to Egypt, and they later became known as the Mayans in the Yucatan and as the Iroquois Indians in America. In all these civilizations the influence of Atlantis was felt in the building of pyramids.
All of the secrets of Atlantis are stored in the Hall of Records in the Great Pyramid. These records are mystically protected. Paul Solomon and Edgar Cayce, in their source channeling’s, have said that a great initiate who is now living on the planet, by the name of John of Penial (who is the reincarnation of John the Beloved, the disciple of Christ), will be the great one who will travel to Egypt and release these records.
In the exodus from Atlantis to Egypt they took with them a great spiritual teacher whose name was Thoth. For several thousand years Thoth was incarnated in Egypt, which was a civilization of great spirituality. The pyramids were actually temples of initiation.
Egypt had a great deal of extraterrestrial involvement. The concept of the pyramid comes from other planets. The Egyptian civilization was the blending of consciousness from several other planets.
The United States in now going through a testing period very similar to that of Atlantis fifty thousand years ago. The question is whether our development of science and technology is going to cause us to lose sight of our true reason for being here, which is a more spiritual one.

Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

The story of Creation: Atlantis (Part 1)

Atlantis was in the north Atlantic Ocean. It compared in size to Europe and Russia combined. The eastern seaboard of the United States, then mostly under water, comprised the coastal lowlands of Atlantis, which extended from Mexico as far as the Mediterranean Sea.
At this time Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and many of them were carnivorous. Many of the Atlantians lived in great walled cities to protect themselves from these beasts.
In 52,000 B.C. a council of wise men of the five races was convened to discuss ways to get rid of the dinosaurs. A plan to use super-potent chemical forces to poison the dinosaurs in their lairs was discussed. This plan was implemented and began to work.
A first of a series of three continental Earth change catastrophes occurred as a result of the use of chemicals and explosives to annihilate the dinosaurs. Huge and numerous gas pockets were blown open in the lairs of the animals, which precipitated volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The magnitude of the disturbances was so great that it caused the axis of the Earth to shift., bringing the poles to their present positions and causing the last great ice age.
The continent of Lemuria was completely destroyed but strangely enough, Atlantis was not effected that much in terms of its landmass. Lemuria’s entire continent sank to the bottom of the ocean as a result of the pole shift. Atlantis then became the premiere civilization on the planet. Atlantis was very technologically advanced but much less spiritually advanced, much like the United States is today. As a matter of fact, many of the same souls who lived in Atlantis are reincarnated and living in the United states today.
The great cataclysm destroyed most of the dinosaurs because of the landmass transformation and the change in climate conditions. Atlantis, now being the premiere civilization on the planet, began to thrive. It was during this period that extraterrestrials visited Atlantis and introduced them to advanced crystal technology.
Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

The Story of Creation: Lemuria

Lemuria, or Mu, was a landmass lying in the Pacific Ocean and extending from the United States all the way to South America. The Lemurian stage of existence had to do with the race consciousness learning the lesson of physical attunement. Humanity as a whole progresses in stages, and physical attunement was the key lesson during this period of history.
The Lemurians were very philosophical and spiritual people, much more so than the Atlantians who were much more technologically advanced and focused.

In this period of history great dinosaurs roamed the Earth and because of this the Lemurians, to a great extent, had to live underground. They lived in caves, hiding from the dinosaurs except to hunt for food. They would beautifully and artistically decorate their caves. The Lemurians were rather small, physically: men were five feet tall and women a few inches shorter. The survival rate of children was not very high. They lived on grain, berries and fruit.
Source: The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.


Women, The Conscience of Humanity

When the ancient civilization of Atlantis reached the same point of evolution as ours today, there was little difference between men and women, except for the obvious physical ones. At that stage in their evolution, Atlanteans discovered that sound, like our laser beam technology today could be used for many wonderful healing applications. But on the diabolical side, the so-called Sons of Belial in Atlantis wanted to use this invention for warfare. Like a bullet, sound could be aimed at a man's heart and cause it to explode. Masses could be exterminated at once.
On this issue, a great rift developed between the men and women of the Atlantean scientific community. Curiously, on one side there were a lot of women while on the other, a majority of men with some exceptions. The women maintained that, "Just because we can do something is no reason to say we should do it. Wherein are we, therefore, beholding to ethics or morals of any kind? Wherein is conscience to be found?"
The opposing side, comprised mostly of men, argued that women were getting soft in the head. They were letting sentimentality get in the way of scientific skill. The men than launched a campaign against the women to discredit, belittle and humiliate them. They won their campaign and unfortunately also destroyed their fairly advanced civilization.
Those same masculine-influenced souls have come to occupy earth over the centuries, carrying with them the same antagonism they had left off with in Atlantis. This has created a "macho" civilization where men dominate business, politics and power. This unbalanced masculine dominating ray is primarily associated with the so-called white races on earth and has a tendency to take and dominate matters by force. These souls promote the "might makes right" syndrome. The result is, that the earth again stands at the same threshold as the Atlanteans did before their destruction, on the brink of war.
Read the rest of this article about the balancing feminine ray now on the earth here.


Atlantis Channel

Through Dr. Frank Alper
Originally there was a planet in our galaxy called Atlantis. The planet housed a multiple civilization of highly evolved beings. They were what we think of as spiritual guides or teachers. At one point hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a collision with another planet that was much larger and Atlantis was destroyed. The people who inhabited the planet were aware that this was going to happen so they evacuated the planet before the collision occurred. They searched the galaxy for a planet of similar vibrations and atmosphere. They came to Earth and settled here, where they lived on the surface of the planet. Many remained in ships above the planet.
Atlantis has been resettled several times going back over 90,000 years ago. We have had many expressions of the Atlantean energy on the planet from more than one civilization. The original settlers lived in the continent of Atlantis which eventually sank into the seas, due to polar shifts and earth changes. Many Atlanteans went below the surface of the seas and settled in underwater caverns. The tunnels of Atlantis and another civilization, Lemuria, still exist. Atlanteans had many subterranean tunnels which contained giant fire crystals, which was their main source of power. These were quartz crystals - 20 feet tall X 8 feet in diameter. They set up three crystals in a triangular pattern. They had giant copper rods that conducted the energies from the crystals. This created a grid which acted as an apport - bringing things from higher energy into pure material form. This was accomplished through the magnetic configurations of the crystals.
They used telepathic communication. The large quartz crystals amplified the frequencies and vibrations. The population was approximately seven and a half million people. There was no free will. The souls knew why they were there.
The cities were domed with force fields of energies, set into place containing the vibrations of the atmosphere for the souls to exist. Buildings were tall and large. People lived in communities dwellings in attached homes, as opposed to private home. They were shaped in design based on the use of the building. They were based on geometric construction of the building. The tallest building was about 12-14 stories high. Healing centers were triangular in shape. Most buildings were 2-3 stories high. Elders and Priests might live in single dwellings.
There was a main healing temple that was circular with a 60 foot diameter. The domed ceiling contained dozens of crystals that were not so much used for healing - as Atlanteans had no illness. The building was used to balance their frequencies. Sometimes the crystals were used to raise a person's frequency - just as we use them today. The temple of sound was used to align the body's energy centers (chakras).
The pyramids in Atlantis were three sided. They were made of crystals. They were used as antennas to draw and amplify energies from the universe. There were about 100 of these edifices. They were set up in various triangulation patterns all over the planet. They set a global grid work of magnetic energy dividing the planet into different geographic magnetic centers -for population concentration - and to hold the planet in its orbital path. Most of these pyramids, physically do not exist any more. Those that do exist are buried in different areas. The centers where the pyramids exist energetically draw people to them for magnetic initiation > a total alignment of etheric crystalline centers in the person's bodies. Mount Shasta and Sedona are such areas.
In Atlantis, pregnant women were placed in a chamber for 24 hours where a crystal sent information of a higher frequency to the fetus. Children remained with their parents for the first two years of their lives. They were then taken to a central compound where they lived all together with group mothers who raised the children. All of the children got to play with all of the parents every day. There was no child abuse or feelings of lack of love. At adulthood children did not have guilt to caretake parents.
Psychologically parents and children were far more adjusted then they are today. There were schools where students learned on various levels. Crystals were used to program the minds of students with information. These were large crystals - at least 4 feet long - with a point at one end. When a person was old and the body wore out - they were lie down and go to sleep - never to wake again. That person's soul had peace in its relationship with God and understood that the soul would return. There was no fear of death.
The physical body is nothing more than a manifesting consciousness tool of the soul. It is the vehicle through which the soul expresses. When the soul is finished what it is here to do - and the physical body can no longer serve a purpose for the soul - it is within our capacity to close our eyes and for the soul to leave. There is no reason to have prolonged illness and suffering. That is just part of the soul's fear of leaving.
Biogenetic experiments created many mutant strains which eventually threw the balance off. Many of these beings are written about in mythology - mermaids, cyclops, gargoyles. Atlantis was destroyed because of a tremendous amount of negativity as well as polar shifts.

The Sleeping Prophet

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) became the U.S.'s most prominent advocate of a factual Atlantis. Widely known as The Sleeping Prophet, Cayce claimed the ability to see the future and to communicate with long-dead spirits from the past. He identified hundreds of people -- including himself -- as reincarnated Atlanteans. Cayce said that Atlantis had been situated near the Bermuda island of Bimini. He believed that Atlanteans possessed remarkable technologies, including supremely powerful "fire-crystals" which they harnessed for energy. A disaster in which the fire-crystals went out of control was responsible for Atlantis's sinking, he said, in what sounds very much like a cautionary fable on the dangers of nuclear power. Remaining active beneath the ocean waves, damaged fire-crystals send out energy fields that interfere with passing ships and aircraft - which is how Cayce accounted for the Bermuda Triangle. Cayce prophesied that part of Atlantis would rise again to the surface in "1968 or 1969." It didn't, and no one has yet found hard evidence that it was ever there. With sonar tracing and modern knowledge of plate tectonics, it appears impossible that a mid-Atlantic continent could have once existed. Still, many argue that there must have been an Atlantis, because of the many cultural similarities on either side of the ocean which could not have developed independently, making Atlantis quite literally a "missing link" - the topographical equivalent of Bigfoot. In more ways than one.

Atlantis Theory

Atlantis was governed in peace, was rich in commerce, was advanced in knowledge, and held dominion over the surrounding islands and continents. By Plato's legend, the people of Atlantis became complacent and their leaders arrogant; in punishment the Gods destroyed Atlantis, flooding it and submerging the island in one day and night. Although Plato was the first to use the term "Atlantis," there are antecedents to the legend. There is an Egyptian legend which Solon probably heard while traveling in Egypt, and was passed down to Plato years later. The island nation of Keftiu, home of one of the four pillars that held up the sky, was said to be a glorious advanced civilization which was destroyed and sank beneath the ocean. More significantly, there is another Atlantis-like story that was closer to Plato's world, in terms of time and geography... and it is based in fact. The Minoan Civilization was a great and peaceful culture based on the island of Crete, which reigned as long ago as 2200 B.C. The Minoan island of Santorini, later known as Thera, was home to a huge volcano. In 1470 B.C., it erupted with a force estimated to be greater than Krakatoa, obliterating everything on Santorini's surface. The resulting earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the rest of the Minoan Civilization, whose remnants were easily conquered by Greek forces.
Perhaps Santorini was the "real" Atlantis. Some have argued against this idea, noting Plato specified that Atlantis sank 10,000 years ago, but the Minoan disaster had taken place only 1,000 years earlier. Still, it could be that translation errors over the centuries altered what Plato really wrote, or maybe he was intentionally blurring the historical facts to suit his purposes.
And there exists yet another strong possibility: that Plato entirely made Atlantis up himself. Regardless, his story of the sunken continent went on to captivate the generations that followed. Other Greek thinkers, such as Aristotle and Pliny, disputed the existence of Atlantis, while Plutarch and Herodotus wrote of it as historical fact. Atlantis became entrenched in folklore all around the world, charted on ocean maps and sought by explorers. In 1882, Ignatius Donnelly, a U.S. congressman from Minnesota, brought the legend into the American consciousness with his book, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World.


souls from Atlantis return to modern times

Edgar Cayce, “the Sleeping Prophet,” regarded still as among the most important and valid psychics of all time, spoke often and prophetically about Atlantis – how the drowned capital would “rise again,” not physically, but in the guilty consciousness of modern man. Cayce stated that the souls of Atlanteans killed in the great die-off were reincarnating in our physical world from the end of the 19th through the 20th centuries in far greater numbers than ever before.
“Look at the leaders of today,” he was reported as having said during one of his trance-states toward the end of his life in 1945, “Hitler – Roosevelt – Mussolini – Churchill – Tojo – Stalin: former Atlanteans all!” When asked why these and other souls from Atlantis had chosen to return to modern times, Cayce responded, “Some to prevent the great catastrophe from recurring. Others to ensure that it happens again, only on a far greater scale of destruction. All of them have been pulled back into our era, because our civilisation is beginning to closely resemble theirs. Resonances between the two are creating a shared vibrational frequency that draws them into this epoch like a magnet.”
He went on to explain that the destructive Atlanteans are returning not only out of endemic malice, but because they believe cycles of extinction are necessary for higher species growth, just as fires are sometimes required to promote the development of newer, stronger forests. George Bernard Shaw once sadly observed that “the more we learn from history the more we realise men do not learn from history.” Yet, Atlantis is the supreme object lesson. We fail to learn from its cautionary tale at our peril.
The Atlanteans, in addition to their political and moral corruption, have been accused of so flagrantly exploiting the natural environment to satisfy their insatiable greed – primarily through extensive mining – that Nature rebelled against them in the worst possible way. Added to our crimes as a wayward species is our failure as custodians of the very forces that brought us into being and sustain us.
Read more here:
© Copyright New Dawn Magazine, Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice.

origin of the Atlantis destruction and our own civilization

Originally dedicated to the principles of civil liberty and spiritual virtue, they eventually turned away from those fundamentals that comprised the foundation of their very existence. They embraced selfish materialism and worshipped, no longer the Soul of Nature, but technology, because it, they believed, could fulfil all their hopes and desires, aspirations now sunk to levels of vulgarity, banality, and sensationalism. Since greed feeds upon itself, becoming hungrier the more it consumes, the debased Atlanteans looked beyond their island for additional riches. They invaded and seized the natural wealth of foreign lands, blaming the victims for their own conquest.
Over time, an immense empire, history's first global corporation, stretched from Atlantis far beyond horizons. Puffed up with pride in the supremacy of their armed forces and the economic might of their kingdom, the Atlanteans sought to impose their way of life on the rest of the world – for the benefit of other peoples, but most especially for their own insatiable thirst for power. For many years, Atlantis was the richest, most militarily potent, feared and hated capital on Earth.
As Plato wrote of its citizens, “To those who had an eye to see, the depth of their degeneracy was obvious enough. To the majority, whose judgment was distracted by superficial appearances, however, they appeared, in the pursuit of unbridled self-indulgence and power, to be at the height of their good fortune. But Zeus, the god of gods, who reigns by law, and whose eye can see into such things, when he perceived the deplorable condition of this formerly admirable people, decided to punish them, and reduce them through the terrible agency of his stern justice.”
At the zenith of their political, economic and military magnificence, the Atlanteans precipitated a war in the Eastern Mediterranean. Typically successful at first, their arrogance was humbled by the entirely unexpected humiliation of their armed forces. In the midst of this debacle and mired in the awful consequences of aggression gone terribly wrong, the splendid city of Atlantis was reduced to flaming ruins by a natural catastrophe and dragged with most of its screaming inhabitants to the bottom of the sea. The formerly all-powerful Atlantean Empire utterly collapsed in chaos, followed by a prolonged Dark Age.
In the millennia following these cataclysmic events, Atlantis was not forgotten, but so little of its story endured, most scholars dismissed it as a “myth,” or fable. Surviving generations of humanity had suffered a planetary amnesia, from which we are only just now beginning to recover, as evidence mounts for the one-time existence of the sunken city. But more than archaeological artefacts are resuscitating Atlantis.
As the present condition of our own civilisation begins to more resemble its decline, comparisons are unavoidable. When Plato stated that the Atlanteans were punished by Zeus, “who reigns by law,” he inferred that moral law and natural law are neither separate nor unrelated to each other, but actually component parts of the same universal force that not only permeates the entire universe, but is the stuff of which all existence itself is made. In other words, the Atlanteans had brought about their own destruction through their greed, hubris, and mass-murder masquerading as self-defense, all covered by a gloss of patriotic lies to justify their decadent behaviour.
Remarkably, the moral cause Plato defined as the origin of the Atlantis destruction was likewise cited in literally hundreds of similar flood-accounts preserved by native peoples around the globe.
Read the rest of this article here:
© Copyright New Dawn Magazine, Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice.


revolutionary movement

Here's an overview of some of the concepts that the revolutionary movement starting to take shape throughout the world have learned about, as well as the philosophy that many of the individuals behind this movement have in common:
There is a wide variety of energy currents flowing throughout the Universe — what some of these individuals call "the Force", just like in the Star Wars series — and that people can learn to manipulate it with their minds ("where attention goes, energy flows") as well as through breathing (which is considered by some as the foundation and the key to unleash many of our latent powers), and use it for various purposes, such as healing, replenishing their energy (by breathing more deeply), raising their own frequency, tuning in and perceiving stuff located in higher frequency bands, as well as many other things...
That there is also a huge mission currently underway to try to free the world, wake up humanity and bring to people a deeper understanding of the situation we're in and what's actually going on behind the scenes... According to some reports, many animal species on Earth (such as dolphins) also have a profound hope that humanity will soon wake up and hopefully put an end to all of the cruelty and horror they are inflicting upon other living beings, and upon the Earth itself...
That there are oracles in our world, people who have the ability to relay information from beings in higher dimensions, to guide people, sometimes do remote viewing, and even in some cases allow a being from an higher dimension to speak through them or even temporarily take control of their entire body in order to pass a message... (what is better known as "channeling")
That humanity carries quite an heavy heritage genetically, and that several great civilizations have flourished upon the Earth throughout history (such as Atlantis and Lemuria, among some others that are even more ancient), but that most people are not aware of them at the moment...
That even higher levels of evolution and enlightenment can be attained by purifying ourselves and progressively getting rid of many of the patterns and memories buried within our genetic code, thus having one's energy field progressively grow larger, glowing brighter, and eventually reach deeper states of pure compassion and unconditional love for all living beings... Apparently, the final and ultimate step of evolution in our world is then ascension itself, where a person's body turns into pure energy and gains the ability to move on to the next level, in other words, to disappear entirely from this world and pass on to the next level, in the parallel universe above ours... According to some reports, some humans will probably begin to achieve this huge feat in the next generations to come... 

Read this whole article - Overview of the moment - evolution today


Atlantis and Plato

According to Plato’s works the Critias and the Timaeus:
  • The original Atlantis existed about 11.500 years ago was a huge island-empire stretched out across the ocean we now call the Atlantic.
  • Atlantis was ruled by a king chosen by the Gods.
  • Atlantis was first and foremost a civilization of sea folk and sailors that sailed west and east and had connections with lands on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean; North- and South America and Europe. The knowledge and history of Atlantis reached Egypt where it was kept by the priests of Solon.
  • Atlantis sank into the ocean after an asteroid (son of Helios) hit the earth and caused enormous earthquakes and floods.
  • The cause of this ‘punishment from the gods’ was the spiritual degeneration of the people who had lost their respect for the divine and were falling into materialism and immorality.
Plato is known to be one of the greatest philosophers ever to have lived yet his account of Atlantis is rarely taken seriously and mostly seen as nothing more than myth. His pupil Aristotle not initiated in the mysteries or ideology of Plato later dismissed the Atlantis story as utopia fantasy.
Early Christianity saw Aristotle as greater than Plato and had no use for the accounts of Atlantis, for Christianity the mere fact of a civilization existing so many years ago was preposterous and in conflict with the story of creation found in the Bible.
The church no longer dominates history like it used to and Christianity is finding it harder and harder to defend itself against the searching mind, hence the return of Plato’s accounts of Atlantis and early civilization to the public.
These days a lot of research has been done about ‘pre-historic’ civilization and human evolution especially in the esoteric philosophy and Atlantis is rising, not back to the surface of the Atlantic ocean but back to the surface of world history.



Not all of the Atlantians descended into the depths of the occult, into the black arts. Not all of the high knowledge and sophistication was destroyed during the downfall. In it's last fase of existance Atlantis sent out messengers to the far reaches of the known world, with them they carried the fragments of knowledge and wisdom with which to build the foundations of later great civilizations.

the seperation

There was a foreboding in their countenance that displeased us and the earth itself trembled as they walked upon it. There was no longer respect in their voices or the shining forth of the divine in their wake. The earth was starting upon its decline and the first tremor of pain was felt by all. We sought council with the ancient mother and learned that doom was in the minds of all. A new power had been unfolding from the far reaches of their minds.
This anguish was before unheard of in the land and we inhabitants were disappointed and confused by it. They wished no longer to merge with the masculine; they split themselves apart from us. They wanted to stay and hence return into the earth and take all of our creation with them.
I reached out to Atlantis but the earth spoke against it and the ocean was mad with a fury. So I stood on the shores and wept as I gazed out to where my brethren live and where the mighty kingdoms lye. I had never known sorrow or separation before and it scarred a deep scar on my soul. The very earth was torn by the madness and the new violence, the almighty sun itself left our faces as we fled.

Atlantis and Lemuria

by Celia Fenn
And so, in the beginning, as it were, there was this one great continent that was called "Mu" or the mother. And, the beings who first lived on the planet lived in the Oceans, they were the Ancient Ones, the Ancestors, and these are the family of those that you call Cetaceans and that live in your Oceans even today.
But, now, as human life emerged and was created on the land grids, there became a need for different kinds of experience and different kinds of being. And so, within the land mass itself arose a stirring for "separation". Not as a bad thing, there was no moral judgment as there is now, only a need to explore and adventure within the self through this process of separation.
And, so the first continents arose, and that which was One, became Many. And it was good.
And, different forms of life were seeded, and different kinds of experience and understanding. And it was good.
There were many cycles of change and alteration as the Earth's land masses drifted apart and away and swirled and formed into new expressions of experience.
And among these was the creation of two great civilizations, known as Lemuria, in rememberance of the original mother, Mu, and Atlantis. Now Atlantis was a very energetic and active place, there was much experimentation and exploring and a busy spiritual life. And it was good.
And Lemuria, that place lived on the original pattern of the old mother, and life there was very feminine and very soft and very loving. And it was good.
You might say that Atlantis expressed the masculine energy and Lemuria the feminine energy. And it was good.
But then, as human life advanced and worked more and more in co-operation with the Oceanic cetaceans and Celestial intelligences, it was decided that, at the time of renewal and rebirth, the Elohim creators would incarnate into the human and cetacean races, and together with humans, they would create the necessary grids and structures that would renew and rebirth the planet. There was great excitement at the great challenge, for it was the first time that this had been attempted, and so they did not know what to expect.
And so it was, that they were not completely ready. They were not strong enough within their own souls and hearts, and at a crucial moment their intention faltered and the new grid split and fractured. And the result was great on the material planes. The Earth's magnetic poles fluctuated wildly and the Earth herself convulsed and her land masses tore apart and moved rapidly.
And so, the modern world was born into this trauma. So, the great continent called Atlantis disappeared beneath the snow and ice, and became the Southern land of Antarctica. The great land of Lemuria, now known as Gondwana, fractured and split and so were created India, Australia, South America, and some of the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii.
And, after the Earth returned to "normal", there was great trauma in the Collective Psyche around the idea of "separation" and "split", and a great need for healing. And so it was, that the wise and ancient keepers of the planet decided that they would allow a whole cycle of time in which those who lived on the planet might heal their trauma by coming to experience the healing grace of Unconditional Love.
This could only be done over time, as the trauma had been great. It required many thousands of years and many teachers of Light and Love, to bring the Earth Collective Consciousness to a point where it could once again accept the great Love that underlies all things.
So it is, dearest one, that this is where you find yourselves right now. You are messengers and teachers who will awaken in the Collective Psyche the memories of what once was, and what will be again.
© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global


I am the new yet formed from years long forgotten. Before the flooding and the breaking of the earth I roamed the lands known as Lemuria and danced in the cosmic rays, I bathed in the divine lunar and created those beings that brought forth the light and took the forests and rivers as their home. This was the land of my dreams; the inhabitants were much loved by me and also by those that traveled after me from our great home Atlantis. I wandered through many lands and I saw the dawn of the rising stars.
The divine feminine was strong in the land and the creative forces were concentrated on all that which grows from the earth, all that springs forth and is born of the sacred mother. I never knew such bliss as wandering through the gardens and forests beside those creatures of the earth in Lemuria.
We walked side by side on the shores of the great land and sung to those cetaceans of the ocean. Ancient songs of past and future communion and we brought forth even more life and the new earth with it. We felt the rising of Atlantis in the weather and we knew that they had grown stronger than ever and we were glad because they were wise and powerful in connection with the heavens and the stars and the infinite source. We wished only for the sun and the moon and the earth and the ocean. Our minds were growing on a different plane, we stayed close to the mother but we were glad.


Quest for the lost civilization

Awe inspiring and enigmatic, the sacred sites and holy places of ancient man have stood mute for millennia - their secrets seemingly vanished with the civilisations that built them. Yet what mysteries would they reveal if they could speak? Is there something that connects these sites - a hidden key that will once and for all disclose the riddles of our past? What is the startling archaic connection entwining the sacred places of our world?
Evading the interpretation of generations of historians and archaeologists the true cryptic nature and purpose of these sacred centres has lain in waiting - secreted in myth and legend and encoded in the very design of the sites themselves ...
Until now.
In this breathtaking work of archaeological and mythical detection, we trace the ancient web of sacred sites around the globe on a spectacular voyage, from the temples of ancient Egypt to the enigmatic statues of Easter Island, from the haunting ruins of pre-Columbian America to the splendours of Cambodia's ancient capital, Angkor - in order to crack the code of our ancient ancestors.
It is a plunge into the spirituality of the ancients - a search for the revelation of a secret ...
... a secret written in the language of astronomy, and recorded in the very foundations of the holy sites of ancient man ... ... a secret which speaks of a mysterious connection between earth and heaven ... ... a secret which turns temples into stars and men into gods ... This documentary is split into three parts:
I recommend these video's. Lots of history, mythology, astrology and anthropology, also connections to 2012 and other remarkable dates.


Pythagoras and Synthesis

Pythagoras is the first experiment in creating a synthesis. Twenty-five centuries have passed since then and nobody else has tried it again. Nobody else before had done it, and nobody else has done it afterwards either. It needs a mind which is both -- scientific and mystic. It is a rare phenomenon. It happens once in a while.
There have been great mystics -- Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra. And there have been great scientists -- Newton, Edison, Einstein. But to find a man who is at home with both worlds, easily at home, is very difficult. Pythagoras is that kind of man -- a class unto himself. He cannot be categorized by anybody else.
The synthesis that he tried was needed, particularly in his days, as it is needed today -- because the world is again at the same point. The world moves in a wheel. The Sanskrit word for "the world" is samsara. Samsara means the wheel. The wheel is big: one circle is completed in twenty-five centuries. Twenty-five centuries before Pythagoras, Atlantis committed suicide -- out of man's own scientific growth. But without wisdom, scientific growth is dangerous. It is putting a sword in the hands of a child.
Now twenty-five centuries have passed since Pythagoras. Again the world is in a chaos. Again the wheel has come to the same point -- it always comes to the same point. It takes twenty-five centuries for this moment to happen. After each twenty-five centuries the world comes into a state of great chaos.
Man becomes uprooted, starts feeling meaningless. All the values of life disappear. A great darkness surrounds. Sense of direction is lost. One simply feels accidental. There seems to be no purpose, no significance. Life seems to be just a by-product of chance. It seems existence does not care for you. It seems there is no life after death. It seems whatsoever you do is futile, routine, mechanical. All seems to be pointless.
These times of chaos, disorder, can either be a great curse, as it happened in Atlantis, or they can prove a quantum leap in human growth. It depends on how we use them. It is only in such great times of chaos that great stars are born.
Pythagoras was not alone. In Greece, Pythagoras and Heraclitus were born. In India, Buddha and Mahavira and many others. In China, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, Lieh Tzu, and many more. In Iran, Zarathustra. In the brahmin tradition, many great upanishadic seers. In the world of Judaism, Moses.... All these people, these great Masters were born at a certain stage in human history -- twenty-five centuries ago.
Now we are again in a great chaos, and man's fate will depend on what we do. Either we will destroy ourselves like the civilization that destroyed itself in Atlantis -- the whole world will become a Hiroshima; we will be drowned in our own knowledge; in our own science we will commit suicide, a collective suicide. A few, a Noah and a few of his followers, may be saved, or may not be.... Or, there is a possibility that we can take a quantum leap.
Either man can commit suicide, or man can be reborn. Both doors are open.
If such times can create people like Heraclitus and Lao Tzu and Zarathustra and Pythagoras and Buddha and Confucius, why can they not create a great humanity? They can. But we go on missing the opportunity.
The ordinary masses live in such unconsciousness that they can't see even a few steps ahead. They are blind. And they are the majority! The coming twenty-five years, the last part of this century, is going to be of immense value. If we can create a great momentum in the world for meditation, for the inward journey, for tranquillity, for stillness, for love, for God... if we can create a space in these coming twenty-five years for God to happen to many many people, humanity will have a new birth, a resurrection. A new man will be born.
And once you miss these times, then for twenty-five centuries again you will remain the same. A few people will achieve enlightenment, but it will remain only for a few people. Here and there, once in a while, a person will become alert and aware and divine. But the greater part of humanity goes on lagging behind -- in darkness, in utter darkness, in absolute misery. The greater part of humanity goes on living in hell.
But these moments when chaos spreads and man loses his roots in the past, becomes unhinged from the past, are great moments. If we can learn something from the past, if we can learn something from Pythagoras.... People could not use Pythagoras and his understanding, they could not use his great synthesis, and they could not use the doors that he had made available. A single individual had done something immense, something impossible, but it was not used.
Pythagoras, Atlantis, and the Greatest Luxury
Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Volume 1, Number 1
Synthesis - West vs East


West vs East

The West represents the male mind, aggressive intellect. The East represents the female mind, receptive intuition. East and West are not just arbitrary -- the division is very significant and profound.
And you should not forget Rudyard Kipling: what he said has significance, has meaning. He says East and West shall never meet. There is a fragment of truth in it, because the meeting seems to be impossible; the ways of their working are so diametrically opposite.
The West is aggressive, scientific, and ready to conquer nature. The East is non-aggressive, receptive -- ready to be conquered by nature. The West is eager to know. The East is patient. The West takes every initiative to reach into the mysteries of life and existence; it tries to unlock the doors. And the East simply waits in profound trust: "Whenever I am worthy, the truth will be revealed to me."
The West is concentration of the mind: the East is meditation of the mind. The West is thinking: the East is non-thinking. The West is mind: the East is no-mind. And Kipling seems to be logically right, that it seems impossible that East and West could ever meet.
And "the East and the West" does not only represent the earth being divided in two hemispheres: it represents your mind too, your brain too. Your brain is also divided in two hemispheres just like the earth. Your brain has an East in it and a West in it. The left-side hemisphere of your brain is the West; it is connected with the right hand. And the right-side hemisphere of your brain is the East; it is connected with the left hand.
The West is rightist. The East is leftist. And the processes of both are so different.... The left hemisphere of your mind calculates, thinks, and is logical. All science is produced by it. And the right hemisphere of your brain is a poet, is a mystic. It intuits, it feels. It is vague, cloudy, and misty. Nothing is clear. Everything is a kind of chaos, but that chaos has its beauty. There is great poetry in that chaos; there is great song in that chaos. It is very juicy.
The calculative mind is a desert-like phenomenon. And the non-calculative mind is a garden. Birds sing there and flowers bloom... it is a totally different world.
Pythagoras was the first man to try the impossible, and he succeeded! In him, East and West became one. In him, yin and yang became one. In him, male and female became one. He was an ardhanarishwar -- a total unity of the polar opposites. Shiva and Shakti together: intellect of the highest caliber and intuition of the deepest caliber. Pythagoras is a peak, a sunlit peak, and a deep, dark valley too. It is a very rare combination.
Pythagoras, Atlantis, and the Greatest Luxury
Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Volume 1, Number 1



Pythagoras represents the eternal Pilgrim for philosophia perennis -- the perennial philosophy of life. He is a seeker of truth par excellence. He staked all that he had for the search. He traveled far and wide, almost the whole known world of those days, in search of the Masters, of the mystery schools, of any hidden secrets. From Greece he went to Egypt -- in search of the lost Atlantis and its secrets.
In Egypt, the great library of Alexandria was still intact. It had all the secrets of the past preserved. It was the greatest library that has ever existed on the earth; later on it was destroyed by a Mohammedan fanatic. The library was so big that when it was burnt, for six months the fire continued.
Just twenty-five centuries before Pythagoras, a great continent, Atlantis, had disappeared into the ocean. The ocean that is called Atlantic is so called because of that continent, Atlantis.
Atlantis was the ancientmost continent of the earth, and civilization had reached the highest possible peaks. But whenever a civilization reaches a great peak there is a danger: the danger of falling apart, the danger of committing suicide.
Humanity is facing that same danger again. When man becomes powerful, he does not know what to do with that power. When the power is too much and the understanding is too little, power has always proved dangerous. Atlantis was not drowned in the ocean by any natural calamity. It was actually the same thing that is happening today: it was man's own power over nature. It was through atomic energy that Atlantis was drowned -- it was man's own suicide. But all the scriptures and all the secrets of Atlantis were still preserved in Alexandria.
All over the world there are parables, stories, about the great flood.
Those stories have come from the drowning of Atlantis. All those stories -- Christian, Jewish, Hindu -- they all talk about a great flood that had come once in the past and had destroyed almost the whole civilization. Just a few initiates, adepts, had survived. Noah is an adept; a great Master, and Noah's ark is just a symbol.
A few people escaped the calamity. With them, all the secrets that the civilization had attained survived. They were preserved in Alexandria.
Pythagoras lived in Alexandria for years. He studied, he was initiated into the mystery schools of Egypt -- particularly the mysteries of Hermes. Then he came to India, was initiated into all that the brahmins of this ancient land had discovered, all that India had known in the inner world of man.
For years he was in India, then he traveled to Tibet and then to China. That was the whole known world. His whole life he was a seeker, a pilgrim, in search of a philosophy -- philosophy in the true sense of the word: love for wisdom. He was a lover, a philosopher -- not in the modern sense of the word but in the old, ancient sense of the word. Because a lover cannot only speculate, a lover cannot only think about truth: a lover has to search, risk, adventure.
Truth is the beloved. How can you go on only thinking about it? You have to be connected with the beloved through the heart. The search cannot be only intellectual; it has to be deep down intuitive. Maybe the beginning has to be intellectual, but only the beginning. Just the starting point has to be intellectual, but finally it has to reach the very core of your being.
He was one of the most generous of men, most liberal, democratic, unprejudiced, open. He was respected all over the world. From Greece to China he was revered. He was accepted in every mystic school; with great joy he was welcomed everywhere. His name was known in all the lands. Wherever he went he was received with great rejoicing.
Even though he had become enlightened, he still continued to reach into hidden secrets, he still continued to ask to be initiated into new schools. He was trying to create a synthesis; he was trying to know the truth through as many possibilities as is humanly possible. He wanted to know truth in all its aspects, in all its dimensions.
He was always ready to bow down to a Master. He himself was an enlightened man -- it is very rare. Once you have become enlightened, the search stops, the seeking disappears. There is no point.
Buddha became enlightened... then he never went to any other Master. Jesus became enlightened... then he never went to any other Master. Or Lao Tzu, or Zarathustra, or Moses.... Hence Pythagoras is something unique. No parallel has ever existed. Even after becoming enlightened, he was ready to become a disciple to anybody who was there to reveal some aspect of truth.
His search was such that he was ready to learn from anybody. He was an absolute disciple. He was ready to learn from the whole existence. He remained open, and he remained a learner to the very end.
The whole effort was... and it was a great effort in those days, to travel from Greece to China. It was full of dangers. The journey was hazardous; it was not easy as it is today. Today things are so easy that you can take your breakfast in New York and your lunch in London, and you can suffer indigestion in Poona. Things are very simple. In those days it was not so simple. It was really a risk; to move from one country to another country took years.
By the time Pythagoras came back, he was a very old man. But seekers gathered around him; a great school was born. And, as it always happens, the society started persecuting him and his school and his disciples. His whole life he searched for the perennial philosophy, and he had found it! He had gathered all the fragments into a tremendous harmony, into a great unity. But he was not allowed to work it out in detail -- to teach people he was not allowed.
He was persecuted from one place to another. Many attempts were made on his life. It was almost impossible for him to teach all that he had gathered. And his treasure was immense -- in fact, nobody else has ever had such a treasure as he had. But this is how foolish humanity is, and has always been. This man had done something impossible: he had bridged East and West. He was the first bridge. He had come to know the Eastern mind as deeply as the Western mind.
He was a Greek. He was brought up with the Greek logic, with the Greek scientific approach, and then he moved to the East. And then he learnt the ways of intuition. Then he learnt how to be a mystic. He himself was a great mathematician in his own right. And a mathematician becoming a mystic is a revolution, because these are poles apart.
Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Volume 1, Number 1